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CAREERS INFORMATION & GUIDANCE. INFORMATION PACK YEAR 13 ‘to ensure our learners become effective decision-makers’. POSSIBLE PROGRESSION ROUTES POST – 17/18 (1).
CAREERS INFORMATION & GUIDANCE INFORMATION PACK YEAR 13 ‘to ensure our learners become effective decision-makers’
POSSIBLE PROGRESSION ROUTES POST – 17/18 (1) • TRAINING e.g. TRAINING FOR SUCCESS Programme delivered by the Southern Regional College and student gains a Vocational Qualification in a specific area of work. www.src.ac.uk • FINDING EMPLOYMENT – Local Labour Market Information available on Careers Service website: www.careerserviceonline.com; www.newrycareers.com ( Site dedicated to Career opportunities in the Newry & Mourne area – particularly looking at alternative career progression other than Higher Education after A Levels) Note: Local Firms in Financial Services sector experiencing shortage of locally skilled labour and very keen to recruit– Autoline Direct; FPM; Abbey National ( Santander)
POSSIBLE PROGRESSION ROUTES POST – 17/18 (2) • FURTHER EDUCTION – Visit www.src.ac.uk. The Southern Regional College offers an extensive programme of Further Education qualifications through the BTEC Higher National Certificate and Diploma Programmes. These are fully accredited programmes and offer full progression to the final honours degree programme with the University Of Ulster.
POSSIBLE PROGRESSION ROUTES POST 17 / 18 (3) • TAKING A GAP YEAR: This option has become increasingly more popular with students, and indeed universities welcome students who take a year out after their post-16 Curriculum to take the opportunity to engage in the World Of Work, Travelling and more significantly developing their personal, interpersonal and work related skills. • Links : www.gap-year.com • www.yearoutgroup.org
POSSIBLE PROGRESSION ROUTES POST 18 (3) • HIGHER EDUCATION: This is third level education and the main systems available to the student include: UCAS ( United Kingdom); CAO (Republic of Ireland); St.Mary’s University College ( Teaching) and other Independent Art/ Drama/Music Colleges. • Students choose to study a Bachelor Degree – the type and level of which is up to the student.
A Question of Which Degree ???? • Foundation Degree – is an innovative degree course, which focuses on developing the work related skills that employers require. It is developed in partnership with employers and a university and is delivered in an FE College – Newry Institute. It can be taken PT or FT(2 years) and includes work experience. • This is a qualification in its own right, but graduates may then ‘top-up’ to a relevant honours degree course.
Types of Degree cont’d • SINGLE HONOURS – You will graduate in one subject. In 2nd and 3rd year you will be able to choose subject options depending on your special interests. • JOINT HONOURS – involves the study of 2 subjects. In some cases the subjects may be related eg Maths & Physics, but can also be quite different.
Types of Degree cont’d • COMBINED HONOURS – involves 2 or 3 subjects, each of which is studied equally within the framework of the same faculty. • MAJOR / MINOR HONOURS – you choose 2 subjects to study, one of which is studied over a longer period than the other. • SANDWICH – these involve alternative periods of study and work related experience over 4 years with employability prospects !!
THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEMMore detail • The following set of slides look specifically at the entry tariff points for the UCAS and CAO systems. • It is important to note that the student MUST BE studying 4 A-Levels to apply to the Republic of Ireland as they allocate less tariff points to our A Levels than UCAS; Furthermore they currently do not accept any Vocational A Levels that is now a statutory part of our post-16 N Ireland Curriculum. All Lower Sixth students from Sept 2010 will carry four A/s subjects in the Abbey.
A/S LEVELS Note : the points for A/S can only be included if the 4th subject has been left behind at A/S and not carried through to A/2. A Student cannot add the points for the subject at A/S with the points for the same subject at A/2. • UCAS POINTS • A 60 • B 50 • C 40 • D 30 • E 20
A/2 LEVEL • UCAS POINTS • A* 140 ( Please note – CAO will • A 120 take A* into account in • B 100 Sept 2010; Cambridge • C 80 Univ also; the other UK • D 60 institutions will take it • E 40 on board from Sept 2011)
BTEC National Certificates / Awards/Diplomas • The Abbey offers Construction as a BTEC National Award ( Equivalent of one full A-Level); Engineering BTEC National Award ( from Sept 2010 ( SRC) • DISTINCTION = A = 120 POINTS • MERIT = C = 80 POINTS • PASS = E = 40 POINTS
CAO TARIFF SYSTEM (1) • To matriculate, students completing GCSE and GCE exams must obtain a pass in at least 6 recognised subjects in accordance with programme requirements; • Only GCE grades awarded at same date can be considered; • Applied Subjects e.g Engineering or Construction are currently NOT Taken into account for matriculation or entry in CAO.
CAO TARIFF SYSTEM (2) • A maximum of 4 different recognised subjects may be considered for scoring purposes; • A/S grades will only be accepted for in the year preceding the grades in the A2 subjects
CAO – SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS • Where a leaving Cert grade of Ordinary B3 is required = this translates to a minimum requirement of Grade B at GCSE; • Where a Leaving Cert grade of Higher C1/C2/C3 is required = minimum requirement is Grade C at GCE A level • Where a Leaving Cert grade of Higher B1/B2/B3 is required = minimum requirement is Grade B at GCE A Level
CAO TARIFF POINTS • GRADE A2 LEVEL A/S LEVEL • A* 150 • A 135 65 • B 120 60 • C 100 50 • D 75 35 • E 40 20
IMPORTANT NOTES : • The CAO System is a LOTTERY Selection System- the applicant applies with No Personal Statement – puts course choices in preference order and based on academic performance in August of 7th Year the A2 grades are put into their system and random selection applied for places. • It costs 40 Euro to apply to CAO and this takes place in school in October / November of 7th Year. All applications take place online so students MUST have access to a Debit/Credit Card to pay for their application. • It is not compulsory for all students to apply through this system – but obviously with a registration fee of approximately 2000 euro in comparison to full Tuition Fees in the UK of £3,300 ( approx) – this is an attractive option.
A/2 LEVELS • It is vitally important that Year 13 students look carefully at courses over the next two terms in school and be confident that they are carrying the right subjects for the entry requirements for University Courses. • Also , they need to be realistic in choosing courses that they are able to attain the entry grades for. Target-Setting in March after the first set of module results should be an indicator of what grades they should be aiming for.
UNIVERSITY PRE-ENTRANCE EXAMS • There are a number of Pre-Entrance Exams NOW in the application system for Higher Education: • UKCat – Medicine; Dentistry ( Queens Belfast) • Bmat – Medicine; Dentistry ( small no. of Universities) • Lnat – Law Schools • Hpat – Health & Life Science courses including Physiotherapy; Speech & Language Therapy etc..
UNIVERSITY PRE-ENTRANCE EXAMS Cont’d • These exams are carried out in the most instances externally from school – Students are expected to register themselves and will be subject to an examination fee. • The scores in these exams are important for selection purposes; and students are advised to start this process from the month of June immediately after they complete their Summer modules. • The web addresses to register and find out more information are available below:
Website Addresses for Pre-Entrance Exams • www.lnat.ac.uk • www.hpat.co.uk • www.ukcat.ac.uk • Please Note : It is the student’s responsibility to research if they need these pre-entrance exams prior to applying to University – and to practise the mock questions online) • We would strongly advise that students sit these pre-entrance exams over the summer holidays prior to their return to school – so they can focus on them. But NOTE: students’ have only one opportunity to sit the exam in any one cycle. They cannot do it over the summer, perform less than satisfactorily and then try to sit it again in Sept/Oct/Nov.
Special Advice – Medicine /Dentistry – Queens Belfast • Medicine and Dentistry are extremely difficult courses to get into in Queens. • The First criteria for being made a conditional offer on application is outlined as follows: • The best of 9 GCSE’s – whereby an A* equates to 4points; an A grade to 3 points For eg – The highest attainment at 9 A*s = 36 points. • Please note: QUB will offer on 36pts plus, hold applications on 35 or 34 points to august results and often negotiate directly with an applicant at this point.
GCSEs & UKCat – Medicine & Dentistry • The UKCAT Test score is added to the GCSE points profile. There are 4 sections on the test and the average score is 600. Where the student scores higher than 600 they receive +1 point and where below –1 point. Therefore the maximum that can be gained is =4 points or the minimum – 4 points ( then deducted form the GCSE score). • The Minimum score that Queens have given conditional offers out to students in the 2010 cycle is 36 points. • Note – contact Admissions of other Universities to assess exact selection criteria for GCSE profiles.
VETERINARY MEDICINE • Veterinary Medicine / Science – is the most difficult course to get into at Third Level; • Students need to research the courses available in the UK and gain full awareness of the extent of Work Experience needed to apply. • Experience of small and large animal placements for several weeks of the year are strongly advisable, including both farm and veterinary practice experience.
THE UCAS APPLICATION SYSTEM (1) • Please See attached Document on the breakdown of our School procedures for the Application System. • Students are required to work on their Personal Statements before returning to school in September of 7th Form. • Reference work will commence in school in late February of 6th Form between the student and the Form Teacher. If the student does not complete the necessary work for the Form Teacher the reference work will hold up the student’s application.
THE UCAS APPLICATION SYSTEM (2) • All applications to UCAS will be completed in School by November of 7th Form. • Medicine, Dentistry, Vet Science and Oxford /Cambridge applications must be with UCAS by the 15th October at the latest. This means the student must return to school in September with their Personal Statement completed and course choices finalised. The form must be completed by the end of September to ensure that we get it sent online on time to UCAS. • The student completes the form online and pays at home by debit/credit card. Currently £19. • Up to 5 courses can be listed – but do not go in any preference order.
THE UCAS APPLICATION SYSTEM (3) • PERSONAL STATEMENTS: There is a wealth of guidance material available in school on designing personal statements and examples of good statements. It is up to individual students to make use of this material. All Materials are available in the Study Hall, Careers dept and on the schools VLE www.abbeycbs.org/moodle/ • All sixth form students will use this environment to complete their Careers work in class and build up a profile of work for their statement. ( See attached doc on breakdown of Careers programme)
THE UCAS APPLICATION SYSTEM (4) PERSONAL STATEMENTS • The Structure should be as follows: • Paragraph 1 – Writing about your course choices ( must be linked to A level study) • Paragraph 2 – Writing about your Work Experience • Paragraph 3 – Writing about your school experience • Paragraph 4 – Writing about interests/hobbies/voluntary work outside of school • Final Paragraph – Linking back to why you should be chosen for courses applied for. • ( Please see blue sheet attached)
FINALLY – WORK EXPERIENCE • WORK EXPERIENCE is a crucial element in the application to Higher Education. • Students need to take this very seriously and will be expected to link their learning experience from it to their course choices in 7th Form. • If a student feels that they have insufficient work experience at this point or would like additional experience, they are strongly advised to organise this over their summer holidays.