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Electrochemical Impulse Aka: An Action Potential

Electrochemical Impulse Aka: An Action Potential. By: Rita Kumar. Discovery of electrochemical impulses. Luigi Galvani. K.S. Cole. Julius Bernstein. Sodium Potassium Pump. Steps in an Electrotonic Potential.

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Electrochemical Impulse Aka: An Action Potential

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  1. Electrochemical ImpulseAka: An Action Potential By: Rita Kumar

  2. Discovery of electrochemical impulses Luigi Galvani K.S. Cole Julius Bernstein

  3. Sodium Potassium Pump

  4. Steps in an Electrotonic Potential • There are voltage gated ion channels for sodium and channels for potassium ions. • A stimulus forces a Na+ channel open. • Sodium ions flow into the cell • The voltage across the membrane will increase • When the voltage reaches its threshold potential, other voltage gated ion channels are stimulated, and they open as well • Electrotonic potentials faster than action potentials. • The effect of electrotonic potential decrements the further down the cell you go.

  5. Steps in an Action Potential

  6. Saltatory Conduction • Saltatory conduction is facilitated by the myelin sheath. • Rather than having an action potential travel all the way down the axon, it “jumps” from node to node. • Much faster than action potential across an unmyelinated nerve. • Factors affecting saltatory conduction: • Neuron size: Bigger neuron, faster conduction

  7. Function of Intracellular Structures in Saltatory Conduction

  8. What Does It Do For the Body? • The purpose of electrochemical impulse is to pass a stimulus-generated impulse down the neural axon to a receptor, be it another neuron or a muscle. • The passing of electrochemical impulses allows for organisms to recall, feel, think, emote, hear, see, etc. • Without proper nerve conduction, diseases such as multiple sclerosis may occur.

  9. Works Cited List • "Electrotonic and Action Potentials." YouTube. 11 Feb. 2010. Web. 22 Jul 2013. • “Sodium Potassium Pump." YouTube, 11 Feb. 2010. Web. 22 Jul 2013. • "What Is the Saltatory Conduction?" wiseGeek. n.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jul 2013 • "Electrotonic and Action Potentials." Khancademy. Salman Khan, n.d. Web. 22 Jul 2013. • “Electrochemical Impulse.” N.p., n.d.22 Jul 2013. http://members.shaw.ca/ciwalker2/Electrochemical%20Impulse.pdf • “Kenneth Stewart Cole.” Wikipedia. N.p., n.d.Web. 22 Jul 2013 • “Luigi Galvani (1737 - 1798).” Battery Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jul 2013. • “The Nervous System.” Anatomy Student Pages. Brown, Seth and Keogh, Mackenzie, n.d.Web. 22 Jul 2013. • “Schwann Cell.” Encyclopaedia Brittanica. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jul 2013. • “Recognizing Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms”. WebMD. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jul 2013

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