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The Green Budget. The Economic Outlook. January 2005 Professor David Miles +44 20 7425 1820 david.miles@morganstanley.com.
The Green Budget The Economic Outlook January 2005 Professor David Miles +44 20 7425 1820 david.miles@morganstanley.com Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision.
The Economic Outlook • The UK economy has been unusually stable in recent years. But there is no strong evidence that there has been an increase in the sustainable long-term growth rate of the economy. • The Treasury believes that the sustainable ‘trend’ growth rate of the economy is 2.75% a year, falling to 2.5% in 2007. This looks plausible. • But our analysis suggests that there is little or no spare capacity in the economy – this is important for estimating when the cycle ends and for near term growth prospects . • We think growth will be somewhat weaker than the Treasury forecast in the short term, but its longer-term projections look plausible. • But there is the risk of a more dramatic slowdown if the household sector decides to sharply increase its saving rate from the current low level.
Economic growth less variable than in the past Source: ONS
Inflation has been low and stable since the mid 1990’s Source: ONS
Annual growth and inflation by decade a Standard deviation of the year-on-year percentage change using quarterly data. b Real GDP per resident population; 2004 is a Morgan Stanley estimate. Other indicators are year-to-date. Sources: ONS, Morgan Stanley research
UK per capita output catches up with its European peers a West Germany through 1990. Source: OECD, Constant 1995 prices and PPP, Morgan Stanley Research Estimates
Cycles, Capacity and Trend Rate of Growth • Where we are in the business cycle and what future cycles and trend growth look like is crucial in assessing the fiscal outlook. • We look at a range of evidence on the issues. • Simple statistical techniques suggest no spare capacity. • Looking at the capital stock and conditions in the labour market gives a similar picture. • The evidence for a sustainable improvement in the rate of growth of the economy over the medium term looks thin.
Hodrick-Prescott measures of spare capacity Source: ONS and Morgan Stanley Research
Hodrick-Prescott and Christiano-Fitzgerald (CF) measures of spare capacity Source: ONS and Morgan Stanley Research
Method Q1 2004 (% GDP) Q2 2004 (% GDP) Q3 2004 (% GDP) HP filter ( λ= 1600) 0.0 0.3 0.1 HP filter ( λ= 3600) - 0.2 0.1 - 0.1 HP filter ( λ= 100) 0.2 0.4 0.1 CF filter 0.8 1.0 1.0 Linear trend 1.2 1.5 1.3 a HM Treasury - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 Alternative estimates of spare capacity Source: HM Treasury, Statistics Office. Morgan Stanley Research. Note: The linear trend is estimated via Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Note: negative numbers imply spare capacity; positive numbers imply output is above trend a % of potential output
Employment and unemployment headcounts (million) Source: ONS, DataStream Notes: UK LFS employment, unemployment levels in million, headcount.
Employment and participation rates (%) Note: Percentage of working age population. Sources: HM Treasury and ONS. Source: Labour Force Survey, ONS, DataStream. Participation rate: percentage of working-age population who are economically active.
Ratio of output to the stock of capital Source: ONS. Morgan Stanley Research Note: net of residential housing
Net national saving rate as % GDP Sources: ONS and DataStream
MS Benchmark case HM Treasury (HP lambda=1600) CF Band pass Filter 1986H1 - 97H1 2.55 2.44 2.50 1997H2 - 01Q3 3.06 2.98 3.02 2001Q4 - 06Q4 2.75 2.55 1.90 - 2.10 2007Q1 - 09Q4 2.50 2.55 2.45 Treasury and Morgan Stanley trend growth estimates Source: ONS and Morgan Stanley Research
Treasury forecasts for key economic variables Sources: HM Treasury 2004 Pre-Budget Report (December 2004)
The Economic Outlook • The near term forecast of HMT depends upon fairly strong growth in exports and no very significant slowdown in consumer spending growth. • There are obvious risks to that forecast – and in terms of overall demand the risks are probably more on the down side. • Conditions in the housing market and a starting point with very low household saving suggest slower consumer growth is likely. • Morgan Stanley expects slower growth in the global economy and with sterling probably overvalued a sharp rise in exports this year looks unlikely.
Income to house price ratios relatively high Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Mortgage payments still relatively affordable Source: Bank of England, ONS and Morgan Stanley Research Note: interest payments plus mortgage principal payments as % post tax household income.
House prices and the saving ratio Source: Bank of England, ONS and Morgan Stanley Research
UK trade balance and the real effective exchange rate Sources: ONS, IMF
Slowing world trade growth Source: IMF, Morgan Stanley Research Estimates
Year-on-year (%) 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7 2007-8 2008-9 2009-10 Real GDP 2.75 2.9 2.1 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 Real HouseholdExpenditure 2.6 2.6 1.9 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.3 Consumer prices 1.3 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 GDP deflator 2.8 2.0 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 Money GDP(£ billion) 1116 1170 1222 1290 1358 1430 1506 Morgan Stanley forecasts – central case Sources: Morgan Stanley Research estimates
20 Whole economy gross saving 18 rate 16 National net 14 saving rate 12 % 10 H/H saving ratio ` 8 6 H/H saving 4 ratio – Morgan Stanley central case 2 0 H/H saving ratio – Morgan Stanley 1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 'worst case' Source: ONS, Morgan Stanley Research Estimates Saving rates under central and ‘worst’ case Morgan Stanley forecasts
Year-on-year (%) 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7 2007-8 2008-9 2009-10 Real GDP 2.75 2.76 0.66 1.44 2.00 2.25 2.25 Real HouseholdExpenditure 2.60 2.44 -0.14 0.63 1.0 1.0 1.0 Consumer prices 1.25 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.0 GDP deflator 2.75 2.00 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.80 2.80 Money GDP(£ billion) 1116 1169 1201 1246 1302 1368 1437 Morgan Stanley forecasts – worst case Sources: Morgan Stanley Research
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