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Objetivos • O estudo presente aborda as novas ferramentas tecnológicas, livro digital ou e-book e leitores de livros eletrônicos, eReaders, no sentido de avaliar as potenciais vantagens desses recursos na otimização dos serviços oferecidos pela biblioteca, principalmente, no que tange a acessibilidade da informação. • Identificar e problematizar as tendências actuais, numa lógica prospectiva, relativas ao impacto da crescente desmaterialização de conteúdos e diversificação de suportes no papel das bibliotecas e dos profissionais de biblioteca/informação.
Metodologia • Análise bibliográfica, de estudos recentes e de referência, recorrendo sobretudo a fontes secundárias.
O livro eletrônico, o leitor de livros eletrônicos e suas respectivas tecnologias e vantagens Vantagens dos e-books Vantagens dos e-Readers Versatilidade - ePub Tecnologia e-ink (tinta eletrônica) Conecta a rede sem fio Durabilidade (+de 1 mês) Tecnologia touchscreen Ampla memória interna (suporta 2.000,00 livros) Expansão – 30.000 livros Definição de telas – não agride os olhos Sincronização (Wi-fi) • Possibilidade de levar vários e-Books de uma só vez, ex.: utilizando pendrive; • Abrangência das obras publicadas, de conteúdo (uso de links externos); • Facilidade de navegação com o uso de links internos, caso das referências cruzadas, por exemplo; • Possibilidade de realizar buscas dentro do próprio documento, tornando a pesquisa mais ágil; • Layout flexível, pode ser modificado pelo usuário, de acordo com suas necessidades.
Os e-readers e e-books nas bibliotecas • Espaço físico • Empréstimos (domiciliares e entre Bibliotecas) • Custo X Beneficio
Todavia, no mundo da Biblioteca 2.0 e 3.0 ... “the book is the tangible product of a sophisticated epistemological and technological system which is wholly distinct from that of information technology, and whose essential properties remain deeply entrenched in its very materiality. These properties — individual identity, spatial extensity, total surface accessibility and textual fixity — are, at this point in time, not replicable in the form of the digital text or ebook. (…) Thus, the very attributes that are the strengths of electronic texts, which Vandendorpe lists as “ubiquity, fluidity, interactivity and complete indexation” [24], are not advantageous to the individual work, defined as a book. However, these properties, which lend themselves to highly useful functions such as Boolean search operators and hyperlinks, are ideally applied to masses of text rather than to individual works in isolation.” (Rowe, 2013)
... os desafios estão aí em força ... «San José Public Library, CA, web librarian Nate Hill leapt beyond ebooks themselves to library service shaped by what he called "the digital content wave." This service will be about "the three c's": "collections of knowledge," "conversations about knowledge," and "creating context for knowledge." "Ebooks are just a transition for us. When you read a book on an ereader, it is like listening to the radio on your television." As digital content develops, he argued, libraries will be able to respond with increasingly nimble models, including remote or "distributed" outposts in flexible, movable spaces» (LJ,
quanto aos bibliotecários/profissionais de informação ... • Helen Partridge, Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia),«being a librarian 2.0 is not just about learning new skills, but rather, how librarians view themselves and their profession.“It's all in the attitude”». • HiroyaTakeuchi, Chiba University in Japan, «librarians need to move toward an active role in education and learning. From his point of view, this approach is one way — and perhaps the only way — to establish a solid professional foundation for librarianship». • M. Luisa Álvarez-de-Toledo, Universidad de Oviedo, «librarians’ day-to-day tasks have become more technical and specialized, and it's essential that new knowledge be embraced to best serve the university community. (…) three tasks have become prominent: • The promotion, evaluation and marketing of academic publications on the Internet, i.e., academic search engine optimization (SEO); • the development and creation of semantic content for Web 3.0; and • the application of social media tools in Web 2.0
... requer-se mudança na identidade profissional ... • Aaron Tay, National University of Singapore, «“To connect with today's library users, librarians need to implement and stay abreast of the latest communications technologies and tools,” Aaron admits he’s not a coder, but (…) “there is no getting away from the use of information technology.” Aaron also has embraced social media and now manages many of his library's social media and chat channels.» • Rudy Leon, University of Illinois, “Retooling library staff to take on the future, where a state of flux is the new normal.”. • Bracke, 2011: «Discussions within the profession suggest that there will not be a single new role for subject librarians, but rather a variety of roles that will evolve from existing ones; e.g., educators, publishers, scholarly communication advocates, and collection managers. Roles will continue to change and emerge with no sign of fixity in the future. Data curator may be one of the roles librarians assume.» • «A content curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes, and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online. The most important component of this job is the word "continually.“While search engines such as Google are one way of bringing to the surface relevant content, according to Deshpande, they fail in two regards: "First, they are based on inbound links, which reveal the most popular content rather than the best and most relevant content. Second, search engines are designed for one-time queries rather than a persistent search over a long period of time.“», (Herther, 2012).
... num contexto de incerteza quanto ao futuro ... • «While academic libraries—or at least their budgets—may continue to subsidize the high cost of academic literature, most consumer ebooksare available now at a very low cost—many for no cost at all. So will public libraries really have a role to play in helping to subsidize access to information and entertainment in an electronic world?»). • Even if (…) we do overcome the current obstacles to ebook lending in libraries—there’s a much more fundamental question we must face: Why do we need libraries in an ebook world anyway? What value do we really bring to our readers and our communities when Amazon and Google offer far larger collections than almost any traditional library, and when many of these titles are available for free and even Amazon titles average only $7.72 per title. So, after 50 years or more of toiling in the digital fields, ironically, we are right back where we started. (Coffman, 2013).
... mas com pequenos bons sinais (smallisbeautifull ?)... • «Dover Town Library"provide[s] both the comfort of America's living room, the genteel charm of afternoon tea…with a slick [tech] bar in lieu of a reference desk, a video gaming alcove tucked under the stairs, and the library's entire CD collection ripped to an in30/house iTunes server for music previews and general enjoyment." There are classes for digital storytelling, creating killer blogs, podcasts, and videos, all in a space that combines the best of favorite destinations: gardens, the Apple store, bookstores, museums. In these economically and technologically challenging times, these small libraries, with staffs that range from seven to 12, can teach us a lot» • «"technology is part of the solution [for] a dying library.“Theyuse social networking--Facebook, blogs, Twitter, Tumblr--for "cost-effective marketing" to engage the community. The statistics are truly remarkable: the library Facebook page went from 9,556 views in all of 2010 to 106,695 in the first nine months of 2011. In addition to the 50 PCs in the library, IPL lends laptops for in-library use as well. That came about, wrote Hildebrand, after the library began providing laptops for people in wheelchairs or on mobility scooters and received complaints of reverse discrimination. The solution: more laptops.» (Fialkoff, 2012)
...ponderação de questões deontológicas e políticas... • «whether librarians "are ready and willing to give up some long-held principles," such as safeguarding privacy and resisting censorship "in exchange for having access to more stuff, right now." Putting so many resources to temporary licenses for access to materials, she said, may well have consequences for users in the future. "Are we okay with losing the ability to share beyond our small islands of tuition-paying customers?“» • «"Libraries are about democracy. Right now anyone, any age, any demographic, poor, wealthy, took a shower yesterday or didn't, can walk into a library, pick a book up, and check it out," said Robin Nesbitt, technical services coordinator, Columbus Metropolitan Library, OH. "Currently, that isn't true with ebooks. If you can afford an ereader you can get ebooks. If not, you're out of luck“» (Kelley at. al, 2011).
Referências Bibliográficas • Federação Internacional de Associações e Instituições Bibliotecárias. (2013). IFLA Principles for Library eLending. Acedido em maio 26, 2014, em http://www.ifla.org/ES/node/7418. • Estadão.com. (2014). E-readers disponíveis em biblioteca em São Paulo. Acedido em maio 27, 2014em http://blogs.estadao.com.br/link/e-readers-disponiveis-em-biblioteca-em-sao-paulo/. • Extra Globo.com. (2011). Bibliotecas da Espanha começam a emprestar livros em e-readers. Acedido em maio, 25, 2014 em http://extra.globo.com/noticias/celular-e-tecnologia/bibliotecas-da-espanha-comecam-emprestar-livros-em-readers-1043024.html. • Melo, E. (2014). Revolucão e eBook. Acedido em maio 26, 2014 em http://revolucaoebook.com.br/. • Pinheiro, C. Seis bibliotecas norte-americanas ultrapassaram um milhão de empréstimos de ebooks em 2013. Acedido em maio, 27, 2014, em https://lerebooks.wordpress.com/2014/01/09/seis-bibliotecas-norte-americanas-ultrapassaram-um-milhao-de-emprestimos-de-ebooks-em-2013/. • Rodrigues, A. V. F., Crespo, I. M. (2012). E-book reader: um novo cenário em informação e bibliotecas 2012. Acedido em maio 26, 2014, em http://www.filo.uba.ar/contenidos/investigacion/institutos/inibi_nuevo/n28a06.htm. • Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. (2010). Livro digital. Acedido em maio, 24, 2014, em http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livro_digital. • Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. (2010). Leitor de livros digitais. Acedido em maio, 24, 2014, em http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leitor_de_livros_digitais.
Referências Bibliográficas • “Defining a Librarian in the Information Age: Can it Be Done?”, Published on Library Connect (http://libraryconnect.elsevier.com) On Mon 12 Dec 2011. Consultado 29-05-2014. http://libraryconnect.elsevier.com/blogs/2011-12/defining-librarian-information-age-can-it-be-done. • ROWE, Christopher. The new libraryof Babel? Borges, digitisationandthemythof a universal library. FirstMonday, [S.l.], feb. 2013. ISSN 13960466. Availableat: <http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3237/3416>. Date accessed: 29 May. 2014. doi:10.5210/fm.v18i2.3237. • Coffman, Steve (2013) So now what ? The future for librarians, ONLINE SEARCHER, JAN - FEB 2013. Consultado a 29-05-2014 em http://www.infotoday.com/OnlineSearcher/Articles/Features/So-Now-What-The-Future-for-Librarians-86856.shtml. • Kelley, Michael; Fialkoff, Francine; Miller, Rebecca; Rap, David (2011), The Ebook Opportunity. Library Journal. 11/15/2011, Vol. 136 Issue 19, p36-36. 2p. Consultado a 29-05-2014, em http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/delivery?sid=f5e21548-f821-43de-a9a4-c1cbc2a6ca07%40sessionmgr4003&vid=2&hid=4112. • Fialkoff, Francine (2012), Lessons from small libraries, Library Journal. 2/1/2012, Vol. 137 Issue 2, p8-8. 1p. Consultado a 29-05-2014, em http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2012/02/opinion/editorial/lessons-from-small-libraries-theyre-not-intimidated-by-the-present-or-the-future-editorial/. • Michael A. Cerbo (2012) The Academic Library Online: Is the Future of Academic Libraries a Virtual Reality?, Technical Services Quarterly, 29:3, 181-192, DOI: 10.1080/07317131.2012.681278. [b-on: Biblioteca do conhecimento online UA] On: 29 May 2014, At: 16:31. • Herther, Nancy K. (2012), ContentCuration. Searcher. Sep2012, Vol. 20 Issue 7, p30-41. 11p. B-On.