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React native and Flutter app development are the two names ruling the market with its easy-to-use tools and techniques. They are gaining huge popularity in this dynamic market. But do you know how they differentiate from each other?
Difference Between Flutter and React With the advancement of technology, mobile app development has become a new buzz word across the business industry. Businesses are adopting mobile apps to widen their reach and enhance their client base. However, to stay abreast with the changing expectations of customers, continuous inflow of niche frameworks, technology, and the platforms is a must. Therefore, to develop attractive mobile apps, developers require a platform that makes their coding process simple and less time-consuming. In order to attain this, developers started using cross-platform technology to leverage its amazing features and develop any app- be it commercial, social or interactive. As you can see the below image, it describes the growing trend of these two platforms in the market: But, How These Technologies Differ From Each Other? React native and Flutter app development are the two names ruling the market with its easy-to- use tools and techniques. They are gaining huge popularity in this dynamic market. But do you know how they differentiate from each other? Let’s take a look:
1. User Interface (UI): User Interface plays very importantly as this is where your customers will interact with your products and services. However, you will find a huge difference between React native and Flutter while designing the app. React native relies on native components whereas Flutter works impeccably with its own widget sets, which is amazing as it gives the ability to deliver customized mobile apps with fascinating UI. According to industry experts, Flutter has a few drawbacks in terms of components that will impact your user experience. That’s the reason React native takes the entire acknowledgment from the developer’s community. Winner- React Native 2. Development Turnaround Time: React Native has always been the most consistent framework for developing advanced mobile apps. It is mostly favored by the developer’s communities because of its competence. More so, it also reduces the timeframe of developing apps, which adds to the user interface and takes less time in developing the project. If comparing these two, Flutter mobile application development takes more time than React Native. The available easy-to-use React Native components make the mobile application development simple and quick. Winner- React Native 3. Better Performance: Mapping Flutter and React native is the best tactic to identity, which mobile app development platform is better. The reason why flutter is ahead of other React native framework is due to Dart programming language as it is easy-to-learn. More so, the JavaScript sheet helps them to unite with Native components easily. However, developers face some issues while running React Native hybrid application, but Flutter makes it trouble-free for developers as they can reprocess the existing code. 4. Stability for Development: Stability plays a pivotal role and every one company seeks for sound mobile app development. When we compare Flutter and React Native the competition becomes more challenging. Undoubtedly, Flutter’s latest version Beta 2 offers striking features to developers, but a large community of developers supports React Native and its constancy since it came into existence that made this more platform more popular. So we can say that React Native is at its mature stage where it is enjoying all the appreciation from the developers, whereas Flutter is still striving hard to make their mark. Winner- React Native
5. Maximum Client Base: Well, React Native doesn’t require any introduction as it is ruling the marketing, since inception. But Flutter development process is still striving hard to make its way in the market. Big brands like FaceBook, Walmart, Skype, Airbnb are developed on React Native. Since Flutter, is new to the market it will take to create its presence and recognized in the market. Winner- React Native 6. Documentation and Toolkit: Documentation processing is a very intricate and lengthy process. However, Flutter is very smart at assisting the documentation; it makes the lives of developers easier, enabling them to utilize while documenting their applications. Therefore, you’ll find that Flutter is the best option for developers. Whereas documentation and toolkit are not structured properly, in addition to this framework eliminates those components which are useful to make the process seamless. This is where these two platforms are the biggest rivals. More so, Flutter is very compatible with android code, visual studio code adds more value to the framework. Winner- Flutter 7. Community Support: As we all know that React Native has been in the market for a long time now, it is obvious that the developers using this platform are in thousands. That’s the reason React Native has very strong community support for developers when they’re stuck at a certain turning point. But as flutter is struggling so hard, dart developers are finding it hard to get the right solution at the right time. Flutter has not reached that point where it can serve thousands of developer’s all together. So here the clear winner is React Native. Winner- React Native 8. Testing Process: Although, flutter is a new framework that utilizes Dart programming language, even then it offers exceptional unit testing. Testers can easily test the app as it provides developers with better widgets on runtime at a great pace. But React Native, somewhere doesn’t win here as the JavaScript framework always posses some challenges when it comes to testing. However, there are numerous libraries available, still, there’s no appropriate solution for testing in React Native. Winner- Flutter
Concluding Thoughts In a nutshell, we can say that React Native is a better platform than Flutter. Though it doesn’t mean utilizing flutter app development will harm your business or you cannot build better apps, but it is new and that’s the reason users less likely to change or accept the change. So if you’re planning to switch the platform or want to develop a robust mobile app for your business, then React native should be your ideal choice. Looking To Partner With Top Flutter Mobile App Development Company? Do you want to flutter mobile app development services for your business? Get in touch with us! We are backed by highly professional and qualified flutter app developers that will make your process much easier and seamless. Contact us now to know more.