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Developing a Food Delivery App

There are many giants in the market that took over the food business by storm with their on-demand food delivery apps. In such a scenario, itu2019s quite difficult for you to beat the competition, yet a well-built app can do wonders to surpass your rivals.

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Developing a Food Delivery App

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DEVELOPING FOOD DELIVERY APP Presented byChristopher

  2. Plan the Workflowof yourApp It’sclearthatthemoretimeyouputinto planning your app’s workflow, the less timeyouwillbespendingondeveloping it. Plan the functioning of the app and features to be included to facilitate a smoothoperationoftheapp.

  3. KnowyourCompetitors FooddeliverygiantssuchasSwiggy,Zomato,andUberEatsClone Appisconsideredadirectcompetitorbyotherfooddeliveryapp businesses. Beforegettingintothedevelopmentphase,it’scrucialtostudythe functioningoftheirappsandtheUSPthatmadethemgain popularity. Usethatknowledgetocomeupwithauniquepointforyourfood deliveryappthatcansetyouapartfromyourcompetition.

  4. Jotdownthefeaturesyouwanttoincludein yourZomatoCloneApp. Ensurethatyouhavelistedalltheessentialfeatures neededtokeepthestakeholderssatisfied. Apartfromtheessentialfeatures,advancedonessuchas in-app chat options, pre-booking management can be consideredforinclusionastheycanhelpyourbusiness inthelongrun. DocumenttheKeyFeatures

  5. SIGNUP/LOGIN Throughmail,contactnumberorsocialmedia. RESTAURANTOPTION In-appchatoptionandpushnotifications. PAYMENTS Multiple paymentgateway integrations, History of past orders, Reviews& ratings. Important featurestobe included

  6. MAILINGADDRESS Level5,TamaraiTechPark,ThiruViKaIndustrial Estate,Inner Ring Road, Chennai,Tamil Nadu 600032,India. EMAILADDRESS info@appdupe.com Let'sTalk


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