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On-Demand Lawyers App Development

On-Demand Lawyers App that connects customers and lawyers on a single platform. This app can help you to take lawyeru2019s advice online through chat or call Customers now easily access the services nearby.

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On-Demand Lawyers App Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. On-Demand Lawyers App Development Appicial Applications

  2. Content About Appicial Applications  Mobile App Development  On-Demand Lawyers App  Main Features  Additional Features  Contact Us  Thanks 

  3. About Appicial Applications Appicial has been delivered best mobile and web applications worldwide. Appicial offered white-label best Uber clone application that represents your brand name, logo, language and much more. We provide application equip with your unique requirements and technologically innovative for your business and advanced for your users.

  4. Mobile App Development  Appicial Applications is a leading mobile app development company in India. Our expert mobile app developers develop mobile app for Android and iOS devices. We deploy latest technologies to develop your app.  Wondering how to increase your cash flow for your newly launched app and return your investment as soon as possible? We can help you.

  5. On-Demand Lawyers App On-Demand Lawyers App that connect customers and lawyers on a single platform. This app can help you to take lawyer’s advice online through chat or call. Customers now easily access the services nearby.

  6. Main Features C a t e g o r i e s S u b C a t e g o r i e s S e r v i c e D e t a i l s D e s c r i p t i o n L o g i n / R e g i s t e r L o g i n / R e g i s t e r & & C o n fi r ma t i o n D e t a i l s P a y wi t h wi t h S e r v i c e O n l i n e C h a t C a r d / C a s h C a l l C a r e C a l l Y o u r S t a t u s C u s t o me r L a wy e r U p d a t e s

  7. Additional Features Multiple Payment Options User Friendly Book Now or Schedule Multilanguage & Currency 100% Customizable Referral System Real Time Tracking Creative Design

  8. Contact Us For more information visit our website: www.appicial.com Mail us your requirements info@appicial.com or connect us at +91-8860-213-347

  9. Thank you

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