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Managing a large store is difficult but managing the inventory should not be. Read this article about inventory management practices to make your task simpler, and yes, technology can definitely help!<br>
3 Inventory ManagementBest Practices to Follow in2019 You go out to buy a pair of black heels the night before you need them because your old pair is in unwearable conditions. But none of the stores has what you want, until, the absolute last store that you get to. But... they are not in your size. The store has failed you as acustomer. To the business owners that are reading this, I would say, please step up and manage your inventory better so that you never fail your customer like this. Whether you are a storethat sells their products offline or online, the appjetty@gmail.com
products are physical products that your customers want. So, whether you display it online or offline is irrelevant to the fact that you need to have the products instock. • This is where Magento inventory managementcomesin. • The primary goal of it is to have all the products that you sell, in stock. But of course, that isn’t all. Since there are plenty of people buying everything online, let’s focus on web stores for this article. When you are an e-commerce store, everything is on a computer, except for the actual products that yousell. • So, let's talk about that one thing that is not all about buttons and clicks. Inventory. How should you handleit? • FIFO • First in, first out signifies exactly what those words say. You should sell older products before the newer ones. This applies to obvious perishable goods like food or medicines, but it also applies to hygiene products, cleaning products, cosmetics, as well as electronics. All of these items fall under the umbrella term of ‘depreciatingvalue’. • AutomatedOrdering • Certain products are in constant demand like soaps, headache medicine, butter, basic earphones, etc. You should always have these in stock. An easy way to make sure that you always have these is to automate the ordering process. Set a baseline, so that if the stock falls below it, the system will order moreunits. appjetty@gmail.com
PredictiveOrdering • Keep track of market trends. People take a fancy to new products very often. One day a product could be doing so great that they can’t make enough of it, and the other, it will have no demand in the market! So yes, you should always have the products that are doing well in the market, but you should be aware of how they could become irrelevant at any time and therefore not have too many of them. In such scenarios, predictive ordering comes in the play. By studying market trends, you get to understand the market demands and hence keep the inventoryaccordingly. • Sounds daunting, I know. But since it’s the 21st century, there are apps for that! If your e-commerce store uses the Magento platform, then there are extensions and apps for inventory management. An Inventory Management Magento extension can take care of a lot of things for you, after the initial setup. What are the features you should look for when investing in an Inventory Management Magento extension? Let's talk alook: • All in oneview: • You should be able to see all your stocks, warehouse details, supplier details, in one place. Apart from this, you should also be able to track your inventory from within theextension. • Real-timeupdates: • The best way to take care of everything is, of course, to have real-time updates. As soon as your warehouse ships something to a retailstore,youshouldgetanotification.Thisshouldalsoshowyou appjetty@gmail.com
how many units of the product are available now. This way, you will never run out of stock and it will not affect your supplychain. • Multiple WarehouseManagement: • A large e-commerce store that delivers across the country or across the world should have more than one warehouse. You should be able to access and manage all of your warehouses with this extension. A detailed overview of all of your warehouses makes it easier for you to order more supplies whenneeded. • SupplierManagement: • The Magento inventory management extensionshould also be able to manage your suppliers. After all, they are the ones who fulfill your inventory demand, so it makes sense to have one tool that takes care of inventory and gives the required access to suppliers as well. The suppliers should have their own access area where they can see the purchase orders, add new products, edit their own details,etc. • Detailed InventoryLog: • An Magento Inventory Management should be able to give you a detailed log of the entire inventory across all of your warehouses. You should be able to see the activity logs for sales orders, warehouses/suppliers added, inventory updates,etc. • Inventory management of a Magento store can be simple if you choose the right extension. Make sure to look for the features that assist you andmake appjetty@gmail.com
the task simpler. Be sure to manage your inventory in a way that you never fail yourcustomer! Summary: Managing a large store is difficult but managing the inventory should not be. Read this article about inventory management practices to make your task simpler, and yes, technology can definitelyhelp! Author: Maulik Shah is the Founder and CEO of AppJetty, a fast growing software add-on store selling Magento extensions and plugins for various technologies, including. Magento Inventory ManagementMaulik is a tech enthusiast and writes about the various aspects of ecommercetechnology. appjetty@gmail.com