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This blog explains the reasons why efficient warehouse management is essential. It depicts some of the use-cases where Magento multi-location inventory management can prove to be beneficial for e-commerce businesses. To Know More :https://www.appjetty.com/blog/magento-inventory-management-use-cases-warehouses/
MagentoInventoryManagement:UseCasesofMulti-LocationWarehousesMagentoInventoryManagement:UseCasesofMulti-LocationWarehouses All ecommerce business strive for achieving notable success. Online businesses thatachieves this goal oftensegregate theiractivitiesand end uphavingvariouswebstoresandwarehousesservingalargenumberof customersinvariouslocations.Shockingly,manybusinessownersfailto notice an important partoftheirbusiness:trackingandrecordingtheir inventory.Didyouknowthiscommonmistake cost retailersastaggering $1.75trillion dollars annually?(http://acctivate.com) Without an accurate view of inventory levels and multi-location support, your businessisatriskforstock-outs,unnecessaryholdingcosts,overselling, and potential overstocking. https://www.appjetty.com/
WhyEfficient InventoryManagementisEssential Expansioninthenumberofwarehousesaddssupplementarycostssuch as workforce and Inventorymanagement, maintenance and other relatedexpenses.Buttherearecanbeseveralreasonsforbusinessesto have numerous warehouses at a single instance. Sellers may obtain ordersfromvariouspartsofthecountryorevenfromothercontinents. Web store managers can ensure quick shipmentofgoodsbyarranging https://www.appjetty.com/
the delivery from the nearest warehouse. Considering the presence of internationalshoppers,it’saprofitableidea tohave warehousesin more than one country to subtract extra shipping charges and lessen the delivery time. Inventory management may be a puzzling thought for new establishments, but business growth imposes extra demands on these activities. Hence, established businesses mayfindthemselvesinatight spot when it comes to efficient inventory management. That’s why paying attention to inventory management from early stages of development is an absolute must for those businesses that aspire to becomebig. Magento Inventory Warehouse Management With Multi-Location Ecommerce business owners that use a default Magentoconfiguration often fail to proficiently operate inventory in their store. Thus, Multi-Location Inventory, an extension for Magento that completely solves problems of Magentowarehousemanagement. https://www.appjetty.com/
Common Use Cases: Managing Multiple Warehouses InDifferentCountries Web store targeting shoppers in different countries generallyestablish their warehouses not too far from the local sites. Though, the default Magento doesn’t let store managers monitor stock levels accurately. Customize extensioncanaidyouefficientlyorganizeinventoriesfroma singlelocation by creatingseparateinventories for each location. Multi-LocationInventorycanbeutilizedforotherpurposes,aswell.For example, you can keep your fingers on the pulse ofseasonaltrendsin demand in each country, since by keeping track of stock levels. Moreover, you can findoutcustomerpreferencesandtheirchangesin each season. You can necessarily take advantage of this data while optimizing inventory levels at your warehouses, thus reducing your storage cost. https://www.appjetty.com/
WorkingWithInternationalCustomers • Let us assume that you have two online stores catering customers in three countries (Spain, United States and Canada) and you own two warehouses.OneofthesewarehousesisinSpainandanotheroneisin UnitedStates.Whatwouldyoudotoensuretimelydelivery?It’sviable to source Spanish clients with goods stored in theSpanishwarehouse, and ship goods from the United States warehouse to American and Canadian clients. • Use Magento extension tomakeinventoriesdistinctonawebsitelevel by developing three websites and splitting one of them intotwostore views with a commoninventory.Hence,you’llbeabletomanageeach inventory separately. Additionally, advance Magentoinventorymanagementcan help you to performup-to dateinventorytracking. • Providing Customers From Different Websites With The ProductFrom The Same Warehouse https://www.appjetty.com/
Several products are not popularandcustomersrarelybuythem. But it doesn’t means that web store owners have to stop selling these items. They can store them in one location and ship these products as soon as someoneorders them. Opt for multi-location inventory tool to place itemsinaso-called default stock and manage their inventory as a whole. In such scenariosforaspecificproductitcanallowtoset warehouselevel, minimumquantityfor warehousein and default warehouse- which will be considered to be the primary warehouse for product delivery. • Simultaneous Devices Update Of Inventory Attributes On All According to oneresearch, “By 2018, only 12% of respondents expect to use pen and paper-based processes; 66% plan to use handheld mobile computers with real-time access to WMS systems”. From demands spurred by the rise of the on-demand consumerandbigdata, to the growingpresenceofautomation and https://www.appjetty.com/
mobilityonthe warehousefloor,itis expectedthat mobile will bea key tool through which inventory management will beperformed. By using, Magentoinventoryextensionyoudon’thavetobother aboutmaintainingyourMagentostoreandmobileappseparately. All the modifications you make to your Magento store will be automatically updated on your Magentoinventorymobileappin realtime.Thistoolcomeswithbarcodescannersupporttoupdate stockinventorydirectly to warehouse through mobile. Conclusion The significance of efficient inventory management cannot be underestimated. It is essential to regularly optimize stock levels, maintainsalesrecordsandreduceoperatingcostsinordertogainmore profits. The default Magento provides basic inventory management capabilities and it doesn’t meet all the needs of bigger stores with warehouses spread across differentlocations. In order to compete in this fast changing e-commerce business, it is essential to have advance Magento warehouse management. The tool https://www.appjetty.com/
which is easily compatible with your presente-commercewebsite,has mobile operability, supports multi location, tracks accurate live sales updates,supports customerand supplier management. If you’re searchingforarobusttooltoaccelerate,expandandimprove yourMagentowarehousemanagementprocesses,MageMobis ready to offer you with one. Wealso support Magento2extension. https://www.appjetty.com/