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A patient portal is a web based portal that holds the health records of patients and enhances patient engagement. Find out How such portals can help the healthcare industry. To Know More : https://www.appjetty.com/blog/patient-portals-how-transform-healthcare-industry/
What Are Patient Portals and How Can TheyTransform Healthcare Industry? Healthcareindustry haswitnessedatremendous growth overthe past decade. Andthe growth hasn’t been confinedtothe invention of state ofthe art equipmenttotreat patients. Patient engagementis also consideredto bea crucial aspect of health careindustrytoday.Thisiswhy Patient Portals are being adopted by several hospital authorities. Sowhat are patient portals and how do hospitals succeedwiththeir business by using patient portals? What arethe benefits of employingthem? Let ustakea look at some ofthese aspects. https://www.appjetty.com/
Patient Portals:What are they? Apatient portalisaweb based portalthat holdsthe health records of patients and enhances patient engagement. Witha uniqueid and password,it gives an accesstothe accountthrough which patients can get alltheinformation abouttheirtreatment and other ongoingslike recent visits,immunizations,lab results, allergies, discharge summary etc. It hasa great utility forthe hospital staff and authorities asthey do not haveto keep bulky files containing patient records and flipthroughthem everytime thereisa query. Prescriptions, details about visits, medications etc can be accessed easilythroughthese portals. Benefits of Patient Portals Mentioned below are some ofthe benefits oftheseportals. ❏Lessens absenteeism Itis veryimportant forthe patientto be presentduringthetime oftheirtreatment/appointmentwiththe doctor.A patient portal lessensthe chances of patient forgettingtheir visit by sending emails and push notifications aboutthe upcoming appointments. It also enables patientsto book new appointmentswithjusta click andwithout havingtotalkto receptionists or other staff members. ❏Creates awareness and involvement Patient portals can createalot of awareness amongst patients and keepthemwell-informed abouttheir health by providingtips to maintainit.They can also findthe results and reports ofthe tests conducted onthem. Keepingatrack ofthesethings canlead themtothe path ofimproved health. https://www.appjetty.com/
❏Lessens efforts Investingina patient portal can proveto be very efficient as all the administrativetasks can betaken care of by your staff on their fingertips. Also,the patients can bookthe appointments and request medication refills ontheir own. Sothe staff members do not haveto put efforts andtime behind administrativetaskslike speakingtothe patients abouttheir problems and keepthem waiting for appointments. ❏Communication madeeasy When patients meetthe doctor one on one,they have brief meetings. Sometimeslittletimeis allocatedtothe patient asthe doctors haveto see other patientstoo.This might bring up treatment related questions atalater stage.Throughthese portals, patients can havea conversation abouttheir small concernswiththe doctor and ask questions relatedtotheir symptoms. During emergencies, one can keepintouchwiththe doctors and get satisfactory responses.This aspecttakes healthcaretoawhole anotherlevel. Above mentioned are manifold advantages of patient portals. Some studies have provedthat asthe patients canget an access totheir health data online,they feellikethey havethe ownership oftheir own health andthey can communicatewiththe health providers easily. Itisthe righttime forthe healthcareindustry professionalsto understandtheincreasing popularity ofthese portals(also known ascustomer portals) andinvestintothemin orderto boost engagementwith patients. https://www.appjetty.com/