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The complete history of the Universe (abridged)

The Big Bang and the Cosmic Microwave Background. The complete history of the Universe (abridged). Keith Grainge. (With thanks to Angela Taylor) Sutton Trust Summer School 2005. The Hubble Deep Field. Optical Spectra.

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The complete history of the Universe (abridged)

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  1. The Big Bang and the Cosmic Microwave Background The complete history of the Universe (abridged) Keith Grainge (With thanks to Angela Taylor) Sutton Trust Summer School 2005

  2. The Hubble Deep Field

  3. Optical Spectra • Atoms and molecules absorb and emit at particular frequencies  line spectra. • Can learn temperature, density, and chemical composition. • Also velocity …

  4. The Doppler Effect for EM radiation

  5. Hubble’s Data (1929) Hubble, law Hubble’s Law v = H0d recession Hubble distance velocity constant

  6. Expansion of the Universe (Wayne Hu’s web page: background.uchicago.edu/~whu)

  7. Evolution of the Universe Accelerating Universe 4 3 2 1 0 Flat Universe Relative size of Universe ‘Big Crunch’ -10 Now 10 20 30 Age of Universe (Billion years)

  8. Ingredients of the Universe Ordinary matter Radiation Dark Matter Dark Energy

  9. Geometry of the Universe ‘Positively’ curved ‘Negatively’ curved Flat

  10. The Cosmic Microwave Background The background is the left over radiation from the Big Bang. It has now cooled to a temperature of 2.7 K

  11. The Cosmic Microwave Background Imprint in the background due to the motion of the Earth, about 1 part in 1,000 of the total intensity

  12. The Cosmic Microwave Background The ripples in the background correspond to only about one part in 100,000 of the total intensity

  13. Map of Sky Power Spectrum Power 1/Angular Size Power 1/Angular Size Power 1/Angular Size



  16. PLANCK - 2007 WMAP – flying now SATELLITE MISSIONS

  17. The Very Small Array

  18. Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife

  19. VSA RESULTS – Jan 2004

  20. VSA Power Spectrum

  21. WMAP Power Spectrum (Power) (1/Angle on sky)

  22. The Age of the Universe … 13.7 Billion Years

  23. Geometry of the Universe … FLAT

  24. Ingredients of the Universe …

  25. If this were our Galaxy, our Sun would be located about here The local Universe - Galaxies Spiral Galaxy M63

  26. The Universe on the Largest Scale - the Cambridge APM survey Over 2 million galaxies in direction of the South Galactic pole. The map covers about one tenth of the sky

  27. Structure Formation (Simulation and movie courtesy of Andrey Kravtsov)

  28. Interacting Galaxies

  29. Interacting Galaxies HST image of colliding galaxies NGC 4038 and NGC 4039

  30. Summary • After the Big Bang the Universe was hot and smooth. • As it expanded it cooled. • The CMB is a picture of the Universe when it was only 300,000 years old. • Under the influence of gravity structure has formed.

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