1. Lesson 4 The Human Body
2. Introduction Body is composed of different organs/tissues working together
Minor injury/illness may damage only a specific body part/function
Serious injury or sudden illness can threaten vital body functions
Understanding human body can help you recognize effects of injuries/illnesses
3. Special terms are used by healthcare providers for body regions
Directional/positional terms used to describe relationship of body structures Body Regions and Directions
4. Body Regions and Cavities Extremities refers to both arms and legs
Thorax refers to chest area enclosed by the ribs
Thoracic cavity is area inside chest
Abdomen refers to area immediately below thoracic cavity
5. Body Regions and Cavities continued Abdominal cavity includes: stomach, intestines, other organs
Pelvis refers to area below abdomen-- pelvic bones between hip/lower spine
Pelvic cavity contains bladder and other organs
Spine, or spinal column, refers to bones of neck/back and nerves, or spinal cord, that run through vertebrae
6. Abdominal Quadrants Used to describe specific injuries or signs/symptoms
Upper and lower quadrants are divided by a line passing through umbilicus
Quadrants are based on anatomical position, with face forward and palms facing forward
7. Directional Terms All positional and directional terms are based on anatomical position
Right and left refer to the patient’s right and left, divided by midline down center of body
Lateral and medial
Anterior and posterior
Proximal and distal
Superior and inferior
Prone and supine
8. Body Systems Organs have one or more specific functions
The organs that work together for a specific function are called a body system
9. Examples of Interrelated Body Systems Blood carries oxygen from lungs to body cells
Nerve sensors detect amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and speed up or slow down heart beat /breathing to change oxygen level
If body temperature drops, muscles in extremities start shivering to produce heat, which is carried by blood to vital organs
10. Respiratory
11. Functions of Respiratory System To bring air into lungs
To allow oxygen from air to enter blood
To remove carbon dioxide from blood into air breathed out (exhaled)
This process is called respiration
12. Respiratory System: Primary Organs <Fig 3-3>
13. The Breathing Process Breathing depends on muscular movements under control of nervous system:
When the diaphragm contracts/moves down, thoracic cavity/lungs expand, pulling air into lungs
In lungs, oxygen enters blood and carbon dioxide leaves blood
When diaphragm relaxes/moves up, thoracic cavity contracts, and air carrying carbon dioxide flows back out of lungs
14. Emergency Care Related to the Respiratory System Respiration can be affected by different injuries/illnesses
An airway obstruction is blockage of airway preventing air flow
A broken rib may puncture a lung, making breathing ineffective
A penetrating injury into lungs may alter lung pressures keeping lungs from filling with air
15. Emergency Care Related to the Respiratory System continued Poisoning/drug overdose may depress nervous system functions, slowing or stopping breathing
Asthma is a common illness in which airway tissues swell making it hard to breathe
In infants/children, anatomical structures are smaller and airway is more easily obstructed
Uncorrected respiratory problem is the primary cause of cardiac arrest in infants/children
16. Circulatory
17. Functions of the Circulatory System To transport oxygen and nutrients in the blood to all parts of body
To remove carbon dioxide and other wastes
18. Cardiovascular System: Primary Organs Heart
Blood vessels
19. Pathway of Blood Ventricles pump blood through two loops or cycles in body:
Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs picking up oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
Blood returns to left atrium, from which it moves to left ventricle
Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood into body to release oxygen and pick up carbon dioxide for removal
Blood returns to right atrium, moving to right ventricle to be pumped again to lungs
20. Pulses Pulsing blood pressure changes occur in arteries that can be felt as pulse
Commonly measured pulses:
21. Heart Rate Heart rate, measured as pulse, is affected by many factors
Average resting heart rate in adult males is 64- 72 beats/ minute; in females, 72 - 80 beats/ minute
Heart rate of infants and children is higher
With exercise, fever, or emotional excitement, heart rate increases to meet body’s greater need for oxygen
22. Emergency Care Related to the Cardiovascular System Cells begin to die in vital organs such as brain after only a few minutes without oxygen
Oxygen delivery diminished by injury/illness affecting heart, blood, or blood vessels
Severe bleeding leaves not enough blood in circulation to provide body with oxygen
Arterial bleeding is most severe - blood may spurt out under pressure, leading to life-threatening shock
Bleeding from veins generally slower but can still be serious or life-threatening if it continues
Capillary bleeding usually minor and stops by itself as blood clots
23. Cardiovascular Illness Stroke is problem involving arteries in brain; reduced circulation may cause mental and physical impairments
If heart muscle does not receive enough oxygenated blood because of blocked cardiac arteries, cardiac muscle tissue may die
The heart may stop (cardiac arrest)
Dysrhythmia (or arrhythmia), an irregular heartbeat, may reduce heart’s pumping ability
Fibrillation, a serious dysrhythmia, common after heart attack
24. Musculoskeletal System
25. Functions of the Musculoskeletal System Skeletal system provides shape/support for body as a whole
Muscles act on bones, allowing for movement
Groups of bones protect vital internal organs:
Ribs protect heart and lungs
Skull protects brain
Vertebrae protect spinal cord
Pelvic bones protect bladder and other organs
26. Musculoskeletal System: Primary Organs Bones
27. Emergency Care Related to the Musculoskeletal System Most fractures are not life-threatening
In a dislocation, one or more bones move out of position in joint
Sprain is damage to ligaments and other structures in a joint
Strain is muscle/tendon tear usually caused by overexerting muscle
28. Musculoskeletal Injuries Associated with Other Injuries Vertebral fractures likely to injure spinal cord and cause nervous system damage
Fractures of femur often cause much soft-tissue damage and bleeding
Pelvis fracture may damage bladder/other organs in pelvic cavity
A skull fracture may cause brain damage
29. Nervous System
30. Nervous System: Primary Functions Sensory receptors gather information about environment and send to brain
Brain integrates and analyzes information
Nerve signals from brain lead to actions throughout body to accomplish tasks or maintain homeostasis
31. Nervous System: Primary Organs Brain
Spinal cord
Sensory receptors
32. Nervous System: Emergencies Head and spinal injuries
Injury to part of brain or stroke
May destroy or impair one or more functions
Damage to spinal cord
Complete loss of function to body area/paralysis
33. Nervous System: Emergencies continued Altered mental status from:
Head injuries
Any injury causing decreased oxygenation
Sudden illness (i.e., stroke, seizure, diabetes)
Severe infection/fever
Poisoning/drug overdose
34. Nervous System Effects Associated with Other Injuries Injuries and some illnesses also affect nervous system
Pain results from damage to nerve fibers in many areas of body
Crushing pain in chest may be caused by heart attack
Abdominal pain that begins in umbilicus and settles into lower abdomen on right side may be a sign of appendicitis
Pain should always be taken seriously
35. Other Body Systems
36. Integumentary System: Primary Functions Protect body
Help regulate body temperature
Help prevent water loss
Remove some body wastes
Produce Vitamin D
Sensation (i.e. touch, pressure, pain, temperature)
37. Integumentary System: Emergencies Cuts and scrapes
Openings in skin
Allow pathogens into body
Heat and chemical burns
Loss of body heat
Loss of body fluid
38. Importance of Skin Condition Skin often reveals important information about body condition
Skin of hypothermia victim
Skin of heatstroke victim
Skin of victim with low blood oxygen levels
Skin of victim in shock
Sweating/pale skin
Many sudden illnesses cause sweating and skin color changes (flushed or pale)
39. Gastrointestinal System Digests food and extracts nutrients
Organs easily injured by traumatic forces
40. Emergency Care Related to the Gastrointestinal System Abdominal cavity not protected by bones, gastrointestinal organs may be easily injured by traumatic forces
In closed injury, pain/tenderness along with swollen/rigid abdomen may suggest internal injury
In an open wound, internal organs may be exposed, raising risk of infection
Ingested poison is absorbed in the same manner as nutrients from food and enters the bloodstream to affect body
Various illnesses may cause vomiting or diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration especially in infants
Vomiting blood is likely sign of a serious internal injury
41. Functions of the Urinary System Removes metabolic wastes from body in urine
Helps body maintain fluid and electrolyte balances
42. Urinary System Blood transports wastes to kidneys
Kidneys filter wastes and produce urine
43. Urinary System Traumatic injury may damage organs
Look for blood in urine
Health problems
May cause change in urination
Lack of urination
44. Reproductive System Male
Produces and transports sperm Female
Produces eggs
Supports and nurtures fetus in uterus
45. Emergency Care Related to the Reproductive System Abdominal injuries may damage genitals/reproductive organs
such wounds may require special care, including concern for victim’s privacy
Complications may develop in pregnancy
Childbirth may occur unexpectedly away from a healthcare facility
46. Endocrine System Glands that produce hormones
Most problems develop slowly and are rarely emergencies
47. Lymphatic System Helps defend against disease
Part of immune system
Problems seldom cause emergencies