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Science Heading

Science Heading. Warm-Ups: 8/25-9/5 (10days). Mon. 8/25. What are the objectives for the week?. Tue. 8/26. Student Objectives. I will be able to: *identify the skills that scientists use (I use) to learn about the world *explain what “scientific inquiry” involves

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Science Heading

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science Heading Warm-Ups: 8/25-9/5 (10days) Mon. 8/25 What are the objectives for the week? Tue. 8/26

  2. Student Objectives I will be able to: *identify the skills that scientists use (I use) to learn about the world *explain what “scientific inquiry” involves *format a LAB report write-up *Identify and define 1.1 & 1.3 vocab.

  3. Observing

  4. Observing ob serv ing

  5. Inferring

  6. Inferring in fer ring

  7. Quantitative Observation

  8. Quantitative observation quan ti ta tive ob ser va tion

  9. Predicting

  10. predicting pre dict ing

  11. Classifying

  12. classifying clas si fy ing

  13. Science

  14. science sci ence

  15. Qualitative observation

  16. Qualitative observation qual i ta tive ob ser va tion

  17. Scale Model

  18. Scale model scale mo del

  19. Hypothesis

  20. hypothesis hy poth e sis

  21. Scientific Inquiry

  22. Scientific inquiry sci en tif ic in qui ry

  23. Responding Variable (dependent variable)

  24. responding variable re spond ing var able i

  25. Variable

  26. variable var i able

  27. Communicating

  28. communicating com mu ni cat ing

  29. Manipulated Variable (Independent Variable)

  30. Manipulated variable ma nip u lat ed var able i

  31. Control

  32. control con trol

  33. Data

  34. data da ta

  35. Science Heading Test: Vocab. 1.1 and 1.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. EXTRA CREDIT: 10 pts possible If you finish early, READ!

  36. Title: What’s in the bag? Materials: item in an opaque bag stopwatch

  37. Conclusion: In a paragraph, answer the following questions: Was your hypothesis proven correct or incorrect? Explain why using data from your results. What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? How would you apply this in the real world?

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