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The South Valley University. QA Strategic Plan. Basic data Budget = 150,000 L.E., by QAAP P.I. Prof. Dr. Fathhalla Al Sheikh Consultant Prof. Dr. Fathi El Nadi. Background. Established in 1995
The South Valley University QA Strategic Plan
Basic data • Budget = 150,000 L.E., by QAAP • P.I. Prof. Dr. Fathhalla Al Sheikh • Consultant Prof. Dr. Fathi El Nadi
Background • Established in 1995 • Despite its recent formation, the university domain covers three governorates: Qena, Aswan, and The Red Sea, as well as the city of Luxor, which comprises 19 % of Egypt’s area & 5.5 % of its population. • Because of being affiliated with Assuit University for many years prior to its establishment, the South Valley University was born a mature full-fledged university. • The university has 18 faculties, 2 under construction, covering almost all academic disciplines, as well as 42,644 students, 582 staff members, 524 assistants and 2631 administrative staff.
Mission • The university is committed to providing the best learning opportunities and research services for both the students and the larger community at a quality level that matches national and global standards. • تلتزم الجامعة بتقديم أفضل فرص التعليم والخدمات البحثية للطلاب وللمجتمع الأكبر، وذلك بمستوى من الجودة يضاهى المعايير الإقليمية والدولية • The university is committed to creating a research-based teaching and learning environment that will encourage students to reach their full potential, and that will produce critical, capable and skilled graduates who can adapt to changing environments. تلتزم الجامعة بإيجاد مناخ تعليمى وتعلُّمى قائم على البحث العلمى، ليشجع الطلاب على بذل أقصى جهدهم، ولتخريج خريجين ذوى خبرة ومؤهلين يستطيعون التكيف مع الظروف المتغيرة • We are also committed to contributing to the enhancement of the quality of human resources in the south valley area in a way that fulfills the needs of this unique community. Our commitment to outreach and engagement means developing and sustaining a meaningful and mutually beneficial collaboration with partners in education, business, government, and social services. • تلتزم الجامعة كذلك بالمساهمة فى تحسين جودة القوى البشرية فى منطقة جنوب الوادى بالشكل لذى يلبى احتياجات هذا المجتمع الفريد. ونحن كذلك ملتزمون بالتوصل إلى تعاون مثمر ومتطور ومستدام يعود بالفائدة علينا وعلى شركائنا من دوائر التعليم والأعمال والخدمات الإجتماعية.
Vision • We will provide access to educational excellence and serve our students and community with passion and commitment, providing a learning environment based on a relevant, disciplined, and comprehensive education program that promotes high academic and ethical standards in order to prepare all students to become successful lifelong learners and participants in the South Valley region, and the global multicultural society of the 21st century through partnerships with business, industry, and the community. سنقوم بتوفير وإتاحة التميز فى التعليم، وسنقدم خدماتنا للطلاب والمجتمع برغبة حقيقية، ونلتزم بتوفير مناخ تعليمى قائم على برنامج مناسب منظم يشجع الوصول إلى مستويات أكاديمية وأخلاقية عالية، من أجل إعداد الطلاب ليصبحوا متعلمين ناجحين مدى الحياة ومشاركين فى منطقة جنوب الوادى وفى المجتمع العالمى متعدد الثقافات فىالقرن الواحد والعشرين، من خلال التشارك مع دوائر الأعمال والصناعة والمجتمع.
The SWOT analysis • Strengths (internal competences & capabilities) • What we have • Weaknesses (lack of internal C&C) • What we lack • Opportunities (external positive circumstances) • What we could get • Threats (external negative circumstances) • What we could lose
Strengths • A geographical stretch covering three governorates and the City of Luxor (19% of Egypt’s area & 5.5% of its population). • A unique environment that characterizes the university and creates a competitive advantage over the other national universities. • On-going expansion of infrastructure projects that will support the university’s expansion and QA projects. • Self-sufficiency in scientific disciplines such as Engineering, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, and Education) • Existence of special units that can form a bridge for outreaching to the community.
Strengths (Cont.) • Strong support and commitment of the university’s leadership to development and modernization. • A good percent of younger teaching staff to ensure sustainability.
Weaknesses • Limited financial resources. • Lack of planned, structured scientific research. • Bylaws are not compatible with the future needs. • Imbalanced distribution of administrative staff among the different faculties of the university. • Reliance on traditional teaching methods due to scarcity of technological equipment and training.
Weaknesses (cont.) • High turnover rate of academic staff (migration to the North) • Congested classrooms and laboratories in some faculties. • Inadequate student services and equipment. • Absence of critically needed faculties such as Pharmacy, Dentistry and Tourism. • Redundancy of some faculties in the different branches such as Science (2), Art (2), and Education (3).
Opportunities • The vast geographical expanse of the university. • A developing community in need of the university services. • Existence of almost one third of the world’s antiquities in the region where new specialized faculties could be established. • On-going state development plans (infra-structure, agriculture, small industries) in the region.
Opportunities cont. • Strong national support for higher education quality improvement. • A booming industrial growth in the area. • National encouragement of open and parallel education. • Highly qualified and young staff members.
Threats • The extremely high growth rate of population in the region served by the university. • Escalating unemployment rate and scarcity of job opportunities for the graduates. • Attraction of private universities to the critically needed academic staff.
Structuring the University’s QA Strategic Plan
Objectives Actions Elements of Planning Resources Implementation
Our QA Strategy Should Be … • Outcome based. • Process (not program) based. • Peer reviewed. • Bench-marking oriented.
Strategic Planning Questions • Action Strategies • “What” needs to be done? • “Who” is going to do it? • “When” is it going to get done? • “How” is it going to get done? • “Why” is it needed?
Educational Influences to be Considered • Virtual classrooms. • Global communications. • Global economies. • Tele-courses. • Distance learning. • Corporate classrooms. • State-wide program review.
Environmental Changes to be considered • A rapid increase in competition. • Colleges and Universities within and beyond countries and from private providers • A significant decrease in funding fromgovernment sources. • Shifts in perception: Education not really a public good but a private benefit, and that it is not really an investment but a cost. • Greater government scrutiny. • Performance assessments increasing.
(Cont.) Changes to be Considered • Escalating demands of the stakeholders. • The rapid spread of communications and information technology into every aspect of our lives. • Whereas universities and colleges once held a monopoly on high-quality, up-to-date knowledge, this is now available (for a price) on the internet from all manner of providers.
Plan needs to include … • Self assessment. • Decide on areas to be covered. • Agree on Vision & Mission. • Revise existing operational structure. • Formulation of strategy. • Develop operational tactics. • State sustainability tools. • Conduct Training Needs Analysis (TNA). • Demonstrate commitment for continuous improvement.
Inputs-Current State • Where are we now? • What are today’s issues, problems, threats and opportunities? • What do we have to work with? • What are our constraints?
Outputs-Outcomes: Future States • Where do we want to be in the short, intermediate and long term? • What do we have to produce to get there? • What is the change of condition we want?
NA requiring new bylaws • Increasing the SVU budget • Establishment of some new colleges • The promotion of Academic and Administrative Staff salaries • Credit Hour System • Research Assistant • BOARD OF TRUSTIES
NA Requirements (Funding) • Dissemination of technology culture • Laboratories, classrooms • Increasing the financial support for the student activities • Building a central Sport Complex • Building a student activity center with a library and theatre. • Establishment of data bases. • Establishment of special technical units to manage and repair the scientific equipments.
NA Requirements (Internal changes &decisions) • Establishment of general and specific standards as Benchmarks for the QA SVU. • Active involvement and direct participation of SVU in the local and regional society • Establishment of new special units • Creating new student activities like student parliament and student court. • Offering new disciplines and courses about ICT and Environment, Computer Science and Programming … etc. • Relying on the student assessment of the SVU activities and needs.
University Strategic ObjectivesMain Strategic Goal • “Ensure superior education quality, committing to continuous improvement, and soliciting community confidence in our graduates’ caliber which fulfills international recognized standards.” ” توكيد جودة متميزة فى التعليم، والالتزام بالتطوير المستمر، والتوصل إلى ثقة المجتمع فى الخريجين، الذين يتفق مستواهم مع المقاييس المعترف بها عالميا ”
University Strategic Objectives • Promote excellence and innovation in teaching and learning by providing staff and students with access to relevant academic development programs. • Build an up-to-date data base to serve both the students and staff and enhance the effectiveness of teaching and research. • Invest in the training of the academic staff on new technology in teaching, as well as the teaching methods. • Invest in the training of the administrative staff on new technology in administration and new methods of management. • Provide an attractive, safe and well-equipped environment that is conducive to good scholarship and collegiality. • Provide a safe and nurturing student support system as well as a diverse array of residential, sporting, cultural and leadership opportunities that will foster the all-round development of our students, the university and the region as a whole.
(Cont.) Strategic Objectives • Develop a performance assessment measurement system as a base for continuous improvement. • Strengthen the special units to become a consulting body to serve the business community and generate required income to sustain the university’s development plans. • Attract and retain staff of the highest caliber and to provide development programs for staff at all levels. • Promote excellence in research and other creative endeavors. • Play a leading role in establishing a culture of environmental concern by actively pursuing a policy of environmental best practice. • Strive for excellence and to promote quality assurance in all its activities to prepare the university for accreditation.
SVU Strategic Objectives 12 objectives were determined by the plan of which 5 are the priorities.
Objective 1 Promote excellence and innovation in teaching and learning by providing staff and students with access to relevant academic development programs تحفيز التميز والتجديد عن طريق تزويد الطلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالبرامج الأكاديمية المتطورة المناسبة
Achievement of Object. 1 Indicators: Course specification Program specification Designing a questionnaire for the programs(2nd of 2006) 44% of the course specification and programs were described (8 faculties of 18) Modification of present programs and applying of new programs (end of 2007) (the problem of Sohag autonomy)
Objective 2 Build an up-to-date data base to serve both the students and staff and enhance the effectiveness of teaching and research
Achievement of Object. 2 Indicators • data base for departments completion • data base for the faculties • data base for the university • data base for the employment • Establishment of the center and a site for information
Establishment of Information Center • Establishment of ICT • Establishment of the internet infrastructure • Establishment of database of administrative staff in the Central Management • Establishment of database of staff members, students and administrative staff at 4 faculties (Science, Laws, Fine Arts, Agriculture). • Training of 40% of staff members, assistants and administrative staff during 290 training programs and 6444 hours (ICT) • 96 accredited trainers in SVU
Objective 3 Develop a performance assessment measurement system as a base for continuous improvement
Indicators (Questionnaire) • Questionnaire (administrative staff performance in the Central Unit) • Questionnaire (administrative staff performance in the faculties) • Student Questionnaire (courses in 8 faculties) • Questionnaire (the performance of the staff member, in progress)
Objective 4 Promote excellence in research and other creative endeavors
Indicators • The list of the up-to-date scientific specializations • The lists of the scientific equipments and apparatus and PCs • Establishment of partnership with TWO authorities at least in this period • (Activation and extension of the current agreements, west Michigan, Aluminum Co, Sugar Co., Cement Co., Education Management)
Indicators Approval of the center and issuing the first procure ------------------- • Construction of the center • Participation of students at the faculty councils (e.g. Faculty of Science) • Training of students through the Pathway to Higher Education Project • Holding of 13 sporting and cultural events throughout the current academic year.
Strategic Plan Evaluation In February 2006, Prof. M.N. Maklad, Assiut Univ. Prof. M. Abdel Maksoud, Minia Univ. Dr. Lin Magoury, USA
Notes should be taken into consideration • Who are familiar with the institution’s vision and mission? • The meetings (with whom) you held during the work of strategy • The responsibility of implementing this Strategy ?
How many faculties are engaged in the self-study process ? • The University has (or has not) included its internal and external stakeholders (such as employers, industry and parents) in the Strategic Planning process • Are the goals realistic and achievable?
‘’’’’ Wishing you continuing success