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What is CPI? CPI (Composite Performance Index):Advanced/Proficient: 100High Needs Improvement: 75Low Needs Improvement: 50High Warning: 25Low Warning: 0 *Aggregate CPI or for subgroups is a simple calculation of the mean for a given set of students (whole school, by grade level, high-need subgroup, etc.)
What is PPI? PPI - Progress and Performance Index • 100 Point Index Based on the Following Indicators: • a. ELA Achievement (CPI)b. Math Achievement (CPI)c. Science Achievement (CPI)d. ELA Growth/Improvement (median SGP)e. Math Growth/Improvement (median SGP)f. Cohort Graduation Rate (HS only)g. Annual Dropout Rate (HS only) • Annual PPI: calculated by adding points earned for each of the above indicators and dividing the total by the number of indicators assessed. • Cumulative PPI: calculated for a school/district/student group over a 4 year period • Accountability measures now go beyond just Math and ELA results
Annual PPI: Annual PPI calculation (average/mean of the following indicators): 100 – above target 75 – met target 50 – improved, but below target 25 – no change 0 – declined ELA CPI Achievement: 0-100 Math CPI Achievement: 0-100 Science CPI Achievement: 0-100 ELA Median SGP: 0-100 Math Median SGP: 0-100 Annual Drop-out Rate: 0-100 Cohort Graduation Rate: 0-100
Adding Student Growth... • PPI also Factors in SGP (Student Growth Percentile) Targets. Calculating Median Student Growth Percentile: • All students receive an SGP percentile rank based on their achievement relative to their academic peers (students with similar MCAS performance histories over a three year period). • Students in a specific group are ordered from least to greatest and the median (values in the middle) is calculated. The Median SGP is calculated in the aggregate and with respect to subgroups. • The Median SGP is then compared to prior years and points are assessed based on whether or not targets are hit (next slide)
Median SGP Targets A group of students is considered on target if: • The Median SGP is 51 or higher AND/OR: • The group demonstrates improvement of 10 pts or greater from the previous year AND/OR: • The percentage of students NOT proficient decreases by 10%
Additional Factors for High Schools... PPI Calculations factors in two additional indicators: • Annual Dropout Rate: expected to cut the rate in half by 2017 • Cohort Graduation Rate: expected to hit 90% in four years, 95% in five years (There are PPI Indicators and Thresholds that can be viewed in the School Leaders Guide)
Extra Credit… Extra Credit and BONUS POINTS! • Decrease the % of students scoring in Warning on MCAS by 10% or more from the prior year and earn 25 bonus PPI points! OR… • Increase the % of students scoring Advanced on MCAS by 10% or more from the prior year and earn 25 bonus PPI points!
Cumulative PPI In addition to the Annual PPI, DESE will calculate a CUMULATIVE PPI over a 4 year span: • Assigned to all districts with complete data for Annual PPI calculations over the last 4 years according to the following weight: • 40% to the most recent year - 2014 • 30% - 2013 • 20% - 2012 • 10% - 2011
Levels - What Do They Mean? DESE uses Annual PPI and Cumulative PPI indicators to RANK schools within their grade spans across the State. • Rank will be used to classify schools and districts into levels: 1,2,3,4,5 • Level 1 (few): Aggregate Cumulative PPI is 75 or higher; high needs subgroup cumulative PPI is 75 or higher • Levels 2/3 (most): Aggregate Cumulative PPI is below 75; high needs subgroup is below 75. Level 3 designation are for schools ranked in the 20th percentile or lower. • Levels 4 & 5 (few): Aggregate Cumulative PPI or Cumulative PPI for the high needs subgroup is ranked in the lowest 20% when compared statewide within your school’s grade span. School or district has not demonstrated progress on key achievement indicators over multiple years.
Review of Saugus Data for 2014: District Accountability Data:Cumulative PPI: *Weighted Average over last 4 years (2011-2014) 2014: 2013:2012: • All Students: 58 6961 • High Needs: 51 70 63 *High needs subgroup represents students with disabilities, low income,and ELL/former ELL *Refer to 2014 Accountability Data - Saugus
Saugus Data Continued Annual PPI for District: Year: PPI: PPI (high needs): 2014 58 51 2013: 82 89 2012: 50 39 2011: 57 61
Accountability and Assistance Levels Cumulative PPI: All Students/High Needs Level: PPI‘14 PPI ‘13: PPI ‘12 Saugus Public 58/51 69/70 61/63 Schools: Level III Lynnhurst: Level II 46/49 50/59 54/48 Oaklandvale: Level II54/55 76/83 61/60 Veteran’s Memorial: Level II 62/55 75/78 67/77 Waybright: Level II 64/49 80/59 73 / na Belmonte: Level III 47/48 59/70 63/75 Saugus High: Level II 84/76 87/81 74/76
MCAS: Spring 2014 Elementary Schools : • Math achievement: Students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades continue to make gains and or maintain their current status in Mathematics. The # of students scoring in the advanced & proficient categories in 3rd grade has continued to make positive strides increasing from 61 in 2012, to 67 in 2013, and 69 currently in 2014.
MCAS: Spring 2014 Middle School: • Science, Technology & Engineering achievement: CPI increased from 67.0 in 2013 to 67.8 in 2014. • Mathematics Achievement: • While there were no true gains in Math at BMS the year, the CPI change was only -1.0 for the aggregate(all students) and -3.1 for the High Needs students. These are areas where we are already planning for targeted assistance.
MCAS: Spring 2014 Saugus High School: • 10th ELA Achievement: CPI increased from 96.6 in 2013 to 97.5 in 2014. This is 0.7 above the 6 Year Target CPI of 96.8. • 10th ELA Achievement: ELA Four Year Trends • 2011: 80% SHS students rated Proficient or Advanced • 2011: 16% SHS rated Advanced • 2014: 94% SHS students rated Proficient or Advanced • 2014: 37% SHS students rated advanced • 2011: 20% SHS students rated Needs Improvement • 2014: 5% SHS students rated Needs Improvement
MCAS: Spring 2014 Saugus High School: • 10th Math Achievement: Still “On Target” to meet 6 Year CPI Goal. • 10th Biology: Still “On Target” to meet 6 Year CPI Goal. • High Needs Subgroup SGP: The High Needs Subgroup is “On Target” or “Above Target” for SGP Target. • 10th Math High Needs: 2013 SGP (45.5), 2014 SGP (52.5) • 10th ELA High Needs: 2013 SGP (47.0), 2014 SGP (71.0)
The History of The Test...To Date... • A total of 541,643 Massachusetts public school students in grades 3–10 participated in a total of 17 MCAS tests in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and Science and Technology/Engineering (STE). • Statewide student achievement improved nominally on six of the 17 MCAS tests administered in 2014. Between 2013 and 2014, the percentage of students scoring Proficient or higher in ELA improved at grades 4, 6, and 8. • This and following Information was taken from the DESE Spring 2014 MCAS Tests: Summary of State Results
MCAS...Where we are today... • In Mathematics at grade 3; and in STE at grades 5 and 8. The only annual changes greater than two percentage points were in grade 8 Mathematics, where results fell three points after rising three points the year before, and grade 8 STE, where results rose by three points after falling four points the year before. • Because measures of student achievement often change incrementally over short periods of time, the DESE has chosen to release eight year views in a report in order to reveal achievement trends that have occurred over multiple years.
Sustainable Growth Versus Meaningful Decline • Over the eight-year period of MCAS assessments from 2007 to 2014, an increase of fiveor more percentage points indicates improvement that has been sustained, while a decrease of five or more percentage points indicates that a potentially meaningful decline has occurred.
Eight-Year Changes in Student Achievement Shown in the Upcoming Slides Include: In ELA: • Grade 10 increased from 71 to 90 percent Proficient or higher . In Mathematics: • Grade 3 increased from 60 to 68 percent Proficient or higher. • Grade 5 increased from 51 to 61 percent Proficient or higher. • Grade 6 increased from 52 to 60 percent Proficient or higher. • Grade 8 increased from 45 to 52 percent Proficient or higher.
Slides of Trends in MCAS Testing... • Grade 10 increased from 68 to 79 percent Proficient or higher. In STE: • Grade 8 increased from 33 to 42 percent Proficient or higher. These are gains that are considered by the state to be sustainable growth and progress. While each year is somewhat of a roller coaster as to improvements and declines our overall goal has to be to continue to grow and sustain that growth through future cohorts of students..
Five or More Percentage-Point Change In MCAS Achievement, 2007 - 2014
Five or More Percentage-Point Change In MCAS Achievement, 2007 - 2014
Every Child, Every Day We recognize that we want to see greater improvement from year to year and not just in general…sustained over time. We accept that in order to do this, we need to start looking at individual growth. District wide we are focusing on three big questions… 1. What do we as teachers want ALL of our student to know and/or be able to do? 2. How are we assessing this on a daily, weekly basis? 3. What are we doing if “They don’t get it”
PPI Results and Targets 2011 - 2014 • Saugus/District Results – All Students
PPI Results and Targets 2011 - 2014 • Saugus/BMS All Students
PPI Results and Targets 2011 - 2014 • Saugus/BMS High Needs
Moving Forward Academic Support Grant: Will be used to sponsor academic support for 8th graders at BMS and 9th and 10th graders at SHS leading up to the Spring testing season. Title 1 – Last years re-organization has allowed for more support of more students in the Warning and Needs Improvement categories. PPS and Curriculum offices will be working together to provide additional supports for students in the High Needs category,
Making Strides in AP classes and Standardized Test: • Total enrollment in AP courses at Saugus High School has more than doubled for the 2015/2016 school year. • On October 15, 2014; • All Freshmen participated in the Readistep testing. • All Sophomores and Juniors participated in the PSAT testing, at no cost of their own, proctored by the teachers at Saugus High School. • Seniors participated in college visits. • The District Improvement Plan is currently being updated to support Professional Development across the curriculum and thereby aiding in the use and implementation of research based instructional practices to educate every child. (RBT/UDL/UBD)
DESE Links: 1. District Accountability Profiles (select Saugus): http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/ 2. New School Accountability and Performance Measures: http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/accountability/default.html 3. New Teacher Evaluation Regulations: http://www.doe.mass.edu/edeval/model/