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THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS. 20th Century Med. Man Video (30 min) Walk on Campus to identify (sheet in binder) 1.flowers,cones, ferns and mosses 2. flower parts 3.common trees and plants (locust, oak, pear, hemlock, dandelion, violet, grass, poison ivy, dogwood, pine, black cherry)
THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS 20th Century Med. Man Video (30 min) Walk on Campus to identify (sheet in binder) 1.flowers,cones, ferns and mosses 2. flower parts 3.common trees and plants (locust, oak, pear, hemlock, dandelion, violet, grass, poison ivy, dogwood, pine, black cherry) Info on seeds was covered for quarter long project Flower parts were covered when we did genetics
root hairs, root cap, herbaceous plant, vascular bundle transpiration Vocabulary • Cereal • Legumes • root crops • fruit • grain • vegetative part Read (570-579, 534-541)
The importance of plants • A. • 275,000 to 400,000 • SPECIES OF FLOWERING PLANTS • 3,000 USED FOR HUMAN FOOD • 200 DOMESTICATED • 12 MAIN FOODS
Activity! • Name the major food crop plants that are harvest. • This is based on amount harvested
list is by weight harvested 1. 7. 13. 2. 8. 14. 3 9. 15. 4. 10. 16. 5. 11. 17. 6. 12.
list is by weight harvested 1. SUGAR CANE* 7. BARLEY* 13. GRAPE 2. WHEAT* 8. MANIOC 14. TOMATO 3. CORN* 9. SWEET POTATO 15. OAT* 4. RICE* 10. SOY BEAN 16. ORANGE 5. POTATO 11. SORGHUM* 17. APPLE 6. SUGAR BEET 12. BANANA What do all the * have in common? * MAJOR plant family Grass family
C. HUMAN EXISTENCE • 200,000 TO 100,000 may have been humans in an early form H. sapiens var. sapiens and H. sapiens var. neaderthalensis • 25,000 to 35,000 years ago substantial archeological and fossil evidence of H. sapiens (us)
EARLY HUMAN LIFESTYLE? • Hunter/gatherer • Man herd food season • Change in human behavior approximately 9,000 years ago • Domestication/agriculture develops simultaneously in several places in the world
GOOD EVIDENCE OF FARMING • 7,000 B.C. Fertile Crescent, Near East Wheat , Barley • " Thailand bean and pea • 5,000 Asia rice • 7,000-5,000 Mexico near Texas gourds, chili, beans • 5,000 Mexico City squash, beans, avacado, Maize
D. NOTES ON 20TH CENTURY MED MAN. (video in library) • Botany • Ethnobotany • Dr. Mark Plotkin (Harvard) • Jaguar Shaman • Rainforest Destruction and Old age of Shaman • 25% of modern meds have their origin in plants • examples poppy (opium, morphine) periwinkle (vincristine) willow (aspirin)
I. GROSS ANATOMY • ROOTS (functions?) • Anchor • absorb water and nutrients • asexual reproduction (ex. Raspberry) • storage ex. Yam, carrot , beet
LEAVES • Photosynthesis • Enzymes, sunlight, chlorophyll • Transpiration – release of water through the leaf surface. The plant is like a straw. Roots have the opening and the leaves have the exit
asexual reproduction ex. African violet Kalanchoe • storage ex. Cabbage, onion, lettuce
STEM support the leaves and flowers asexual reproduction ex. Potato, strawberry storage ex. Potato, broccoli, cauliflower , asparagus
transport xylem phloem Active Cell division absorption Water up Sugars down Meristem Root tip II. CELLULAR ANATOMY
support- wood • dating activity with growth rings
How old is this stem? 12 years old
cell division Adding to length at root and stem tips by apical meristem
cell division Adding to the width of stem -lateral meristem Vascular bundle Looks vaguely like an ice cream cone
Photosynthesis • leaf anatomy- stomata • from work sheet • chromatography- pigments • chlorophyll • carotene • xanthophylls
Photosynthesis 1. Leaf Anatomy – stomata and guard cells (from worksheet) 2. Chromatography- pigment mixtures are separated and analyzed • Chlorophyll – green pigment • Carotene – orange pigment • Xanthophylls – yellow pigment
III. PLANT RESPONSES (tropisms) • Controlled by hormones that stimulate specific cells to grow • Thigmotropism – response to touch (vines, venus fly traps) • Phototropism – response to light (seedlings) • Gravitropism – up and down growth • Chemotropism – response to a chemical stimulus (ex. fertilizer)
Thigmotropism • The turning or bending response of an organism upon direct contact with a solid surface or object.
Legumes • Simple dry fruit • Common name for fruit is a pod • Peas, beans, lentils, and peanuts • High in protein
Quiz on plants MONDAY • Video Med Man, • Human uses of plants, Text • Notes, • Vocab • LABS Tree Ring, Chromotography, Campus Walk and Plant identification, • Cross word • Plant anatomy