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UHS 3052 LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATION Contingency theories of leadership 2 NUR SYUHADA & SITI SARA NORFAZILAH & HAZARINA KHAIRUNNISA & IZZATI. Multiple-Linkage Model (developed by Yulk ). The managerial behavior and situational variables determine the performance of organization.
Multiple-Linkage Model(developed by Yulk) The managerial behavior and situational variables determine the performance of organization. Leader Intervening Group behavior variables performance Situational variables influence at three points: Constraints managerial behavior and moderate its effects. Directly influence intervening variables. Determine the relative importance of the intervening variables.
These variable interact with each other to determine the effectiveness of a group or organizational subunit 2.Ability and Role Clarity Understand their job responsibility well 1.Task Commitment --Struggle to attain high performance and commits to tack objectives 3.Organization of the Work Use effective performance strategies 6.External Coordination Work unit activities are in line with the interdependent activities of the parts of the organization and other organization 4.Cooperation and Mutual Trust -Sharing information and ideas, helping each other 5.Resources and Support Other units also provide necessary resources and information needed to do work
Situational Influences on Intervening Variables 2. Intrinsically Motivating Properties of the Work itself - Provide work requires varied skills is interesting and challenging, and provides automatic performance Formal Reward System - Provides attractive rewards dependent on performance The situation can influence the intervening variables independently of anything done by leader Two situational variable that can influence task commitment
2.Ability and Role Clarity Affected by task structure, prior member experience and external dependencies Simple task, easier to understand 1.Task Commitment Providing effective recruiting and selection procedures and high salaries is more likely to attract qualified people with high ability 3.Organization of the Work Affected by type of technology used to do the work and the competitive strategy of the organization 6.External Coordination Affected by the formal structure of the organization, High lateral interdependence increases the amount of coordination needed among subunit of an organization. 4.Cooperation and Mutual Trust Influenced by the size of the group, members similarity values and background, reward system and the organization of the work 5.Resources and Support Influenced by the organization’s budgetary system, inventory system, changes in policy
Short-Term Actions 3.Organization of the Work Matching people with task 1.Task Commitment Committed 2.Ability and Role Clarity Clear confusion 5.Resources and Support Seek and provide enough resources 6.External Coordination Seek assistance from outsider 4.Cooperation and Mutual Trust Involvement of group members
Long-Term actions Gain control over acquisition of resources Initiate profitable activities Gain control over demand for the unit’s product and services Initiate long-term improvement programs Alter culture of the organization Modifying formal structure of the work unit
Evaluation of the Multiple-Linkage Model • First contingency theories to emphasize leadership processes at the group level • Weakness : • Not specify how different types of leader behavior interact with each other in their effect on intervening variable • Long –term actions of managers are too general-specific hypothesis are needed • Fails to identify common interaction among situational variable • Thus, this model is still more a general (theoretical) framework than a refined (experienced) theory • Based on few studies made on leader behavior found that situational variables yielded weak, inconsistence result
Research On Cognitive Resources Theory • Study of Coast Guard officer and study of fire department officers • A creative task • Under low stress conditions, intelligence was positively related to the production of creative ideas by leaders and followers alike, and the more intelligent leaders had more productive groups • Under high stress conditions, leader intelligence was not related to the production of creative ideas by followers • Intellectual ability is related more to performance for directive leaders
Limitations of the Research • Results from the validation research are inconsistent • Methodological problems make it difficult to interpret some of the results • Some aspects of the theory have not been adequately tested
Conceptual Weaknesses • No explicit rationale is provided for use of general intelligence rather than specific cognitive skills - It should identifying specific aspects of intellectual ability relevant to the task • There is only one leadership behavior, its to general to capture the complexities on participative leadership - More precise explanation of the influence of cognitive resources on leader behavior and effectiveness should be concern
Evaluation of Research on Situational Theories • Type of situational effect • High level of the situational variable will reduce the impact of leader behavior on the dependent variable • Situational variable that make leader behavior more effective but do not directly influence the dependent variable • Subordinate is more likely treated as a mediator than as moderator
ABSTRACT Early contingency theories of effective leadership such as LPC Contingency model, Path-Goal theory, Situational Leadership theory, Leadership Substitutes theory, Multiple-Linkage model, Cognitive Resources theory, and Normative Decision theory can be guideline for leader to be more effective by adopt it in the organization’s situation that leader are in. Even though the contingency theories have limitation that have been questioned by many researchers about their utilities, but the contingency theories are play important role to serve leaders that is essential to monitor changes in the situation and adjust their behavior in appropriate ways.
REFERENCES Website • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency_theory • http://sacbusiness.org/marketing/john%20materials/Bus%20120/Fiedler.pdf • http://managementstudyguide.com/fiedlers-contingency-model.htm • http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/theories/contingency_theory.htm • http://www.12manage.com/methods_contingency_theory.html • http://www.stfrancis.edu/content/ba/ghkickul/stuwebs/btopics/works/fied.htm
Books • Adv Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 1, edited by Leonard Berkowitz, page 149, A Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness , Fred E Fiedler • Gary Yukl. (2010),Leadership in Organizations, Seventh Edition, Early contingency theories of Effective Leadership, Pg 240-256
Journal • Edström, Anders (1977), User Influence and the Success of MIS Projects: A Contingency Approach, Human Relations, 30(7), 589-607 • Franz, Charles R. (1985), User Leadership in the Systems Development Life Cycle: A Contingency Model, Journal of Management Information Systems, 2 (2), 5