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Universal Approximations in Network Design. Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University. Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, Ravi Sundaram, Emanuele Viola . 1,2,3,6?. {1,2,3,6}: 20+15+15+30=90. {2,3,4,5}: 10+10+20+40=80.
Universal Approximations in Network Design Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University Based on joint work with Chinmoy Dutta, Lujun Jia, Guolong Lin, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, Ravi Sundaram, Emanuele Viola
1,2,3,6? {1,2,3,6}: 20+15+15+30=90 {2,3,4,5}: 10+10+20+40=80 A day in the life of a courier 2,3,4,5? 1 8 2 7 4 3 6 5
1,2,3,6? {1,2,3,6}: 20+15+15+30=90 20+40+15+20=95 {2,3,4,5}: 10+10+20+40=80 40+30+10+35=115 A day in…a lazy courier 2,3,4,5? Consider tour 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1 8 2 7 4 3 6 5 Stretch ≥ 115/80
Is there a single tour that is universally good? Given any subset of the cities, the restricted subtour (preserving the order) is a good approximation to the best tour for that subset Is there a smart lazy courier? 1 8 2 7 4 3 6 5
Universal TSP • Given a metric space (V,d), design a tour T over V that minimizes • Tsis the sub-tour of T induced by S • Cost(X) is length of tour X • OPT(S) is cost of an optimal tour for S
Universal Steiner tree (UST) Candidate spanning tree T Set S OPT(S) = 6 Cost of induced Subtree TS = 16 Stretch ≥ 16/6
Universal Steiner tree (UST) • Given: A weighted graph G over set V of vertices, and a root vertex • Goal: Determine a spanning tree T of G that minimizes • Tsis the subtree of T induced by S and root • OPT(S) is cost of optimal tree connecting S to root • Cost(X) is the sum of weights of edges in X • Graphical UST: T only has edges from G • Metric UST: Work with metric completion of G • Graphical UST at least as hard as metric UST Stretch of T
Universal approximations framework • Universal version of optimization problem has two additional notions • Sub-instance relation ≤ • Restriction function R: Takes a solution S for instance I, a sub-instance I’ of I, and returns a solution R(S,I,I’) for I’ • Goal: For given instance I, determine a solution T for I that minimizes
Universal set cover • Given set V of elements, collection C of subsets of V, determine f: V C such that • For all x in V, f(x) contains x, and • The following stretch is minimized
Motivation • Optimization under uncertainty • Universal solutions are robust against adversarial inputs • Aggregation tree in a sensor network • Data is being generated at several sensors, and aggregation queries arrive at a sink • Setting up aggregation trees dynamically as queries and data change may be expensive • Universal Steiner trees provide good approximations for all query and update patterns • Universal solutions are differentially private [Bhalgat-Chakrabarty-Khanna 11]
The roadmap • Landscape around universal approximations • Universal Steiner trees • Bounded locally consistent partitions • Metric UST • Graphical UST • Lower bound • Concluding remarks and open problems
The “universal” landscape • O(log n)-stretch universal TSP for the Euclidean plane [Platzman-Bartholdi 89] • Simultaneous approximations for single-sink buy-at-bulk • Given a graph, demands to be routed to a sink, cost for each edge, route demands to minimize total cost • A single tree is a simultaneous O(1)-approximation for all concave cost functions [Goel-Estrin 03,…,Goel-Post 10] • Tree decompositions • [Fakcharoenphol-Rao-Talwar 03] yields metric tree whose expected stretch for each set is O(log n) • O(log n loglog n) using [Elkin-Emek-Spielman-Teng 06, Abraham-Bartal-Neiman 09] distribution over spanning trees • The cut-based decompositions of [Räcke 02,08] also aim for a distribution over trees or tree with prob. embedding
The “universal” landscape • Oblivious routing and network design • Given graph, source-sink pairs, and per-edge routing cost, determine routes that are oblivious to demand pairs and cost function • O(log2n)-approximation for sub-additive cost functions • [Räcke 02, Harrelson-Hildrum-Rao 03, Gupta-Hajiaghayi-Räcke 06] • A priori approximations [Schalekamp-Shmoys 08] • For TSP, set of vertices visited drawn from a probability distribution • Set covering with eyes closed • Determine a single mapping of elements to sets to minimize expected cost of covering random element subset • [Grandoni-Gupta-Leonardi-Miettinen-Sankowski-Singh 08]
Universal Steiner tree (UST) • Given: A weighted graph G over set V of vertices, and a root vertex • Goal: Determine a spanning tree T of G that minimizes • Tsis the subtree of T induced by S and root • OPT(S) is cost of an optimal tree connecting S to root • Cost(X) is the sum of weights of edges in X Stretch of T
What does a good UST look like? Candidate spanning tree T
What does a good UST look like? • At each distance level, T provides a clustering of G • Given tree T, adversary identifies set S such that • S is “well-separated” in T • S is “close” in G • To avoid this, UST should cluster nodes so that • Each node’s neighborhood does not intersect too many clusters • Otherwise, adversary will select several nodes from this neighborhood lying in different clusters
Bounded locally consistent partitions • A partition of the metric space with the following properties: • Diameter of every cluster in partition is at most αR • Every R-ball intersects β clusters • Every metric space has an (O(log n),O(log n),R)-partition for every R • Sparse partitions [Awerbuch-Peleg 90], [Peleg 00] β = 4
Hierarchical partitions • A collection of partitions {Pi} with the following properties: • Partition: Pi is an (α,β,Ri)-partition • Hierarchy: Pi is a refinement of Pi+1 • Root padding: Cluster in Pi containing root contains ball of radius Riaround root • Every metric space has a hierarchical (O(logn), O(logn),O(logn))- partition
A metric UST algorithm [JLNRS 05] • Compute a hierarchical (O(log n),O(log n),O(log n))-partition • For each level i, from lowest to highest: • For each level i cluster: • Select leader from leaders of its constituent level i-1 clusters • connect level i leader to level i-1 leaders • Root is always leader of its clusters
Proof sketch for stretch • To prove: For every set S, Cost(TS) is at most polylog(n) times OPT(S) • For a level j, cost in UST is O(njlogj+1n): • njis the number of level-j ancestors of nodes in S • Main Lemma: • If Pj is a maximal set of nodes in S pair-wise separated by logj-1n • Then nj = O(|Pj| log n) • Cost(OPT(S)) is Ω(|Pj|logj-1n) • Cost at level j in UST is thus O(log3n)Cost(OPT(S))
Bounding the cost at a level Proof sketch of Main Lemma: • Any node’s ancestor at level j is within O(logjn) cost of node • Therefore, O(logjn)-ball around the ancestors of Pj at level j covers all nj ancestors of S at level j • By partitioning scheme, it follows that nj is O(|Pj|log n) Pj is maximal set of nodes in S pair-wise separated by logj-1n nj is the number of nodes at level j of induced tree We have nj = O(|Pj| log n)
Improved bounds for special metrics • For doubling metrics, the UST algorithm achieves a stretch of O(log n) • Hierarchical (O(1),O(1),O(1))-partition • Doubling metrics include Euclidean metrics as well as growth-restricted metrics
An O(log2n)-stretch metric UST • Gupta-Hajiaghayi-Räcke 06 • α-padding: A node v is α-padded in a hierarchical decomposition if • At level i, the ball of radius α2i around v is fully contained within its cluster at level i • Theorem: For any v, in any tree drawn from the [FRT 03] distribution, probability that v is Ω(1/logn)-padded is at least 3/4
An O(log2n)-stretch metric UST • Simple metric UST construction: • Sample O(log n) trees from the FRT distribution • For each vertex v select a tree where v is Ω(1/logn)-padded • In each tree, build the sub-tree induced by the root and vertices that selected the tree (using metric completion) • Return the union of the O(log n) sub-trees computed above • O(log2n) stretch
Challenges for Graphical UST • Bounded locally consistent partition: • Partition G into clusters of strong diameter at most αR • Each R-ball intersects at most β clusters • How small can α and β be? • Open: Is (polylog(n), polylog(n),1)-partitioning achievable? • Lemma (Necessity): If σ-stretch achievable for graphical UST, then (σ,σ2,R)-partition exists for all R.
Challenges for Graphical UST • Hierarchical partition: • Unlike in the metric case, cannot simply elect leaders and connect directly • Connecting lower level partitions arbitrarily may introduce huge blowup in costs • In the [GHR 06] approach: • Can replace the O(log n) FRT trees by the spanning trees drawn from [EEST 05] distribution • Not clear how to combine paths drawn from these trees into a single spanning tree
Graphical UST construction • Construct (2Õ(√logn), 2Õ(√logn),R)-partitions • (O(1),O(1),R) for doubling graphs • Convert to a hierarchical partitioning: • (2Õ(√logn),2Õ(√logn),2Õ(√logn)) for general graphs • (O(1), O(1), O(log2n)) for doubling graphs • Build UST from hierarchical partition: • Connect lower-level trees using shortest paths • Invoke properties of partitioning to bound stretch • for general graphs and 2Õ(√logn)for doubling graphs • [Dutta-Radhakrishnan-R-Sundaram-Viola 11]
Lower bound for UST • Every algorithm for on-line Steiner trees over n nodes has a competitive ratio of • (log n) for metrics [Imase-Waxman 91] • (log n/loglog n) for Euclidean metrics [Alon-Azar 92] • Any UST for an n-node metric space with stretch s(n) can be transformed into an on-line algorithm with competitive ratio of s(n) • Consequence: Every UST has a stretch of (log n) for n-node metrics, (log n/loglog n) for Euclidean metrics
Complexity of universal problems • For a given terminal set S: • Finding OPT(S) is NP-hard • Poly-time O(1)-approximations known (Minimum spanning tree,…,[]) • For a candidate UST, finding the worst-case set is NP-hard • Finding whether there exists a UST with stretch at most σ is coNP-hard • Universal problems are “”-optimization problems • The -quantification is over an exponential-sized domain • Lies in ∑2 • Open: is it ∑2-hard?
Open problems • Close the gaps for UTSP and metric UST • Euclidean UTSP: Ω(log1/6n) vs O(log n) • UTSP: Ω(log n) vs O(log2 n) • Metric UST: Ω(log n) vs O(log2n) • Is there a polylog(n)-stretch graphical UST? • Strong diameter partitions: • Can we partition any graph into components of strong diameter polylog(n) such that each vertex has neighbors in polylog(n) components? • [Peleg 00] • Universal approximations for other optimization problems