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What it means to be a

Explore the core aspects of being a Christian in this study, covering topics like the Biblical definition, becoming, and growing as a Christian, the Christian identity, and living as a follower of Jesus. Discover the significance of being forgiven, transformed, and striving to imitate God's qualities through faith and discipleship. Embrace the journey of being a partaker of His divine nature and a child of God in this enlightening study.

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What it means to be a

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  1. What it means to be a Christian

  2. In this study we will notice: • What is a Christian? • Becoming a Christian • What hinders me from becoming a Christian? • Growing as a Christian • What hinders me from growing? • The Christian and the body of Christ • The Christian and others • Am I done yet? Is It Worth it? What it means to be a Christian What is a Christian?

  3. A misunderstood word today: • Anyone who professes belief in Jesus • Applied to nations that are supposedly founded on New Testament values • Behaviors supposedly Biblical • Denominationalism • Used as an adjective – “Christian home” “Christian church”, etc. What is a Christian? What is a Christian?

  4. The Biblical definition • Χριστιανός, (Christianos) • One associated with ChristA believer in and follower of Christ (LN 11.35)“Christ-partisan” (BDAG)“It denotes Christ’s adherents” (TDNT) What is a Christian? What is a Christian?

  5. One who has obeyed the gospel and is striving to live as a true follower of Jesus What is a Christian? What is a Christian?

  6. Acts 11:26 • “And the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch” • Prophesied – Isaiah 62:2 • Called – mostly message from God (Matthew 2:12, 22, Luke 2:26, Hebrews 8:4, 11:7) Called Christians What is a Christian?

  7. IF this is a divine name, then it should apply to those God has designated as such Called Christians What is a Christian?

  8. Acts 26:28 • “You almost persuade me to become a Christian” • Herod at this point is rejecting the “invitation” • Paul does not reject the name, but declares his desire that all become Christians (vs. 29) Called Christians What is a Christian?

  9. 1 Peter 4:16 • “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter” • A text calling for faithfulness, even when we face adversity in this ungodly world Called Christians What is a Christian?

  10. A Christian is NOT: • One who merely believes • One in name only • Just someone good and moral • Just someone religious or “spiritual” (cf. James 1:27, Romans 8:1) • Someone who just goes through the motions A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  11. One who has obeyed the gospel (more in our next lesson) A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  12. Convicted • One found guilty, or one genuinely and firmly believes • He realizes he is a sinner, cf. Acts 2:37-38, 411 Timothy 1:12-15 – Paul • He genuinely believes and his life shows it – Hebrews 10:22 – a true heart, 2 Timothy 1:12 A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  13. A new creation • 2 Corinthians 5:17 • Romans 12:1-2 – transformed • Romans 6:2, 6; Ephesians 4:22 • Being a Christian means you have changed! It is noticeable - Cf. 1 Peter 4:3-4 A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  14. A child of God • A blessing – we belong to the FAMILY of God! My creator! • 1 John 3:1 • Romans 8:16-17 – heirs together • James 4:7, cf. Matthew 5:44-45 – we submit to Him! • 2 Corinthians 6:18 - separate • Privilege of prayer – 1 Peter 1:17 A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  15. A disciple • A follower, an adherent. A learner who seeks to imitate • Matthew 28:19-20 – make disciples. • Acts 11:26, disciples first called Christians A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  16. A partaker of His divine nature • 2 Peter 1:4 • Describes one seeking to be like God • NOT deity itself, but possessing the qualities He has • Ephesians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 11:1, cf. Philippians 2:5 A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  17. IF we are seeking to be like our Creator, who knows better how we OUGHT to be living? A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  18. Forgiven • The world has a sin problem! • And a failure to understand how to deal with it • Not earned, but received through His grace • Acts 2:38, 22:16 • Acts 8:22, 1 John 1:7-9 A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  19. Forgiven While not perfect, A Christian cherishes forgiveness and takes care of his sins! A Christian is: What is a Christian?

  20. We are here because we realize we need to be Christians – everywhere and at all times! Are you a Christian?

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