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Overview of Multicore Processors and Memory Coherence Systems

Understand multicore processors, memory coherence, synchronization primitives, and snooping protocols for efficient system architecture. Explore cache lines, bus communication, and MESI protocols.

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Overview of Multicore Processors and Memory Coherence Systems

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  1. From Tuesday • What is a Multicore processor? • It is a single computing chip with two or more independent processing units (cores), each able to execute programs independently • What is memorycoherency in this context? • Ensure changes are seen everywhere. i.e. no outdated copy remains in the system • And memoryconsistency? • Ensure correct ordering of memory accesses and specially of atomic operations

  2. From Tuesday • Explain the following synchronization primitives • Lock: • Ensure that only one thread can advance into an atomic region • Fence: • Ensure all the instructions before a certain point have completed before starting issuing instructions after the fence (required in out-of-order architectures) • Barrier: • Ensure all the threads have reached a certain point of the execution before any of the threads is able to advance.

  3. Typical Multi-core Structure core L1 Inst L1 Data core L1 Inst L1 Data Main Memory (DRAM) L2 Cache L2 Cache Memory Controller L3 Shared Cache On Chip QPI or HT PCIe Input/Output Hub PCIe Graphics Card Input/Output Controller … Motherboard I/O Buses (PCIe, USB, Ethernet, SATA HD)

  4. Simplified Multi-Core Structure core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data Interconnect On Chip Main Memory

  5. Multi-core systemsCOMP25212System Architecture Dr. Javier Navaridas

  6. Overview of Coherence Systems • Hardware mechanisms that ensure our architecture provides a coherent view of data stored in memory • Require extra information about cache lines and many decision to be taken • Are there other copies? Where? • What to do when the value changes? • How to deal with shared data? • How we share information about the caches lines • Snooping protocols: all caches are aware of everything that happens in the memory system • Directory protocols: cache line information is stored in a separated subsystem and changes are updated there

  7. Snooping protocol

  8. Snooping Protocols • Each cache ‘snoops’ (i.e. listens continually) for activity concerned with its cached addresses • Changes status and reacts adequately when needed • All caches are aware of all events • Requires a broadcast communications structure • Typically a bus, so all communication are seen by all • Other forms are possible

  9. Simplest Snooping Protocols Write Update • A core wanting to write grabs bus cycle and broadcasts address & new data as it updates its own copy • All snooping caches update their copy core IC DC X core IC DC X core IC DC core IC DC X core IC DC X core IC DC str r0, X @X, cachelineX Bus On Chip Main Memory

  10. Simplest Snooping Protocols Write Invalidate • A core wanting to write to an address, grabs a bus cycle and sends a ‘write invalidate’ message which contains the address • All snooping caches invalidate their copy of that cache line • The core writes to its cached copy • Any shared read in other cores will now miss and get the value from the updated cache core IC DC X core IC DC X core IC DC core IC DC Inv core IC DC X core IC DC str r0, X Invalidate Bus On Chip Main Memory

  11. Update or Invalidate? • In both schemes, the problem of simultaneous writes is taken care of by bus arbitration • Only one core can use the bus at any one time • Update looks the simplest and most obvious, but: • Messages are longer • Address+data vsaddress only • Multiple writes to the same word, no intervening read • One invalidate message vs an update for each • Writes to words in the same cache line, no intervening read • One invalidate vs multiple updates • Remember Write Through vs Copy Back?

  12. Update or Invalidate? Due to both spatial and temporal locality, the previous cases occur often Bus bandwidth is a precious commodity in shared memory multi-core chips Experience has shown that invalidate protocols use significantly less bandwidth We will only see in detail the implementation of invalidate protocols

  13. Implementation Issues In both schemes, knowing if a cached value is not shared can avoid sending messages Better latency Lower bandwidth consumption Less contention for the use of the bus Invalidate description assumes that a cache value update is ‘written through’ to memory If we used ‘copy back’ (better for performance) other cores could re-fetch incorrect value if read from RAM We need a protocol to handle all this

  14. MESI Protocol (1) A practical multi-core invalidate protocol which attempts to minimize bus usage Also known as Illinois protocol Allows usage of a copy back scheme Next level of the memory hierarchy is not updated until a ‘dirty’ cache line is displaced Simple extension of the usual cache tags: Invalid tag and ‘dirty’ tag in a normal copy back cache require 2 bits

  15. MESI Protocol (2) Any cache line can be in one of 4 states (2 bits) • Modified– The cache line has been modified and is different from main memory – This is the only cached copy. (cf. ‘dirty’) • Exclusive – The cache line coherent with main memory and is the only cached copy • Shared– Coherent with main memory but copies may exist in other caches • Invalid – Line data is not valid (as in simple cache)

  16. MESI Protocol (3) Cache line state changes are a function of memory access events Events may be either Due to local core activity (i.e. cache access) Due to bus activity – as a result of snooping Each cache line has its own state affected only if the address matches

  17. MESI Protocol (4) Operation can be described informally by looking at memory operations in a core Read Hit/Miss Write Hit/Miss More formally by a state transition diagram (later)

  18. MESI Local Read Hit The line must be in one of MES This must be the correct local value (if M it must have been modified locally) Simply return value No state change, no message needed

  19. MESI Local Read Miss (1) Local core sends a MEM_READ message; several possibilities now • No other copy in caches • The core waits for a response from memory • The value is stored in the cache and marked E • One cache has an E copy • The snooping cache sends the value through the bus • The memory access is cancelled • The local core caches the value • Both lines are set to S

  20. MESI Local Read Miss (2) • Several caches have a S copy • One cache puts copy value on the bus (arbitrated) • The memory access is cancelled • The local core caches the value and sets the tag to S • Other copies remain S • One cache has a M copy • The snooping cache puts its copy of the value on the bus • The memory access is cancelled • The local core caches the value and sets the tag to S • The source (M) value is copied back to memory • The source value changes its tag from M to S

  21. MESI Local Write Hit • Cache line in M – Line is exclusive and already ‘dirty’ • Update local cache value • No state change, No message required • Cache line in E – Line is exclusive but not dirty • Update local cache value • Change E to M , No message required • Cache line in S – Other caches have copies • Core broadcasts an invalidate on bus • Snooping caches with a copy change from S to I • The local cache value is updated • The local state changes from S to M

  22. MESI Local Write Miss (1) Core sends a RWITM (read with intent to modify); several possibilities now: • No other copies • Memory sends the data • Local copy state set to M • Non-dirty copies, either in state E or S • The snooping cores see this and set their tags to I • The local copy is updated and sets the tag to M

  23. MESI Local Write Miss (2) • Another dirty copy in state M • The snooping core sees this • Blocks the RWITM request and takes control of the bus • Writes back its copy to memory • Sets its copy state to I • The original local core re-issues RWITM request • This is now simply a no-copy case • Value read from memory to local cache • Local copy value updated • Local copy state set to M

  24. MESI - local cache transactions Read Miss Othercopies Invalid Invalid Shared Shared Read Hit Mem Read Write Hit Write Miss No othercopies RWITM Invalidate Modified Modified Exclusive Exclusive Read Hit Read Hit Write Hit = bus transaction Write Hit

  25. MESI - snooping cache transactions RWITM Mem Read Invalid Invalid Invalidate Shared Shared RWITM Mem Read Modified Modified Exclusive Exclusive Invalidate Mem Read RWITM = copy back

  26. Example of MESI Core 0 I ??? Core 1 I ??? Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A Bus Main Memory

  27. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 I ??? Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A Read Miss MEM_READ Bus Main Memory ‘A’ cache line

  28. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 0 E A Core 1 I ??? Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A Read Miss ‘A’ cache line MEM_READ Bus Main Memory

  29. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 0 S A Core 1 I ??? Core 2 S A Core 3 I ??? A Write Miss RWITM RWITM RWITM Bus Main Memory ‘A’ cache line

  30. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 M A Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A Read Miss ‘A’ cache line ‘A’ cache line MEM_READ Bus Copy back Main Memory

  31. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 S A Core 2 S A Core 3 I ??? A Write Hit Invalidate Bus Main Memory

  32. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 M A Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A Bus Main Memory

  33. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 3: STR r2, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 M A Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A ‘A’ cache line Write Miss RWITM Bus Copy back Main Memory

  34. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 3: STR r2, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 I ??? Core 2 I ??? Core 3 I ??? A RWITM Bus Main Memory ‘A’ cache line

  35. Example of MESI Core 0: LDR r7, A Core 2: LDR r3, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 2: LDR r5, A Core 1: STR r0, A Core 3: STR r2, A Core 0 I ??? Core 1 I ??? Core 2 I ??? Core 3 M A A Bus Main Memory

  36. MOESI Protocol A more complex protocol with an extra state (O) to avoid the need of copying back to main memory (write update) • Modified • cache line has been modified and is different from main memory - is the only cached copy. (cf. ‘dirty’) • Owned • cache line has been modified and is different from main memory – there can be cached copies in S state • Exclusive • cache line is the same as main memory and is the only cached copy • Shared • either same as main memory but copies may exist in other caches, or • different from main memory and there is one copy in O state • Invalid • data is not valid (as in simple cache)

  37. Summary of Snooping Protocols • There is a plethora of coherence protocols • MESI, MOESI, MSI, MOSI, MERSI, MESIF, Firefly*, Dragon* ... • Rely on global view of all memory activity • Usually imply a global bus – a limited shared resource • As number of cores increases • Demands on bus bandwidth increase – more total memory activity • The bus gets slower due to increased capacitive load • General consensus is that bus-based systems do not scale well beyond a small number of cores (8-16?) • Hierarchy of buses is possible, but complicates things and can not really be extended much further than that * Update protocols

  38. Directory-based protocols

  39. Directory-based protocols • Overcome the lack of scalability of snooping protocols by using distributed hardware • Sounds familiar? • The memory system is equipped with a directory which stores information of what is being shared • Stored info is more complex than in snooping protocols • Local state, Home cache, Remote sharing caches • Coherence messages are point-to-point • Bus can be replaced for a network-on-chip • More messages are needed per operation • … but many messages can be transmitted in parallel • Gaining importance as number of cores increases

  40. Simplest directory Protocols • Cache lines can be in 3 states (similar to MESI/MOESI) • I – Invalid • S – Shared: coherent with main mem and may be other copies • M – Modified: Value changed and no other copies around • Directory can be in 3 states • NC – Not cached: this cache line is not present in any core • S – Shared: This cache line is not modified and is in at least 1 core • M – Modified: This cache line is modified and is in exactly 1 core • Directory stores a ‘sharing vector’ to know which cores have copies of each cache line • Each bit represents a core

  41. Cache only has information about the address and local state Not global information as in Snoopy Directory stores the global status, some directory checks are needed, e.g. Read Miss: Is the line modified? Writes in S or I: are there other copies? if so, invalidate them More messages are typically needed but we can have parallel links not a single centralized one (the bus) More transitions and more bandwidth the overall performance is improved Example of Directory Coherence Cache0 Cache1 Cache2 Cache3 SharingVector MemoryLine MemoryLine Directorystate Cache state

  42. Directory Based System Structure On Chip core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data Interconnect Directory Main Memory

  43. The directory is another centralized performance-limiting HW It can become a bottleneck Many-core systems (e.g. TILERA, Xeon Phi) use distributed directory Coherence information is now distributed Typically with the caches Where is the information for a line? We need to add ‘home’ info into the cache We add an extra hop Distributed Directory home

  44. Directory Based System Structure On Chip core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data core L1 L1 Inst Data Directory Directory Directory Directory Interconnect Main Memory

  45. Summary of Directory-based Protocols • More scalable and so, better suited for existing and future many-core systems • Use point-to-point messages to simplify the interconnect and allow parallel communications • Caches do not have a global view of all the caches so we need to store global state separately (in a directory) • Control becomes more complex, but overall performance is better for large systems

  46. Snoopy Protocols Caches have a global view of the cache states Info stored is very simple: cache state Rely on shared medium (e.g. bus) Number of messages is minimalthanks to broadcast messages plus the availability of complete status BUT only one message at a time Poor scalability Can be improved by using a hierarchy of buses Directory Protocols Caches have only local info, the Directory stores the global status more complex info: cache state + directory state + sharing vector Point-to-point (network on chip) Extra messages needed to access directory and due to multicast traffic being serialised BUT many messages in parallel Overall better scalability Can be further scaled up by using a distributed directory Summary of Cache Coherence Protocols • A large variety of protocols, each with their own pros and cons • The need to minimize number of messages favours invalidate protocols

  47. Beware of False sharing • Two cores accessing different words on the same cache line • If one of them writes, it invalidates (or updates) the other • Large penalty in either case • Harms performance significantly (Another form of trashing!) • If the two cores continuously modify their values, the cache line is going from one to the other all the time • Lots of invalidations (or updates) happen • Pathological behavior independent of the architecture or the protocol • Parallel compilers need to be aware of it

  48. Questions?

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