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Facebook Project – Stacey. You can complete one or more of the following pages on a historical figure. Insert the historical figures picture and name on each page you select to complete. INFO - Fill out as if you were that historical person.
Facebook Project – Stacey • You can complete one or more of the following pages on a historical figure. • Insert the historical figures picture and name on each page you select to complete. • INFO - Fill out as if you were that historical person. • FRIENDS – Type in the name of the people who would have been involved with the historical figure. Put a picture or symbols for each friend. This could include people who were not their friends. • WALL - This should be a time line of some important event. Pick one or more of the historical figures friend to set the time. It can be in years. Great place to use people who did not agree with them. • PHOTOS –Use different pictures that illustrates aspects of their lives – family, important sites, etc. • NOTES – Copy of a speech or short explanation of something that was important in their lives. Facebook can help you connect and share history of people’s lives. All about Me Museum: This could be use by students to document their lives and likes. SPECIAL NOTE: All pictures and facts must be end noted. Contact Debbie.schweitzer@jefferson.kyschools.us if there is a problem with this file.
> Info Birthday: I am: Education: Hometown: Work: Interested in: Philosophy: Places I have traveled : Other : June 28, 1846 (2) The son of Adolphe Sax (2) Attended the Brussels Conservatory and Paris Conservatory (2) Paris (2) Perform in the jazz, classical, and military bands. (2) Performing I believe in change Alto Saxophone Paris, US (2) I enjoy meeting new people
>Friends Adolphe Sax – Dad (3) Flute - Grandma (4) Clarinet - Brother (4) Woodwind Family Oboe - Cousin (4) Bassoon - Cousin (4)
> Photos Me with Charlie Parker (7) Me and My Family (5) Me and My Dad (6) Alto Saxophone Me growing up – look how tall I’ve gotten! (8) I don’t leave home without these guys! (9)
> Wall Hey Bird! You want to come over for dinner tonight around 7p.m.? We’re having friend chicken! I thought maybe we could check out the Birdland Jazz Club after dinner tonight. 1949 10 You know that’s my fav! I’ll be there. 1949 11 Can I tag along? I’ll bring Trumpet. 1949 Alto Saxophone Sounds great! We’ll have us a “bebopping” good time! 1949
> Notes Timeline of the Saxophone (12) 1841 – Adolphe Sax showed his creation, the C Bass Saxophone, to Hector Berlioz. 1844 – Adolphe Sax reveals his creation to Paris. The saxophone had its first orchestral debut. 1845 – The saxhorns replaced the Oboe, Bassoon, and French Horns in the military bands. 1846 – Adolphe Sax received a patent for his saxophones – he had 14 variations. 1847 – A saxophone school was set up in Paris. 1881 – Adolphe Sax extends his original patent for the saxophone. He makes changes to the instrument. 1885 – The first saxophone was built in the US. 1914 – The saxophone entered the world of jazz bands. Alto Saxophone
Bibliography 1. http://www.music123.com/woodwinds/selmer-paris-reference-36-tenor-saxophone. 7/13/12 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxophone. 7/13/12 3. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=adolphe+sax&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS475US475&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=bAluzECcBYBG2M:&imgrefurl=http://www.lcsax.eu/en/extr/adolphe-sax/&docid=0P-U-TJoKN5fsM&imgurl=http://www.lcsax.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Adolphe_Sax1.jpg&w=236&h=293&ei=OkYAUNHUBon88gTdofisCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=287&vpy=175&dur=404&hovh=201&hovw=161&tx=91&ty=121&sig=114061263902754468795&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=108&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:92. 7/13/12 4. http://oz.plymouth.edu/~asjacques/CSDI1200/woodwinds.html. 7/13/12 5. http://www.musicalads.co.uk/musical-instrument-buying-guides/about-woodwind-musical-instruments/. 7/13/12 6. http://ideas.etublogs.usj.edu.lb/2012/04/26/adolphe-sax/. 7/13/12 7. http://ricoreeds.blogspot.com/2012/03/tim-price-bloggin-for-rico-bird-lives.html. 7/13/12 8. http://www.saxontheweb.net/Resources/family.html. 7/13/12 9. http://francois-louis.com/ligatures/ligatures. 7/13/12 10. http://www.newstrick.com/2011/06/jazz-legends.html. 7/13/12 11. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=dizzy+gillespie&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS475US475&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=XfZJ9kwfhtrfxM:&imgrefurl=http://www.searchquotes.com/quotes/author/Dizzy_Gillespie/&docid=M202ayt4CfEmjM&imgurl=http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k488/sqacct7/AuthorPhotos/Section%252520D/DizzyGillespie.jpg&w=233&h=216&ei=zlUAUJHREoGy8QSl9JyvCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=533&vpy=358&dur=261&hovh=172&hovw=186&tx=146&ty=82&sig=114061263902754468795&page=2&tbnh=140&tbnw=138&start=22&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:22,i:281. 7/13/12 12. http://musiced.about.com/od/lessonsandtips/a/saxhistory.htm. 7/13/12