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Mill Site

Mill Site. Condition Amendment Plat Adjustment Phasing Plan. FRONT ST. CLARK FORK RIVER. RUSSELL ST. Mill Site. ORANGE ST. Mill Site. Mill Site PUD Subdivision approved April 9, 2007, subject to 29 conditions. Request from Applicant. Amendment of one condition Adjust the plat

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Mill Site

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  1. Mill Site Condition Amendment Plat Adjustment Phasing Plan


  3. Mill Site • Mill Site PUD Subdivision approved April 9, 2007, subject to 29 conditions

  4. Request from Applicant • Amendment of one condition • Adjust the plat • Phase the project

  5. Condition Amendment • Site of various contaminants, including buried wood waste and petroleum products • Condition #21 addresses removal of contaminants

  6. Condition #21 • 21. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall provide the Office of Planning and Grants the following: a. Evidence that the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has approved the Missoula Sawmill Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCP);

  7. Condition #21 (contin.) • 21b. Evidence of a written agreement between the applicant and DEQ pursuant to which the applicant will monitor the groundwater quality at the subject property relative to C9 and C10 aromatic compounds (as defined by DEQ), manganese and iron;

  8. Condition #21 (contin.) • 21c. A deed restriction prohibiting new potable water wells at the subject property without the express prior written approval of DEQ.

  9. Focus on Condition #21b • 21b. Evidence of a written agreement between the applicant and DEQ pursuant to which the applicant will monitor the groundwater quality at the subject property relative to C9 and C10 aromatic compounds (as defined by DEQ), manganese and iron;

  10. DEQ’s Cleanup Priorities • “…C9 and C10 aromatic compounds (as defined by DEQ),…” • Fuel-based contamination • Cleanup of aromatic compounds is complete

  11. NOT a priority for DEQ • Manganese and Iron • Not considered a health risk in drinking water • Affect taste and smell of water • Condition #21c: no new potable water wells allowed w/o DEQ approval • Mountain Water serves Mill Site

  12. Revised Condition #21b • 21. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall provide the Office of Planning and Grants the following: b. Evidence of a written agreement between the applicant and DEQ pursuant to which the applicant will monitor the groundwater quality at the subject propertyrelative to C9 and C10 aromatic compounds (as defined by DEQ), manganese and iron;

  13. Revised Condition #21b • 21. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall provide the Office of Planning and Grants the following: b. Evidence that the Missoula City-County Health Department/Water Quality District has received from the developer 1) a summary of a currently available report of the 2008 groundwater monitoring results,and 2) a plan for future years’ monitoring for manganese and iron in groundwater until manganese and iron are below DEQ-7 groundwater standards in all existing monitoring wells for two consecutive (one high water, one low water) sampling events, with reports of the future sampling results to be submitted on a timely basis to the DEQ and Missoula City- County Health Department/Water Quality District.

  14. Health and DEQ • Support language change • No aromatic compounds referenced, because that cleanup is complete

  15. Plat Adjustments

  16. Plat Adjustments

  17. Plat Adjustment Requests

  18. Elimination of a section of alley Addition of a curved section of alley

  19. Elimination of two Common Area Hardscape (CAHS) access points Boundary line relocations

  20. Staff Recommendation • Staff supports all but one adjustment

  21. Staff supports retaining this section of alley Retaining alley reinforced in amended Condition #3


  23. Request to Phase Mill Site

  24. Two Phases • Deadlines of April 30th, 2012, and April 30th, 2018, respectively • City Engineering: need temporary turnarounds at phase boundary

  25. Request to Phase Mill Site Temporary turnarounds recommended in amended Condition #3

  26. Conditions of Approval • Note recommended amendments that highlight appropriate phase for meeting certain conditions

  27. Three Motions 1. Staff recommends approval of Condition of Approval #21b as amended in Attachment C.

  28. Motion #2 2. Staff recommends conditional approval of the proposed adjustments of the preliminary plat, subject to the Mill Site PUD Subdivision conditions of approval as amended in Attachment C.

  29. Motion #3 3. Staff recommends conditional approval of the proposed phasing plan request for the Mill Site PUD Subdivision subject to the following requirements: -Elimination of plat adjustment detail (Notes 1-8 and related graphics) on Sheet 1 of 1 dated May 15, 2009; -Retention of the north-south alley in Block 3 of Phase 2.


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