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Search for the H 0 Dibaryon at KTeV

Search for the H 0 Dibaryon at KTeV. Overview KTeV Detector Analysis Signal Mode Normalization Mode Transmission Effects Lifetime and Branching Ratio Results and Future Plans KTeV Collaboration :

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Search for the H 0 Dibaryon at KTeV

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  1. Search for the H0 Dibaryon at KTeV • Overview • KTeV Detector • Analysis • Signal Mode • Normalization Mode • Transmission Effects • Lifetime and Branching Ratio • Results and Future Plans KTeV Collaboration: Arizona, UCLA, UCSD, Chicago, Colorado, Elmhurst, Fermilab, Osaka, Rice, Rutgers, Virginia, Wisconsin Ram Ben-David Fermilab Rencontres de Moriond /QCD March 21-27, 1999

  2. 6q color singlet (short distance repulsion) 2x3q color singlets (long distance, bound by 2.2 MeV) Is it stable against strong decays? What is the H0Dibaryon? • It’s a 6q color singlet hadron: H0 = (B = 2, S = -2) • Schematic deuteron wave function: • Additional flavor possibly lowers the system’s energy through the color-hyperfine interaction: Ram Ben-David

  3. Theoretical Predictions for MH MH Ram Ben-David

  4. So What? • It would be a new form of matter, analogous to mesons and baryons. • Increase knowledge of strong interactions. • First of many (?) of multiquark states. • Astrophysical implications. Ram Ben-David

  5. KTeV Search Region Recent Experimental Searches From D. Ashery, Proceedings of Hadron Spectroscopy: 7th Int. Conf. (1997) Ram Ben-David

  6. The H0 at KTeV Signal Mode Normal Mode • Fully reconstruct the final state. • First analysis to normalize to X0’s (S = -2) • Test coalescense portion of the production model. • Sensitive to the remaining mass window in Donoghue et al. model. (PRD34, 3434, 1986) • Test production at high energies: Rotondo’s model (PRD47, 3871, 1993) Ram Ben-David

  7. KTeV Spectrometer (Rare Decay Configuration) Highlights: • 800 GeV/c p on BeO target • clean and intense beams • long decay volume • hermetic detector • high resolution CsI EM calorimeter • new DAQ system w/online event filtering Ram Ben-David

  8. MH = 2.21 GeV/c2 tH = 5.28 nsec Final H0 Cuts Pt of H0vs. MH Ram Ben-David

  9. X0Mass and Momentum Distributions X0  Lp0D NX = 16790 Ram Ben-David

  10. Result Ram Ben-David

  11. Test of Donoghue et al. Model Ram Ben-David

  12. Sensitivity to Lifetime Assume BR(H0LNp) = 100 % then BR(H0Lpp pppp) = 40.8 % Ram Ben-David

  13. Future Plans • To probe for shorter lifetimes, we need to close the distance between the target and the spectrometer  look for H0’s produced in the regenerator. • Based on X0 production rate in the regenerator, estimate sensitivity of 100 H0’s per day. Ram Ben-David

  14. Conclusions • Ruled out the remaining mass window for long lived H0’s as proposed by Donoghue et al. • Sensitive to the range: • 0.5 nsec < tH < 107 nsec • First test of Rotondo’s production model (at high energies). • Normalizing to X0’s is a sensitive probe of coalescence. • In KTeV99, we have the ability to search down to 0.5 tL (0.13 nsec). … in addition to the H0, there are some interesting Kaon results. Ram Ben-David

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