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What is a url? url stands for uniform resource locator and is the address of a website on the internet kind of like a street address . urls. How dose it relate to web authoring?

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  1. What is a url? url stands for uniform resource locator and is the address of a website on the internet kind of like a street address urls How dose it relate to web authoring? As we hopefully know web authoring is a software that lets a user develop a website in a desk top format a url has a part to play in this because the author has to decide on the url so that it is easy for people to find and not a hassle to type in like some websites Wots in it then? The first part of a url is called a protocol identifier and the second is called a resource name the first part deals with what the protocol is eg open a file and the second deals with where said file is on the web

  2. Urls break down How are urls broken down http://: This is usually the first part of the url and stands for hypertext transfer protocol and this is the transmitter so to speak and “shoots the file across the web at your computer so it can receive it www. This stands for world wide web its often used to show that the contents are on the internet and many websites are accessible with out this for example google.com if you put this in you would be sent to the web page without the www. Part in there this part is also followed by the webpage name www.google.com .com/.co.uk This is called the top level domain name and judges which part of the internet the webpage is in for instance .co.uk would be in the uk .com is usually a company's part .nz is new zelands part

  3. url protocols The first portion of the URL (http) designates the protocol that is used to locate the file or resource on the Web. A protocol is a standardized means of communication among machines across a network. Protocols allow data to be taken apart for faster transmission, transmitted, and then reassembled at the destination in the correct order. This lets web pages be transferred fast and efficiently with out this we would not have the inter net because every file would be to big to send as they are not split up to send part by part imagine how long a hd film would take to load if it didn’t buffer we need buffering to support huge files like this.

  4. sources http://www.helpbytes.co.uk/url.php http://www.ehow.com/facts_6927879_url-file-protocol.html

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