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Ch 20-PROTISTA. The Kingdom Protista Defined more by differences than similarities Not actual plants ,animals or fungi Many _________________________- and all eukaryotes So diverse that many biologists suggest they should be composed of several kingdoms. UNICELLULAR.
The Kingdom Protista • Defined more by differences than similarities • Not actual plants ,animals or fungi • Many _________________________- and all eukaryotes • So diverse that many biologists suggest they should be composed of several kingdoms UNICELLULAR
Classification based on : • 1)________________________________-heterotrophs,autotrophs,decomposers and parasites • 2)Some classified by how they move nutrition
II. Animallikeprotists:___________________________________ protozoans • 4 Phylla: distinquished by modes of movement • ___________________use whiplikeflagella;many are aquatic;many absorb food through cell membranes;many reproduce asexually and some sexually by meiosis • Sarcodines use _________________for movement and feeding:example-amoebas-move by extensions of psuedopods:have food vacuoles;_______________secrete calcium carbonate shells Zooflagellates Foraminiferans pseudopods
cilia Paramecium • Ciliophora move by hairlike __________________;best known are of genus ____________-has micronucleus and macronucleus,gullet or oral groove,analgroove,contractile vacuole to balance water content,reproduce asexually and sexually by conjugation • _____________do not move;manyparasites,reproduce by ________ spores sporozoans
Diseases from protists • ****-_____________________-caused by Plasmodium and Anopheles mosquito,many forms resistant to drugs malaria
***Other Protistandiseases_Trypanosoma Carried by ______fly tsetse
NONPARASITIC__Trichonympha-mutualism Digests wood for termite!!!!
III.PlantlikeProtists • -Unicellular algae • Contain chlorophyll and undergo photosynthesis • ***_____________________-plantlike,have 2 flagella and no cell wall Euglenophytes
_________________________________-yellow-green algae and golden brown algae • _______________________-thin ,delicate CELL WALLS OF SLICA-GLASSLIKE • DINOFLAGELLATES-half are photosynthetic and half are heterotrophic,some luminescent diatoms Crysophyta
PHYTOPLANKTON-near surface of ocean and food source • Algal blooms that are massive depletion of nutrients and many cells die-an indicator of pollution
IV .Plantlike protists-red,brown and green algae • Red algae-__________________-uses chloroplyll a and accessory pigments and can live at great depths;mostmulticellular and play role in coral reef • Brown algae________________________-have chlorophyll a and c and an accessory pigment:largest and most complex of algae-kelp can grow 60 m in length Phaeophyta Rhodophyta
Green algae-_______________________-have chlorophyll a and b;unicellular,colonial,andmulticellular Chlorophyta
HUMAN USES OF ALGAE- • -animal and human food source • -used in medications • -ice cream • -used in making plastics,waxes,deodorants,paints,transitors,lubricants,agar,toothpaste
V.Funguslikeprotists • Have centrioles and LACK chitin cell walls of regular fungus kingdom • Heterotrophs as decomposers • SLIME MOLDS-on forest floor-spore forming • WATER MOLDS-hyphae and spores-connected to great “Potato Famine”