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Object Orie’d Data Analysis, Last Time

Object Orie’d Data Analysis, Last Time. Finished Q-Q Plots Assess variability with Q-Q Envelope Plot SigClust When is a cluster “really there”? Statistic: 2-means Cluster Index Gaussian null distribution Fit to data (for HDLSS data, using invariance) P-values by simulation

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Object Orie’d Data Analysis, Last Time

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Object Orie’d Data Analysis, Last Time • Finished Q-Q Plots • Assess variability with Q-Q Envelope Plot • SigClust • When is a cluster “really there”? • Statistic: 2-means Cluster Index • Gaussian null distribution • Fit to data (for HDLSS data, using invariance) • P-values by simulation • Breast Cancer Data

  2. More on K-Means Clustering Classical Algorithm (from MacQueen,1967) • Start with initial means • Cluster: each data pt. to closest mean • Recompute Class mean • Stop when no change Demo from: http://home.dei.polimi.it/matteucc/Clustering/tutorial_html/AppletKM.html

  3. More on K-Means Clustering Raw Data 2 Starting Centers

  4. More on K-Means Clustering Assign Each Data Point To Nearest Center Recompute Mean Re-assign

  5. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Re-Assign Data Points To Nearest Center

  6. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Re-Assign Data Points To Nearest Center

  7. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Final Assignment

  8. More on K-Means Clustering New Example Raw Data Deliberately Strange Starting Centers

  9. More on K-Means Clustering Assign Clusters To Given Means Note poor clustering

  10. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Re-assign Shows Improvement

  11. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Re-assign Shows Improvement Now very good

  12. More on K-Means Clustering Different Example Best 2-means Cluster? Local Minima?

  13. More on K-Means Clustering Assign Recompute Mean Re-assign Note poor clustering

  14. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Final Assignment Stuck in Local Min

  15. More on K-Means Clustering Same Data But slightly different starting points Impact???

  16. More on K-Means Clustering Assign Recompute Mean Re-assign Note poor clustering

  17. More on K-Means Clustering Recompute Mean Final Assignment Now get Global Min

  18. More on K-Means Clustering ???Next time: Redo above, using my own Matlab calculations That way can show each step And get right answers.

  19. More on K-Means Clustering Now explore starting values: • Approach randomly choose 2 data points • Give stable solutions? • Explore for different point configurations • And try 100 random choices • Do 2-d examples for easy visualization

  20. More on K-Means Clustering 2 Clusters: Raw Data (Normal mixture)

  21. More on K-Means Clustering 2 Clusters: Cluster Index, based on 100 Random Starts

  22. More on K-Means Clustering 2 Clusters: Chosen Clustering

  23. More on K-Means Clustering 2 Clusters Results • All starts end up with good answer • Answer is very good (CI = 0.03) • No obvious local minima

  24. More on K-Means Clustering Stretched Gaussian: Raw Data

  25. More on K-Means Clustering Stretched Gaussian : C. I., based on 100 Random Starts

  26. More on K-Means Clustering Stretched Gaussian : Chosen Clustering

  27. More on K-Means Clustering Stretched Gaussian Results • All starts end up with same answer • Answer is less good (CI = 0.35) • No obvious local minima

  28. More on K-Means Clustering Standard Gaussian: Raw Data

  29. More on K-Means Clustering Standard Gaussian : C. I., based on 100 Random Starts

  30. More on K-Means Clustering Standard Gaussian: Chosen Clustering

  31. More on K-Means Clustering Standard Gaussian Results • All starts end up with same answer • Answer even less good (CI = 0.62) • No obvious local minima • So still stable, despite poor CI

  32. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Raw Data (Normal mixture)

  33. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: CI, based on 100 Random Starts

  34. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters 100 Random Starts • Many different solutions appear • I.e. there are many local minima • Sorting on CI (bottom) shows how many • 2 seem smaller than others • What are other local minima? Understand with deeper visualization

  35. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Class Assignment Image Plot

  36. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Vertically Regroup (better view?)

  37. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Choose cases to “flip” – color cases

  38. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Choose cases to “flip” – color cases

  39. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: “flip”, shows local min clusters

  40. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: sort columns, for better visualization

  41. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: CI, based on 100 Random Starts

  42. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Color according to local minima

  43. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, smallest CI

  44. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, 2nd small CI

  45. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, larger 3rd CI

  46. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, larger 4th CI

  47. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, larger 5th CI

  48. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters: Chosen Clustering, larger 6th CI

  49. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Balanced Clusters Results • Many Local Minima • Two good ones appear often (2-2 splits) • 4 worse ones (1-3 splits less common) • 1 with single strange point • Overall very unstable • Raises concern over starting values

  50. More on K-Means Clustering 4 Unbalanced Clusters: Raw Data (try for stability)

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