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lshùu. uqøs; mKsúvhla lshùfï § lshjkakd olajk wka;¾ l%shdldÍ;ajh lshùuhs weia .%yKh lr.kakd ixfla;dj,shla flfrys m%;sl%shd lrk ukiska tajd y÷kd .ekSu;a w¾:dkaú; ùu;a iu. W;amdokh jk Ñka;khhs. oekSu yd wjfndaOh ,nd .ekSfï fyd|u ud¾.h jk lshùu fmd;a ms<sn| f,dalhg we;=¿jk m%Odk fodrgqj hs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. lshùu uqøs; mKsúvhla lshùfï § lshjkakd olajk wka;¾ l%shdldÍ;ajh lshùuhs weia .%yKh lr.kakd ixfla;dj,shla flfrys m%;sl%shd lrk ukiska tajd y÷kd .ekSu;a w¾:dkaú; ùu;a iu. W;amdokh jk Ñka;khhs

  2. oekSu yd wjfndaOh ,nd .ekSfï fyd|u ud¾.h jk lshùu fmd;a ms<sn| f,dalhg we;=¿jk m%Odk fodrgqj hs î frdnÜ

  3. wjfndaOfhka hqla; j Tyqf.a Èúmeje;au Wfoid flá ir, m%ldYhla lsh ùug we;s yelshdj lshùfï yelshdjhs -hqfkiaflda w¾: ksrEmKh

  4. Yío k.d lshùfï M, 1 <uhdf.a YíofldaIh j¾Okh 2 ksjerÈ ni yqre ùu 3 úIh lreKq ms<sn| oekqula ,nd .ekSu 4 ksjerÈ WÉpdrKh yqre ùu

  5. Yío k.d lshùfï § ie,lsh hq;= lreKq wl=re yd Yío w;r iïnkaO;dj jdlHhl jpk fh§ we;s wdldrh mdGhla w¾:j;a lsÍug jpk .<md we;s wdldrh

  6. ksYaYío lshùfï wjia:d ixj¾Ok lshùu wdfY%ah lshùu úfkdao lshùu ir, m%ldYkhla lshùfï iy ;u ku ,shd.ekSfï yelshdfõ mgka lshùfï mßK;Ndjh keue;s by< uÜgu olajd;a lshùfï yd ,sùfï yelshdj ms<sn| úúO uÜgï mj;S wdpd¾h ú,shï f.%a

  7. lshùu lshùfï oqIalr;d iys; isiqka lshùfï ksmqK;dj iys; isiqka lshùfï w;solaI iys; isiqka

  8. lshùu ioyd m%Odk;u fm,Uùu jkafka fmd;la ;=<ska ;udu yuqùuhs ud.%Ü óâ

  9. 1 fmr lshùfï l=i,;d mska;+r lshùu wei .uka lrùu oDYH úfNaokh mska;+r fldgia hd lsÍu wkdjels lSu l;kaorj,g ijka §u

  10. 2 lshùug iQodku jpkj, f;areu y÷kd .ekSu jpk wE£u fydaäfha wl=re tl;= lsÍu ijka §fï úfNaokh wjOdkfhka ijka §u yd u;l ;nd .ekSu ^l;kaor .S;&

  11. 3 lshùug bf.kSu uQ,sl wl=rej, Yíoh y÷kd .ekSu wl=re jpk mska;+r iu. .e<mSu wl=re Yío w;r in|;dj y÷kd .ekSu l;kaor lSug yd .S; .dhkhg iyNd.s ùu iïu; WÉpdrK iys; wl=re yd jpk weiqßka y÷kd .ekSu

  12. 4 lshjkakl= ùu flá jels lshùu iduqysl lshùu lshjd wjfndaO lr .ekSu lú .S; lshùu jpkd¾: wkqudk lsÍu ms,a,ï y÷kd .ekSu iy wjfndaOh

  13. 5 ksoyia lshùu fþohla iïmQ¾Kfhkau lshùu wl=rej, Yío fjk fjk u y÷kd .ekSu w¨;a jpk y÷kd .ekSu yd lshùu w¾:h wjfndaO lr .ekSu yd ksjerÈ lr.ekSu lú .S; fonia lshùu

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