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Introduction to

Introduction to. The Centre for Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders Bart De Moor. The human brain. 10 12 cells 25.000 connections / cell ! 10 16 connections ! how do they talk to each other link with behavior. Current strategies. single electron transistors

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Introduction to

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to • The Centre for • Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders • Bart De Moor

  2. The human brain • 1012 cells • 25.000 connections / cell ! • 1016 connections ! • how do they talk to each other • link with behavior

  3. Current strategies • single electron transistors • μ/n-scale solid state devices • high density arrays • electronic recording • implantable wireless devices • real time data encoding • nanoparticles • molecular biol • genetics • cell biol • dev biol • small animal models • omics approaches • comput. biol. • electrophysiology • life imaging • image processing • clinical research biological questions brain-computer interface NERF

  4. Empowerment of nerf

  5. Key attributes vib Molecular mechanisms and systems of living organisms • non-profit organization • partnerschip with 4 Flemish universities • established by the Fl Gov’t in 1995 • international environment (> 60 nat) • 2012 research budget 90 M€ • staff: 1250

  6. Key attributes imec • non-profit organization • independent • established by the Fl Gov’t in 1984 • worldwide reach (> 600 partners) • 2012 research budget 300 M€ • staff: 1870

  7. Key attributes KU Leuven • prominent research oriented university • established in 1425 • 6.000 researchers (120 countries) • Ba – Ma: 35.000 students • Doctoral schools: 3.500 Ph.D. -students • univ hospital: Strong Med School

  8. Nerf: scientific ambition • develop technologies to measure • single cell activity • single circuit activity • coordinated activity • interface solid state μ/n-scale devices with biological entities • multidisciplinary approaches • signal measurement • live imaging • behavior Qn map of neuronal circuit formation / function in vivo

  9. Nerf: strategic plan • content focus • neuronal network in vivo • projects vs centre • physical integration / multidisciplinary teams • dedicated research groups • 100% NERF • critical mass • lower limit: 50 p / 5 small groups • long term: 10 years

  10. Nerf: strategic plan Financial plan • NERF-core: 50 p = 5-6 M€ / Y • structural funding 50% • commitment 3 partners • 650 K€ / Y for 10 years • extra leverage • Flemish government: 1.75 M€ / Y • support for NERF-core • expertise imec – VIB – KU Leuven • infrastructure imec – VIB – KU Leuven

  11. Nerf: location – integration: needs • 800 m² net space (imec) • small animalarium on site • access to imec-research infrastructure • clean room • design – processing – IC testing - ... • access to VIB-research infrastructure • core / service facilities • VIB technology platform • access to infrastructure partner univs • integration with LS and µe community

  12. NERF: timing action plan launch concept benchmark SAB content fine tuning partners PI3 hired PI5 hired concept approval 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PI2 hired PI1 hired start second cycle kick off event midterm review SAB govt support PI4 hired

  13. High level recruitment • Emre Yaksi (HMS – Rachel Wilson) • Vincent Bonin (HMS – Clay Reid) • Fabian Kloosterman (MIT – Mat Willson) • Bruce McNaughton (Univ Lethbridge, Canada) • Francesco Battaglia (Swammerdam Inst, NL) • Staf Borghs (Sr Fellow, imec)

  14. NERF Goup Leaders 2012 • Emre Yaksi lab • Neuronal circuits • Processing of sensory information • NERF PI • Vincent Bonin lab • Neuronal circuits • Visual processing in mammalian brain • NERF PI • Fabian Kloosterman lab • Memory circuits • High density electrode arrays • NERF PI

  15. NERF Visiting scientists 2012 • Bruce McNaughton • Neuronal ensemble recording technologies • Episodic and spatial memory • NERF visiting scientist • Francesco Battaglia • Neuronal circuits • Mechanisms of learning & memory • NERF visiting scientist

  16. Nerf Coordinator 2012 • Staf Borghs • SeniorFellow @ imec • facilitatingstartup of NERF • untill2013

  17. Nerf structure: organigram NERF Board SAB NERF Director MC PI3 PI1 PI2 PI4 PI5 Visiting scientist NERF support

  18. Nerf structure NERF board • VIB • Jo Bury, managing director • Rudy Dekeyser, managing director • imec • Ludo Deferm, VP Bus Dev • Jo De Boeck, Senior VP Systems and Tech • KU Leuven • Peter Marynen, vice rector research • Paul Van Dun, director LRD

  19. Nerf structure • no legal entity • centre of excellence • empowered by VIB, imec, K.U.Leuven • located at imec campus • strategic basic research • scientific independance • SAB

  20. Nerf: sab • Christof Koch – CalTech (Pasadena, US) • Karel Svoboda – Jamelia Farm (Ashburn, US) • Stephen DeWeerth – GeorgiaTech (At, US) • Gilles Laurent – MPI (Frankfurt, DE) • Patrick Wolf – Duke Univ (Durham, US) • Liqun Luo – Stanford Univ (Stanford, US)

  21. Nerf structure SAB

  22. High level infrastructure

  23. Model systems

  24. Nerf environment imec core facilities • 200 mm Si Wafer clean room • chip design (probes, sensors, actuators, MEMS, ...) • architectural optimization • IC processing, testing • Sub 32 nm CMOS technology • 300 mm Si Wafer technology • wireless communication • electronic workshop • mechanical workshop

  25. Introduction to • The Centre for • Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders • Bart De Moor

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