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Leveraging Social data with Semantics

foster. query. chats. Web links. mails. notify. monitor. profiles. RDF. Web 2.0. forum. Leveraging Social data with Semantics. SPARQL. tags. approximation. networks. inference. rules.

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Leveraging Social data with Semantics

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  1. foster query chats Web links mails notify monitor profiles RDF Web 2.0 forum Leveraging Social data withSemantics SPARQL tags approximation networks inference rules W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking15-16 January 2009, BarcelonaFabien Gandon, INRIA RDFS OWL

  2. sociograms andanalysis beetweenness centrality reveals brokers « A place for good ideas » [Burt 1992] [Burt 2004]

  3. W3C

  4. W3C

  5. W3C®

  6. graphs, graphs, graphs, … Fabien Michel social network analysis Guillaume Rémi Marco Nicolas Man creator type creator Person author Fabien doc.html type sub property sub class Person author Man Semantic web is not antisocial semantic web

  7. classic SNA on semantic web graphs RDF graph non-typed graphs

  8. [PhD Guillaume Erétéo] leveraging the full semantic web stack Semantic Social Network Analysis SPARQL + Extensions social data Social Network Analysis Ontology FOAF, RELATIONSHIP, SIOC, DC, SKOS, SCOT, DOAP, MOAT Domain Ontologies RDF/S, OWL RDFa GRDDL Wrappers & web 2.0 APIs XML µformats

  9. [PhD Guillaume Erétéo] parameterized in-degree ADD { ?ysemsna:hasInDegree _:b0 _:b0 semsna:forPropertyparam[type] _:b0 rdf:value?indegree _:b0 semsna:hasLengthparam[length] } SELECT ?ycount(?x) as ?indegree{ ?x $path ?y filter(match($path, star(param[type]))) filter(pathLength($path)<= param[length]) } group by ?y Broker!

  10. [PhD Guillaume Erétéo] long tail distribution of the betweenness centralities 50 000 projections on 2020 FOAF profiles extracted from flickr.com [Freeman, 1979]

  11. social global semantic graphs

  12. other graphs available too...

  13. [PhD Freddy Limpens] e.g. capture bookmarks and their tags co-tags extracted from delicious for “ademe”6054 bookmarks, 16 users, 5153 tags, 5969 resources

  14. #tag92 global giant graph hasLabel hasTag industries #bk34 linking users, actions, knowledge, companies, etc. hasBookmark #Freddy shareInterest #Fabien hasBookmark #bk81 industry hasLabel hasTag #tag27

  15. link a maximumof graphs

  16. messages closing

  17. open issues scale security

  18. openyourmobile web openyour data mobileweb ok + =

  19. some bridges already exist... POWDER : information about web resource(s) without retrieving the resource(s) Vocabularies : Device Description Vocabulary (MWI), Delivery Context Ontology (UWA), CC/PP Structure and Vocabularies Semantic Web applications on phones:DBPedia Mobile, i-MoCo (250 million triples)

  20. ISICIL project social web applications and semantic web frameworks for corporate applications. • enterprise social networking; • business intelligence, watching, monitoring; • communities of interest, of practice; • web 2.0 & corporate processes integration; • trust, privacy, confidentiality.

  21. Fabien Gandon http://www.slideshare.net Person Fabien.Gandon@sophia.inria.fr slidesOn type name • http://ns.inria.fr/fabien.gandon/foaf#me email identifies

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