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RTSP Interoperability Bakeoff. Ron Frederick ronf@entera.com. Overview. July 24th & 25th, 2000 Hosted at Entera in Fremont, CA About 27 attendees from 7 organizations Apple, Cisco, Entera, Microsoft, Real, Sun, and University of Technology in Darmstadt Goals:
RTSP Interoperability Bakeoff Ron Frederick ronf@entera.com
Overview • July 24th & 25th, 2000 • Hosted at Entera in Fremont, CA • About 27 attendees from 7 organizations • Apple, Cisco, Entera, Microsoft, Real, Sun,and University of Technology in Darmstadt • Goals: • Test interoperability of various RTSP clients, proxies, and servers • Provide feedback to the IETF about the RTSP specification 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
OPTIONS Command • Passing real URL rather than “*” is useful when proxies are involved • Proxy can potentially pass OPTIONS on to origin server, rather than simply returning what commands it supports 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
SETUP Command • Spec should be clearer about whether (or when) servers must allow a SETUP without a preceding DESCRIBE • Are servers required to allow a SETUP on only a subset of tracks in an aggregate object? • Can SETUPs for tracks in different objects be combined into a single session? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
PLAY Command • Proposal: Allow * for URL when PLAY has a Session specified • If SETUPs return a Session ID, play URL is redundant • If tracks from different objects are put into the same session, what URL makes sense? • Queued PLAY described in spec has not been widely implemented by existing servers 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
CSeq Header • Would be useful to clarify that CSeq values should be unique within a single connection between client & server • There was some confusion about whether they might be per-session instead 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
RTP-info Header • Quoting the URLs would be useful • If not, RTP-Info can be hard to parse • Meaning of “seq” and “rtptime” could use clarification • Spec does say one doesn’t always correspond to the other, but a more detailed example might be helpful • Should RTP-Info also specify timestamp of first real packet in track? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Session Header • Getting session state before SETUP • It’d be useful to get a session ID to associate state with before setting up a particular media stream – perhaps some kind of optional header to request one could be added to OPTIONS? • All session ID examples are numeric! • Using some alphanumeric examples would reinforce the fact that Session IDs should be treated as opaque strings 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Session Header (cont.) • Is SETUP required to return Session? • Spec says not always, but some kinds of aggregate control are hard without it • Session timeouts could use explanation • Section 12.37 says timeout is delay between RTSP commands, but Section A also mentions other “wellness” information like RTCP reports • There was some confusion about timeout and/or teardown of session vs. control connection 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Transport Header • RTP/AVP/TCP and “unicast” • Spec currently says “multicast” is the default for all transports if nothing else is specified, but “multicast” doesn’t make sense for TCP • Should RTP/AVP/TCP default to “unicast”? • Interleaved TCP transport • Does RTP/AVP/TCP imply interleaved? • If not, how does a client ask for it without specifying channel numbers? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Transport Header (cont.) • Port numbers • Options port, client_port, and server_port allow either “port” or “port1-port2”. Spec should clarify meaning of specifying only one port. • What would be the meaning of a port range where port2 wasn’t port1+1? Is this ever useful? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Transport Header (cont.) • Proxy issues • It is useful for proxies to add “source” field to transport, to make sure client RTCPs are sent to the right place • Proxy implementation is easier if servers echo back full transport info, including things like “client_port”, when they reply 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
RTP Issues • Servers need to be more careful to pay attention to seq #s and timestamps when seeking, as mentioned in Section B • Setting marker bit for audio in a server is difficult, though – many servers wouldn’t even know if a track was audio • Where possible, have clients use the “seq” field in RTP-Info to force playout adaption to occur at the transition point • This works for both audio & video 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
SDP Issues • a=control: relative URL handling • If only Content-Location is found, should it be used as-is as the base or should its final component after the last ‘/’ be stripped? • Is a relative URL legal at the “session” level? • If a session-level “control” is specified, does that become the base URL for all the media level controls, or do they use the original base? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
SDP Issues (cont.) • How can one do content negotiation? • A few different non-standard extensions exist right now. Having a single standard scheme would be useful. • On video tracks, “cliprect” field could be useful even when playing back video at its natural size 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Other Issues • “Stream done” notification would be useful • Sent by a server after last data packets sent • RTP-Info could specify next seq # & RTP time • Similar info would be useful after a PAUSE • Should RTSP proxies preserve port #s? • If multiple SETUPs from a client use the same port numbers, should the proxy be required to also use the same ports? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG
Other Issues (cont.) • How should multiple headers of the same name be treated? • For some headers like “Accept” and “Transport”, this could be treated like one header with multiple comma-separated items. Is this legal for all headers, though? • What line continuation conventions are allowed, if any? 48th IETF, MMUSIC WG