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Think U Know…?

Learn about online risks for children, eSafety concerns, and how to identify and report vulnerabilities. Explore CEOP reports and resources for child protection.

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Think U Know…?

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  1. Think U Know…? Nancy Waine - Learning Technologies Officer: Delivery Knowsley City Learning Centres ASCEL ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2010

  2. eSafety in Knowsley Knowsley’s ambition is for every child and young person: “To be safe and protected, free from fear and danger and not involved in risk taking activities” Knowsley Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan 2007 – 2010

  3. Aims • Identify potential online risks • Discuss eSafety concerns and issues • Determine particular vulnerabilities facing children and young people • Signpost available resources

  4. Byron Review “Everyone has a role to play in empowering children to stay safe while they enjoy these new technologies, just as it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe in the non-digital world.” BUT “There is a digital generational divide and most adults are stranded on the wrong side!” Professor Tanya Byron – Child Psychologist

  5. Adults needs to know… • Know what children are accessing online • Use the applications children use • Create a social networking profile • Remember to Think Before You Post SweetyHigh Mom

  6. Discussion What are the particular vulnerabilities that face our children and young people whilst using mobile and online communication tools ? What are they accessing? How do they access it? Benefits?Dangers?

  7. Benefits

  8. Risks

  9. CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre • based in London • combines children's charities, industry, government and other interested parties -protecting children from sexual abuse • affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency although it has operational independence

  10. VGT • Virtual Global Taskforce • to make the Internet a safer place; • to identify, locate and help children at risk; and • to hold perpetrators appropriately to account

  11. CEOP Reports:

  12. CEOP Reports: • Grooming is still the number one offence reported to CEOP • two thirds of public reports relate to grooming • exploiting children through integrated social networking sites is a fast-growing trend • whereas before this was done primarily via instant messaging • offenders are increasingly using peer-to-peer networks and newsgroups in order to share images of sexual abuse • rather than commercial pay-per-view sites

  13. CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Jigsaw

  14. Keep your personal information private • Know how to keep your settings private • Ask a teacher or a friend how to change settings • Be as careful online as you are offline • Don’t do anything online that you wouldn’t do in the real world • Know where to go for help • Trusted adult • Report Abuse button • IWF, Childline, There4me • Be nice to each other online

  15. CEOP Reports • 624 children have been safeguarded from circumstances of horrific abuse in the last four years • 278 were safeguarded in the last 12 months • 1,131suspected offenders have been arrested since the organisation was launched in April 2006 • 417 suspected offenders were arrested in the last year alone

  16. CEOP Reports: • dismantled or disrupted 262 offender networks since 2006 • 96 in the last year • 5.7 million UK school children have now seen its unique ThinkUKnow education programme • 6,291 reports received in the last 12 months • 2,391 from the public • 70% via ‘ClickCEOP’ button • on average four a day still require immediate action

  17. CEOP reports - the past 12 months • 417 suspected child sexual offenders arrested • for offences ranging from possession of indecent images to rape • as a result of intelligence reports from CEOP and/or through the deployment of CEOP resources • 278 children have been safeguarded or protected from sexual abuse • either directly or indirectly as the result of CEOP activity

  18. CEOP reports – cont... • 96 high risk child sexual offender networks have been disrupted or dismantled as a result of CEOP activity • 6,291 intelligence reports have been received by the CEOP Centre • a combination of reports through the public’s ‘ClickCEOP’ reporting mechanism, from the online and mobile industries and law enforcement partners in the UK and overseas. • 3,370 child protection professionals have attended CEOP’s specialist training courses

  19. Report Abuse NB • All reports from children and young people will be taken very seriously - even hoax reports! • This may involve someone from CEOP making contact or maybe even police officers visiting them • BUT - This will always be done within a confidential environment

  20. Think before you post NB Upload a photo online for 20 seconds… …and it’ll stay on the internet for 20 years! Block bullying online

  21. Think u Know Resources Emotional health, well-being and safety www.thinkuknow.co.uk

  22. And finally… “Child protection is everybody’s business and we should afford our children the same protection online that we would give them in the park or playground” Jim GambleChief Executive of the CEOP Centre and leads on Child Protection for the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Think before you post

  23. Questions and help ??? www.thinkuknow.co.uk www.iwf.org.uk www.childline.org.uk www.there4me.com

  24. Thank You nancy.waine@knowsley.gov.uk Knowsley City Learning Centres: Kirkby Rockford Avenue, Southdene, Kirkby, L32 3YE 0151 443 4776

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