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3-Valued Logic Analyzer (TVP)

3-Valued Logic Analyzer (TVP). Tal Lev-Ami and Mooly Sagiv. Motivation. Many dataflow problems can be solved using Monotone Frameworks But Monotone Framework are hard to be used Compiler-writer obligations Define the lattice Define the initial value 

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3-Valued Logic Analyzer (TVP)

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  1. 3-Valued Logic Analyzer(TVP) Tal Lev-Ami and Mooly Sagiv

  2. Motivation • Many dataflow problems can be solved using Monotone Frameworks • But Monotone Framework are hard to be used • Compiler-writer obligations • Define the lattice • Define the initial value  • Show that it is sound ({s0})   • Define transfer functions of elementarystatements fl • Show that these functions are monotone x y  fl(x) fl(y) • Show soundness ({[b]l(s) | s CS })  fl ((CS)) • Find an efficient representation

  3. A Different Solution • Write structural operational semantics in a special form • Automatically derive the Monotone Framework from the operational semantics  • Monotonicity and soundness is immediate  • Operational semantics need to be written in a special form  • Scarify the generality of Monotone Frameworks  • The derived solution is not necessarily the induced one but rather precise

  4. Outline • 3-valued proposional logic • Parity Analysis in TVLA • The Shape Analysis Problem • 3-valued predicate logicMay 19, 10-13 Scriber 309

  5. information order 01=1/2 Logical order 3-Valued Kleene Logic • A logic with 3-values • 0 -false • 1 - true • 1/2 - don’t know • Operators are conservatively interpreted • 1/2 means either true or false 1/2 0 1

  6. Kleene Interpretation of Operators(logical-and)

  7. Kleene Interpretation of Operators(logical-or)

  8. Kleene Interpretation of Operators(logical-negation)

  9. Kleene Interpretation of Operators(logical-implication)

  10. 3-valued logic program analysis • Choose a fixed set of proposional variables P per program P ={even[x] | x  Var} • Represent “concrete” states by a truth assignments from P to {0, 1}[even[x]  0, even[y]  1] • The meaning of every statement (SOS) is expressed using update formulaex := y * z = { even’[x] := even[y]  even[y], even’[y] := even[y], even’[z] := even[z] } • Use lattice L=(P{0, 1/2, 1}){} • The transformer is obtained by evaluating the formula in 3-valued logic

  11. Preconditions • The effect of some program conditions can be defined using a precondition formulaif (x % 2 == 0 || y %2 != 0) even[x] even[y] • These conditions are associated with control flow edges • For other program conditions no effect is given • If the formula is potentially satisfied 1 the statement is executed • May yield overly conservative results due to missing or naively interpreted conditions

  12. Example Program while [x !=1]1 do if [ (x %2) = 0]2 then [x := x / 2;]3 else [x := x * 3 + 1;]4

  13. The Focus Operation • It is sometimes possible to improve the precision by maintaining finer distinctions • If a formula evaluates to 1/2 replace the assignment by an equivalent set of assignments in which the formula evaluates to 1 or 0 • Formally, Focus[](A)=… • Always conservative • Can increase the space complexity

  14. Example Focus Formulae • even[x] • Input Truth-Assignment [even[x]  1/2, even[y]  0] • Output Truth-Assignments

  15. Example Program while [x !=1]1 do if [ (x %2) = 0]2 then [x := x / 2;]3 else [x := x * 3 + 1;]4

  16. A TVLA Specification of Parity • There are two files per analyzed program • prgm.tvp -The specification of the control flow graph and the transfer functions • prgm.tvs - The specification of the value at the initial node • Propostions are specified in a file (pred.tvp) • Conditions are specified in a file (cond.tvp) • The meaning of statements is specified in a file (stat.tvp)

  17. %s Var {x, t} #include "pred.tvp" %% #include "cond.tvp" #include "stat.tvp" %% /* while [x !=1]^1 do */ l_1 Uninterpreted_Cond() l_2 l_1 Uninterpreted_Cond() l_end /* if [ (x %2) = 0]^2 */ l_2 Is_Even(x) l_3 l_2 Is_Odd(x) l_4 /* then [x := x / 2;]^3 */ l_3 Divide_Even(x,x) l_5 l_5 Skip() l_1 /* else [x := x * 3 + 1;]^4 */ l_4 Multiply_Odd(t, x) l_41 l_41 Add_Odd(x, t) l_6 l_6 Skip() l_1

  18. pred.tvp foreach (z in Var) { %p even[z]() {0, 1, 1/2} }

  19. cond.tvp %action Uninterpreted_Cond() { %t "uninterpreted-Condition" } %action Is_Even(x1) { %t x1 + " %2 == 0" %f {even[x1]()} %p even[x1]() } %action Is_Odd(x1) { %t x1 + " %2 != 0" %f {!even[x1]()} %p !even[x1]() }

  20. stat.tvp (part 1) %action Skip() { %t "Skip" } %action Set_Even(x1) { %t x1 + " = Even" { even[x1]() = 1 } } %action Set_Odd(x1) { %t x1 + " = Odd" { even[x1]() = 0 } }

  21. stat.tvp (part 2) %action Add(x1, x2, x3) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " + " + x3 {even[x1]() = even[x2]() & even[x3]() | !even[x2]() & !even[x3]() } } %action Add_Even(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " + EVEN" {even[x1]() = even[x2]() } } %action Add_Odd(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " + ODD" {even[x1]() = !even[x2]() } }

  22. stat.tvp (part 3) %action Multiply(x1, x2, x3) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " * " + x3 {even[x1]() = even[x2]() | even[x3]() } } %action Multiply_Even(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " * EVEN" {even[x1]() = 1} } %action Multiply_Odd(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " * Odd" { even[x1]() = even[x2]() } }

  23. stat.tvp (part 4) %action Divide(x1, x2, x3) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " / " + x3 {even[x1]() = 1/2 } } %action Divide_Even(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " / EVEN" {even[x1]() = 1/2 } } %action Divide_Odd(x1, x2) { %t x1 + " = " + x2 + " / ODD" {even[x1]() = 1/2} }

  24. %s Var {x, t} #include "pred.tvp" %% #include "cond.tvp" #include "stat.tvp" %% /* while [x !=1]^1 do */ l_1 Uninterpreted_Cond() l_2 l_1 Uninterpreted_Cond() l_end /* if [ (x %2) = 0]^2 */ l_2 Is_Even(x) l_3 l_2 Is_Odd(x) l_4 /* then [x := x / 2;]^3 */ l_3 Divide_Even(x,x) l_5 l_5 Skip() l_1 /* else [x := x * 3 + 1;]^4 */ l_4 Multiply_Odd(t, x) l_41 l_41 Add_Odd(x, t) l_6 l_6 Skip() l_1

  25. prgm.tvs %n = {} %p = { even[x] = 1/2 even[t] = 1/2 }

  26. Command Prompt tvla prgm prgm -d -action fpu

  27. Shape Analysis • Determine the possible shapes of a dynamically allocated data structure at given program point • Relevant questions: • Does a variable point to an acyclic list? • Does a variable point to a doubly-linked list? • Does a variable point p to an allocated element every time p is dereferenced? • Can a procedure create a memory-leak

  28. NULL dereference Dereference of NULL pointers typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements bool search(int value, Elements *c) {Elements *elem;for ( elem = c; c != NULL;elem = elem->next;) if (elem->val == value) return TRUE; return FALSE

  29. Memory leakage Elements* reverse(Elements *c){ Elements *h,*g; h = NULL; while (c!= NULL) { g = c->next; h = c; c->next = h; c = g; } return h; leakage of address pointed-by h

  30. The SWhile Programming Language Abstract Syntax sel:= car | cdr a := x | x.sel | null | n | a1 opa a2 b := true | false | not b | b1 opb b2 | a1 opr a2 S := [x := a]l | [x.sel := a]l | [x := malloc()]l | [skip] l | S1 ; S2| if [b]lthen S1else S2 | while [b]l do S

  31. NULL dereference Dereference of NULL pointers [elem := c;]1 [found := false;]2 while ([c != null]3 && [!found]4) ( if ([elem->car= value]5) then [found := true]6 else [elem = elem->cdr]7 )

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