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Agaricus muscarius. Agaricus muscarius. Also know as Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric, this hallucigenic mushroom (fungi) was featured in Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Agaricus muscarius.
Agaricus muscarius Also know as Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric, this hallucigenic mushroom (fungi) was featured in Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland.
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus muscarius was used by Asiatic tribes in the form of an intoxicating drink. The Vikings would consume Agaricus before going into battle. I shouldn’t have eaten so many mushrooms!!!!
Agaricu muscarius People who have eaten Agaricus mushrooms can have strange experiences which remind one of a person on hallucinogenic drugs.
Agaricus muscarius SPINAL AXIS OCCIPUT NERVES Lumbar Region Peristalsis Heart & Circulation Respiration Chest
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus is a remedy which is needed more often in our times than in the past since its psychological picture corresponds closely to many of the contemporary anxiety states encountered with increasing frequency today.
Agaricus muscarius The psychological pathology of Agaricus typically manifests in dependent, weak-willed people. MIND - WILL - weakness of agar.Alum.alum-sil.am-c.am-m.ambr.Anac.ang.Anh.ant-c.Ars.asaf.aster.aur-m-n.Bar-act.BAR-C.bism.bros-gau.bry.buth-a.CALC.calc-act.cann-s.carc.caust.cent-u.chin.cimic.cocc.coff.coloc.Con.Croc.Dioxi.dulc.graph.grat.Haem.hell.ign.ip.irid-met.kali-c.kali-sil.Lach.lath.laur.Lyc.malar.merc.Mez.Moni.nat-c.nat-m.nat-sil.nux-v.op.Petr.Pic-ac.podo.puls.rheumsil.staph.sulph.tax.ulm-c.
Agaricus muscarius These persons have from an early age established a pattern of seeking the guidance and domination of a stronger person. MIND - SERVILE agar.bar-s.cham.gard-j.Gels.lyc.m-arct.PULS.sil.staph.streptoc.sulph.
Agaricus muscarius This dependence originates from an inability or a refusal to act with initiative or to accept responsibility. These patients cannot summon enough will power to confront life situations.
Agaricus muscarius Instead they will attempt, by lavishing great love and devotion upon their mentor or protector, to seduce this stronger person into making and accepting responsibility for the difficult decisions that they have to make in their lives.
Agaricus muscarius It is also frequently observed that angry emotions against others are readily repressed because of a fear of the consequences. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - suppressed acon.agar.anac.ars.aur.Aur-m-n.aur-s.bamb-a.carc.cham.cocc.COLOC.colum-p.Cortico.crot-c.cupr.dendr-pol.falco-pe.fum.Germ-met.gink-b.haliae-lc.hell.hep.Ign.ilx-a.Ip.kali-c.lachn.LYC.lyss.mag-m.mag-p.Moni.Nat-m.ph-ac.phos.pin-con.podo.pot-e.puls.rutasep.spect.spong.STAPH.stront-c.tritic-vg.tus-p.ulm-c.vanil.
Agaricus muscarius It is really amazing to see how much ridicule these persons can take from their parents, wives, superiors, teachers, etc. without being able to voice their objection or anger.
Agaricus muscarius Their sweet, suppressed, non-aggressive manner bears resemblance to that of Staphysagria and Baryta carbonica .
Agaricus muscarius Instead of showing anger, the muscles of their face twitch; they can also develop choreic movements and involuntary muscle spasms.
Agaricus muscarius Anxiety about their health, constipation, hay fever, as well as other symptoms can also result.
Agaricus muscarius They constantly seek to avoid responsibility.
Agaricus muscarius They are pampered people, living lives as sheltered and comfortable as their social environment or lifestyle will allow.
Agaricus muscarius The impact of life's many stresses will be felt on in the peripheral or central nervous system.
Agaricus muscarius At some point these people are confronted with a death, either of someone in their immediate environment or of a family member, but they are unprepared to face such an event and may, as a consequence, become overwhelmed by the fear that a similar tragedy may befall themselves.
Agaricus muscarius They are especially sensitive to premature, sudden death and death from cancer. How could they have died? They were fine before!
Agaricus muscarius They become preoccupied with thoughts of death & disease, with morbid ideas.
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus patients are frequently troubled by an extreme anxiety about their health or, at other times, by a preoccupation with the diseases of those around them, especially cancer.
Agaricus muscarius They will go through sleepless nights thinking about the possibility of having cancer.
Agaricus muscarius This extreme anxiety is usually triggered by very mild pains and will provoke the patients to complain in a very exaggerated fashion. Oy, I’m always in pain, I can’t take it anymore!
Agaricus muscarius The anxiety is so great that they constantly pester the doctor with questions about cancer. Doctor, do I have cancer???
Agaricus muscarius During the interview they may cry and cry due to the anxiety they feel. Their fear of cancer causes them to weep even with the smallest amount of pain. I’m so afraid! I stubbed my toe, and now I can’t stop this crying!
Agaricus muscarius These patients are not demanding like Kali arsenicosum, Nitric acid, and Arsenicum. Demanding … NOT
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus patients can make everyone's life miserable because of their constant worrying, complaining, groaning and moaning.
Agaricus muscarius During the course of interacting with such a patient, the practitioner will sense a prevailing selfishness; she will give the impression that she cares only about herself and constantly thinks only of her own condition. MIND - SELFISHNESS agar.anac.androc.anh.aq-mar.aq-pur.arizon-l.ars.asaf.aur-m-n.bar-s.bell.Calc.calc-f.caust.cench.chin.choc.cic.crot-t.cygn-be.cypra-eg.granit-m.heroin.hydrog.ign.ignis-alc.Kolalac-h.lach.Lyc.marb-w.Med.merc.mosch.nat-m.nit-ac.Nux-v.oncor-t.Oxyg.ozonePall.petr-ra.phasco-ci.phos.PLAT.plb.positr.Puls.pyrussacch.sal-fr.senec.sep.sil.staph.stront-c.Sulph.tarent.tax.thuj.tub.ulm-c.valer.Verat.
Agaricus muscarius At other times these patients may be obsessed with the sufferings of people around them. They seem to collect information on all varieties of accidents and tragedies, especially cases of cancer. After listening to these people for a while, one is struck by the fact that they speak of nothing but tragedies.
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus patients, despite their fear, do not have an aversion to visiting or even helping patients who are dying or very ill with severe disfiguring or horrifying conditions. Agaricus patients seem to be able to cope with horrible diseases and will even go to the home of a suffering person to help with his care.
Agaricus muscarius This preoccupation with death and disease has another facet, namely an absorption in all kinds of different morbid thoughts. MIND - DEATH - thoughts of ACON.Agar.agath-a.agn.aloealum.am-c.Apisaq-mar.Arg-n.arn.Ars.ars-h.Aur.aur-br.Aur-m.aur-m-n.aur-s.camph.cann-i.carb-an.cartl-s.caust.Cham.chel.clem.Coff.Con.cortico.cortiso.Crot-c.Crot-h.cupr.cypra-eg.dendr-pol.Dig.Ferr.ferr-ar.galla-q-r.GRAPH.haliae-lc.hist.hurahydrog.kali-ar.kali-c.kali-p.lac-d.lac-h.Lach.lat-m.Lob.loxo-recl.lyc.merc.mez.Nat-m.nux-v.olib-sac.op.oxal-a.ozonePhos.plat.positr.Psor.Puls.rauw.rhus-t.rob.rutasal-fr.Sep.spong.stram.symph.tarent.tax.tax-br.thuj.tritic-vg.tung-met.ulm-c.vanil.verat.verat-v.vinc.Zinc.
Agaricus muscarius The Agaricus mind easily turns to such topics as death, ghosts, tombs and graveyards. MIND - DELUSIONS - specters, ghosts, spirits - seeing acon.agar.alum.am-c.ambr.ant-t.Ars.ars-met.atro.aur.BELL.bov.brom.Calc.Camph.carb-v.cocc.Croc.Cupr.Cupr-act.cupr-f.dig.dulc.hell.hep.huraHyos.hyper.ign.Kali-br.kali-c.kali-i.kali-sil.lac-mat.lach.lepi.lyc.merc.Nat-c.Nat-m.nit-ac.Op.phos.phys.plat.psor.puls.ran-b.sal-fr.sars.sep.sil.spect.spig.Stram.Sulph.tarent.thuj.verb.visc.zinc.
Agaricus muscarius Another aspect of this spookiness is that these patients possess a striking tendency for "out-of-the-body" experiences. MIND - DELUSIONS - body - out of the body agar.agath-a.alum.Anh.ara-maca.arge-pl.bit-ar.Cann-i.carneg-g.clem-vit.cypra-eg.falco-pe.galeoc-c-h.Hydrog.lac-c.lac-lup.lac-mat.nux-m.Op.phos.Plut-n.pyrus
Agaricus muscarius Agaricus patients may actually enjoy these conditions and even try to provoke them. They often find that their general psychological state is ameliorated after out-of-the-body experiences.
Agaricus muscarius To this group of symptoms belongs easy, hysterical fainting, which can occur after orgasm, especially in young hysterical women.
Agaricus muscarius There are periods when the Agaricus anxiety can subside and an extreme euphoria and then marvelous cheerfulness can take its place.
Agaricus muscarius They feel abnormally strong with a sense they are capable of doing anything they want.
Agaricus muscarius At times these ecstatic moments may be alluded to as being indicative of spiritual attainment.
Agaricus muscarius Even during these episodes the feeling that something is wrong persists, and eventually the anxiety returns. Alternating states of cheerfulness and depression are also seen.
Agaricus muscarius An mental derangement can occur which is characterized by an excessive loquacity. MIND - LOQUACITY - nonsense agar.arg-met.cimic.lach.lyc.meph.par.stram. MIND - LOQUACITY - changing quickly from one subject to another agar.ambr.aran.arg-met.arg-n.bar-c.bit-ar.bry.choc.Cimic.hyos.ketogl-ac.LACH.lachn.loxo-recl.lyc.marr-vg.Meli.meph.nux-v.onos.par.phos.podo.raph.rhus-t.sel.stram.teucr.tritic-vg.tub.valer.
Agaricus muscarius The patient, engrossed in his own world, talks constantly; his jabbering is incoherent and spontaneous. There is no contact with the practitioner, and if asked questions, he will not answer, yet he will keep on talking, changing from one subject to another. MIND - LOQUACITY - changing quickly from one subject to another - important matters about; on agar.aran.cimic.lach.meph.par.
Agaricus muscarius His is in a state of silly hilarity; he sings and laughs without any reason for him to do so. Ha ha ha he he ha he ha he!
Agaricus muscarius He embraces people and kisses their hands in a ridiculous or foolish and silly manner. MIND - KISSING - hands of his companions agar.anac.
Agaricus muscarius He sings or whistles quite inappropriately while in this gay state; in his elation he creates verses and makes prophesies. I predict that our song will be world-famous for all time and that creatures of all types will remember us forever! MIND - VERSES agar.ant-c.lach.stram.
Agaricus muscarius A crazy fearlessness prevails at times where danger is not perceived or recognized, resulting in a feeling of extreme mental and physical power/strength.
Agaricus muscarius In fever states we observe either a state of raging delirium or mental sluggishness. The delirium is full of fury and mania, a frenzy that causes the patient to try to injure himself. MIND - INJURING himself - frenzy causing him to injure himself agar.lyss.
Agaricus muscarius When mentally sluggish, the patient can reach a state in which he looks almost stupid and is indifferent to his surroundings in general.
Agaricus muscarius From this state he can easily proceed into a gay, loquacious delirium. His whole condition suggests a state of inebriation and therefore this remedy has been prescribed with success in delirium tremens. Agaricusmuscarius