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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 . Section 1 Notes & Assignments ACOS 3 . The French Wars of Religion. By 1560 Calvinism and Catholicism had become highly militant religions. They were both extremely aggressive in trying to win converts and in eliminating each others authority.

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Chapter 7

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  1. Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes & Assignments ACOS 3

  2. The French Wars of Religion • By 1560 Calvinism and Catholicism had become highly militant religions. • They were both extremely aggressive in trying to win converts and in eliminating each others authority. • Their struggle for authority was the chief cause of the religious wars that took place in Europe in the 16th century.

  3. The French Wars of Religion • Economic, political, and social forces also played an important role in these conflicts. • Of the 16th century religious wars, non was more shattering than the French Civil Wars known as the French Wars of Religion. • During this time the French Kings persecuted Protestants, but the persecution did little to stop the spread of Protestantism.

  4. Phillip II and Militant Catholicism • King Phillip II of Spain was the greatest supporter of militant Catholicism in the second half of the 16th century. • Known as the “Most Catholic King,” he became a champion of Catholic causes, a role that led to spectacular victories and equally spectacular defeats. • Phillip’s reign ended in 1598. Many thought that Spain was the greatest power of the age, but in reality they were bankrupt, armed forces were out of date, and the government was inefficient.

  5. The England of Elizabeth • When Elizabeth Tudor took the throne in 1558, England had fewer than 4 million people. • During her reign, the small island kingdom became the leader of the Protestant nations of Europe and laid the foundation for a world empire.

  6. Spanish Armada • Phillip II of Spain toyed with an invasion of England for years. • His advisors assured him that the people of England would rise against their queen once the Spaniards arrived. • A successful invasion of England would mean the overthrow of Protestantism and a return to Catholicism.

  7. Spanish Armada • In 1558, Phillips ordered preparations for an armada to invade New England. • The fleet that Phillip sent did not have near the man power or number of ships that he had hoped for. • The hope for a miracle victory never came. The fleet was battered by a number of encounters with the English, and sailed back to Spain around Scotland and Ireland where they were pounded by storms and many ships sank.

  8. Assignment The class will be divided into three groups and will be assigned one of the three major wars of religion. Each group must list the religious social and political issues involved in these wars. Then as a class, we will combine the ideas on a poster. After we discuss each war, you will write an opinion based essay on which war was the most important and why.

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