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Manajemen Informasi dan Pemanfaatan Informasi Paten Sebagai Pendukung Operasi dan Layanan. Dr. Adi Pancoro adi@bi.itb.ac.id. TOT PENGELOLAAN HKI 2004. University-Developed Technologies. Traditionally : University contributed to society by providing education and scientific research
Manajemen Informasi dan Pemanfaatan Informasi Paten Sebagai Pendukung Operasi dan Layanan Dr. Adi Pancoro adi@bi.itb.ac.id TOT PENGELOLAAN HKI 2004
University-Developed Technologies Traditionally : University contributed to society by providing education and scientific research Today : Universities are expected to play a third role of creating and transfering technologies that will serve as the core of new industries New paradigm : For Universities, industrial linkages offer the advantage of revenue generation through the transfer of intellectual property to new industries
Flow of commercialization Flow of returning of the profit Issue yang Muncul Hubungan Universitas – Industri dan Masyarakat Companies (Commercialization of research findings) Products Technology License fees (research funds) Value received The peoples(benefits from new products) Universities (research)
KEPENTINGAN GUGUS HKI Secara Umum Keberadaan Gugus HKI menjadi krusial karena adanya kebutuhan universitas dalam pengelolaan, implementasi dan komersialisasi Kekayaan intelektual (KI)
Landasan Organisasi Gugus/Sentra HKI paling tidak didasarkan atas • Visi dan Misi gugus/sentra HKI di Universitas • Identifikasi Fungsi Gugus/Sentra yang diinginkan pada saat ini dan mendatang (jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang). Apakah Gugus HKI berfungsi sebagai unit pengelola HaKI dan atau Kantor Alih Teknologi dan Technopreneur Inkubator • Sumber daya manusia didalam menjalankan peran Gugus/HaKI tsb. Dengan berprinsip pada pola organisasi efisiensi. • Sumber pendanaan gugus/sentra HKI dari mana? • .
6 Supporting R&D managers in planning the R&Dstrategy and in selecting the R&D theme based upon the patent strategy 7 8 Watching the critical patent applications filed by competitors Prosecution of the patent strategy 5 Supporting the management in drafting the business policy Encouraging the researchers to create the brand new technology 9 4 Delivering to relevant people Intensifying the patent applications and building up patent shield composed of the patent right for protecting the technology, Business and R&D 10 3 Planning the patent Strategy Key Functions of IP Management 11 Incentive award to employess for their employee’s invention Drafting the patent Map 2 Maintenance of the patent right, patent applications with the periodical check or inventory 12 1 Patent search & Analysis 19 Maintenance of the IP related contract 13 How to establish the IP management organization Utilization of IP 14 How to cope with the patent litigation License agreement Manpower development of IPexpert 15 IP Training 18 17 16
Kantor Paten (Indonesia, dll) Venture Capital, Perusahaan Konsultan Partisipasi dlm Pengelolaan Pemeliharaan HKI Aplikasi Paten Evaluasi Teknologi Pemasaran Teknologi Universitas (Nasional, BHMN,Swasta) Peneliti, dll Organisasi Lisensi Teknologi Entreprises (Manufaktur, Venture Entreprises) Lisensi Teknologi (Kekayaan Intelektual) Royalti (Pembayaran) Income Program &Insentif HKI, Riset Grant, dll Pelatihan dan Lokakarya HaKI, Uber HKI, Riset Grant, dll Program & Insentif Usaha, dll Kredit Investasi, dll Pelatihan Bisnis, dll DIKTI Kantor Riset dan Teknologi Inkubator Bisnis (Kewirausahaan) Dept. PerIndustri & Perdagangan (INDAG) Industri Kecil & Menengah Konsultan (Investasi)
Keberlanjutan Gugus/Sentra HKI • Memiliki Bisnis Inti (disesuaikan dengan visi dan misi gugus HKI). Contohnya Pengadaan lisensi teknologi dan kekayaan intelektual atau Mengelola proteksi terhadap hasil-hasil penelitian (=Kekayaan intelektual) • Memiliki Bisnis Pendukung (disesuaikan dengan kepakaran berupa pengadaan consulting service untuk mengelola aset kekayaan intelektual.
Informasi Paten If you seek a patent Your Invention has to be novel Its is important to conduct researches on prior arts in order to find out whether your invention is novel The information on prior arts can be found by searching for patent information Patent information through the internet
Investigation of Patent Information Creation of an invention Research and development Technical trend investigation Investigation of patents belonging to other companies. Investigation of publicy known examples Investigation of novelty of the invention) prior to the filing of a patent application Engineering Patent watching, offer of informaion, oppositons trials for invalidation Before maufacturing products Before shipment of product Investigation of status of patent right. Investigation of the status of examination. Investigaion of patent families Receipt of a warning against an infringement/sued for an infringement Investigation of publicly known examples
Analysis of Patent Information • Jumlah informasi paten sangat banyak (lebih dari 15 juta). • Informasi perlu dianalisis dan ditransform ke suatu bentuk yang mudah digunakan. • Output Analisis digunakan sesuai dgn kebutuhan. (contoh untuk mengetahui trend teknologi, untuk penulisan dokumen paten, untuk R&D suatu industri/universitas) DAN SIAPA YG MEMBUTUHKAN (peneliti, pengambil kebijakan, industri dll)
Output Analisis Informasi Paten Time Series
lanjutan Technology Road
lanjutan Radar
Lanjutan Analisis Informasi Paten • Layanan analisis informasi paten sebagai salah satu sumber income bagi gugus HaKI • Diperlukan SDM yang memadai • Pasar (USER) yang diharapkan berasal dari peneliti dan industri • Sosialisasi ke civitas akademika dan industri ttg informasi paten. • Infrastruktur yg diperlukan: PC komputer (1), Server (1), koneksi internet, software (analisis dan downloader). Biaya investasi Rp. 15-20 juta • Nilai layanan Rp.10 – 75 juta/topik