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The Illuminationist Philosophers Suhrawardi & Quthb al-Din Syirazi

The Illuminationist Philosophers Suhrawardi & Quthb al-Din Syirazi. Presented by: M. Mahdi, Dzulfikar and Radius Anwar. Illuminationist philosophers. Shihab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash Ibn Amirak Abu’l-Futuh Suhrawardi (545/1166 -1191). Quthb al-Din Syirazi (died 710 H/1311 M).

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The Illuminationist Philosophers Suhrawardi & Quthb al-Din Syirazi

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  1. The Illuminationist PhilosophersSuhrawardi & Quthb al-Din Syirazi Presented by: M. Mahdi, Dzulfikar and Radius Anwar

  2. Illuminationist philosophers • Shihab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash Ibn Amirak Abu’l-Futuh Suhrawardi (545/1166 -1191). • Quthb al-Din Syirazi (died 710 H/1311 M). • Syams al-Din Muhammad Syahrazuri (died 688 H/1288 M). • Said Ibn Manshur ibn Kammunah (died 683 H/1284 M).

  3. Suhrawardi’s Life • He was born in a village near Zanjan by name Suhraward, a northern Iranian city, in 545 / 1166. • At an early age he went to Maraghah to study Hikmat with Majd al-Din Jili and also went to Isfahan where he studied Philosophy with Zahir al-Din al-Qari. • Finally, having journeyed through Islamic lands to meet many sufi masters he went to Alleppo to see the son of the famous Salah al-Din Ayyubi.

  4. His methodology • He was a Spritualizing philosophy, he built his philosophy with some aspects: • -He united between peripetetic philosophy and Mystical intuition. • -He made a light as symbol to know the universe. • -He criticized peripetetic philosophy and proposed a better method in ontology,epistemology and logic.

  5. According S.H Nasr and H.Corbin his works are : • Four large tretises related to universe :al-talwihat (the book of Intimation),al-Muqawamat (the book of opposites),al-Mutarahat (the book of conversation) and Hikmat al-Ishraq (the Philosophy of Illumination. • A number of shorter works like Hayakil al-nur (the Temple of life) ,al-Lamahat (The Flashes of light), Yazdan shinakht (Knowledge of divine)etc • A number of books related to esoteric nature in Persian containing symbolic language, Zoroastrian and hermetic symbols. Like ‘aql-I surkh (Red intellect), Lughat-I muran ( Language of the termites). • A number of books related to Philosophy like : Risalah fi haqiqat al-Ishq( treatises of reality of love), and Risalah al-tayr, the books which are commentary of Ibn Sina’s books.

  6. His Ontology/ Cosmology • Different with peripetetic philosophy which proposed primordiality in existence He proposed primacy of quiddity. • Same with Ibn Sina he adhered the hierarchical of reality but he subtitued a concept of “being” with “light”. • The ultimate light same with The Necessary being which is the Prime cause to contingent being. • Each light is existential cause of the light below it. • The Highest level of essence is Light of light, The lowest level of essence is sensible cosmic / material beings. • Between the highest level of essence and the lowest level of essence is the Imaginal world that is immaterial world.

  7. His epistemology • Basing his philosophy on light, the real knowledge is knowledge by presence • (presential knowledge) • The prime mode of this knowledge is self-awareness. • The character of this knowledge are intensity and gradation. • Mystical experience is the most important method to grasp this knowledge

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