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Welcome to Health Education England (North West)

HEENW ensures workforce has right skills, values, behaviors. GP School offers 22 programs with expert trainers to ensure high-quality medical education and training. Contact the Head of School, Associate Deans, and Directors for professional development support and guidance. Gain access to resources and policies via HEENW website. Adhere to GMC guidelines and maintain high standards. Take advantage of MRCGP exam support with Fourteen Fish for successful outcomes.

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Welcome to Health Education England (North West)

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  1. Welcome to Health Education England (North West)

  2. Health Education England To support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place

  3. HEENW The Postgraduate Medical and Dental section of Health Education England (North West) oversees postgraduate medical education and training with a responsibility for over 7,000 trainees Our priority is to ensure that our trainees are confident in providing high quality patient care, supported by excellent trainers and underpinned by the GMC’s standards for medical education and training

  4. HEENW: Our vision Everyone associated with healthcare will: Strive for ever-increasing standards of patient-centred care Be committed to a lifetime of professional development Be proud of the care they provide Support and challenge one another

  5. The GP School Covers a total of 22 Specialty Training Programmes across the North West Total of around 950 GP trainers in over 400 training practices and over 1300 GPSTs The largest School in the UK

  6. Head of School Each ‘School’ has a Head who works with your Programme Director and your Educational Supervisor to ensure the curriculum is delivered in your specialty The Head of the GP School is: Dr Rob Stokes robert.stokes@hee.nhs.uk

  7. Associate Deans Each Trust has a ‘Patch’ Dean who liaises with the educators at the Programme to help them to support your professional development. They also support Trainers and Training practices and in maintaining quality standards Your ‘Patch’ Associate Dean (GP) is: Dr Nick Walton nick.walton@hee.nhs.uk

  8. Director of Medical Education Directors of Medical Education (DMEs) work closely with your Educational Supervisors (ES) and with the Trust management to help support you in your professional development Your Director of Medical Education is: Dr Mayen Egbe mayen.egbe@boltonft.nhs.uk

  9. Your GP Educator Team Training Programme Director Dr Nick Pendleton & Primary Care Medical Educator nickpendleton@nhs.net Primary Care Medical Educator Dr Julian Page julianpagexxx@gmail.com Local Programme Administrator Mrs Carole Kennedy Carole.Kennedy@boltonft.nhs.uk

  10. HEENW Website www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk

  11. HEENW Website www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk • Lots of useful information including: • Who’s who/Contacts • Must do’s • ARCP/ePortfolio & appraisal/revalidation guidance/Form R • The Gold Guide for Postgraduate Speciality Training

  12. HEENW Website – Policies & Guidance www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk • Study leave • Out of hours work in GP Posts • Applications for less than full time training, out of programme, inter/intra Deanery transfer • Problems during training • Complaints, GMC referral, coroner inquests • Chaperone policy

  13. For information you can’t find on the website or you need help with for all matters relating to trainees: Regatta Place, Summers Road, Brunswick Business Park, Liverpool. L3 4BL.T: 0151 479 2700  Rebecca Smith (GP Programme Manager) rebecca.smith@hee.nhs.uk Claire Hopkins (GP Programme Co-ordinator) claire.hopkins@hee.nhs.uk Lesley McGinty (GP Programme Officer) lesley.mcginty@hee.nhs.uk Helen Dykstra (GP Programme Administrator) helen.dykstra@hee.nhs.uk

  14. Lead Employer www.sthk.nhs.uk/workwithus/Lead-Employer-service • A single lead employer for all speciality trainees • Website contains policies and procedures related to contract and employment • Email: lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk - include ‘NW GPST’ in your email title to facilitate handling by the appropriate lead employer team

  15. GMC Adhere to all guidance and timelines Probity Investigations Convictions, cautions and charges

  16. Information Governance e-learning on data security - apply principles every hour of every day Confidentiality - only look at what you need clinically Always log off Never let anyone use your log on or use anyone else’s Have care about social media and work-related conversations outside of work

  17. HEENW Exam Support Fourteen Fish • Opportunity given to all GPSTs for MRCGP revision support online, blended with learning on the programme • https://www.fourteenfish.com/

  18. HEENW MRCGP Exam Support Fourteen Fish – access now and use throughout training

  19. MRCGP Exam recommendations Timing is crucial and should be carefully planned on an individual basis • DO NOT book an exam sitting without discussion and prior agreement with your Educational Supervisor and/or Training Programme Director • No more than 2 sittings of either exam in normal training time (ST1 to 3)

  20. GP Recruitment Score Professional Dilemma Test Score is a good predictor for MRCGP pass rate • A PDT score band of 4 refers to a very good level of performance • A PDT score band of 3 refers to a good level of performance • A PDT score band of 2 refers to a pass level though below average

  21. PDT Band 2 Scores Careful planning of revision with Educational Supervisor Support • Good chance of passing MRCGP exams but special care needed in planning to maximise success rate • Commence guided revision early in ST1 – start now • Consider spending study leave time in each hospital post at your training practice learning more about General Practice

  22. Additional opportunities for GPSTs in the North West Medical Leadership • Equipping the next generation of doctors and dentists with the leadership capabilities which will enable them to perform effectively in the delivery of future services is a key objective of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Training in the North West • There is the opportunity for GPSTs to complete short courses, a Medical Leadership Fellowship or a Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership – see HEENW website for more details

  23. Global Health Fellowship Successful GPST applicants are able to work overseas in a resource poor rural South African community for twelve months between ST2 and ST3 as part of a four year Global Health and GP training programme Deployment overseas is taken a Time out of Programme Experience (OOPE) Under the scheme, the GP training programme duration will be extended by 12 months When applications are being taken you will receive information on this

  24. Enhanced Form R & Revalidation The Postgraduate Dean is Professor Jane Mamelok The Postgraduate Dean is the Responsible Officer for all trainees, including those who are out of programme and on statutory leave Every trainee must complete and submit an Enhanced Form R as part of the ARCP every year – the route for trainees to revalidation is through this process The Enhanced Form R must include the full scope of practice including every locum and any activity which requires a license, along with a positive declaration of health If a trainee is involved in a Never Event, is subject to disciplinary proceedings or is charged with a criminal offence they must inform their Responsible Officer and their employer and ensure that the subsequent Enhanced Form R documents the issue

  25. Here to support you – any concerns, tell someone

  26. We have lots of ways we can support you including….

  27. What now? • Read and complete the quiz on the GPST induction module on HEENW website: • https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/general-practice/introduction-gp-specialty-training • Save and attach your certificate to a learning log on your e-portfolio

  28. Good Luck with your GP training

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