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Process of Clinical Teaching. Compiled by I Gede Purnawinadi Faculty of Nursing Universitas Klabat , 2015. Introduction :. Clinical teaching is a complex interaction of student and teacher within the context of the environment.
Process of Clinical Teaching Compiled by I GedePurnawinadi Faculty of Nursing UniversitasKlabat, 2015
Introduction : Clinical teaching is a complex interaction of student and teacher within the context of the environment. Every component have mutual relationship and fluency with other one VOCAB : Mutual – salingmenguntungkan
IDENTIFYING OUTCOMES FOR LEARNING • Knowledge, concept, and theories applicable to clinical practice (Relates research on pain in management to carea of patient in acute pain.) • Use of critical thinking in assessment, diagnosis, plan, interventions, evaluation of care, and other clinical situations. (Considers multiple nursing interventions, weighing the consequences of each.) • Psychomotor and technological skills and other types of interventions (Is competent in wound care). • Values related to care of patients, families, and communities and other dimentions of health care. (Respects the inherent worth and dignity of patients and families different from self.)
CONTINUE………… 5. Communication skills, ability to develop interpersonalrelationships, and skills in collaboration with others. (Collaborates with other health providers in interdisciplinary care of children with disabilities.) 6. Management of care, leadership abilities, and role behaviors.(Funtions effectively as case manager for heart failure patients. 7. Accountability and responsibility of the learner. (Supports the rights of patients and families to make own decisions about treatments.) 8. Self-development and continued learning. (Recognizes need for continued learning.)
Example “Intrvenous injection of medication : Check Physican’s order Confirms that medication is for intravenous (IV) use Determines proper method for administering IV medication Assembles equipment Use correct diluent Mixes medication in proper concentration CLINICAL PRACTICE should do :
Teaching begins at the level of the learner. The teacher’s goal, therefore, is to assess • The student’s presents level of knowledge and skill • Other characteristics that may influence achieving the objectives. In the first area of assessment, data are collected on whether the students possesses the prerequisite knowledge and skills for the clinical situation at hand and for completing the learning activities. The second area of assessment relates to individual characteristics of students that may influence their learning and clinical performance. Students and nurses today represent a diverse group of learners with varied cultural backgrounds and learning styles.
Process of clinical teaching is that of guiding learners to acquire essential knowledge, skills, and values for practice. In the process of guiding learners, the teacher needs to be skilled in • Observing clinical performance, arriving at sound judgments about that performance, and palanning additional learning activities if needed • Questioning learners without interrogation. Observations of the students may be influeced by the teacher’s values, attitudes, and biases. All teachers should be aware of values and biases that might affect their observations of students in clinical practice and judgments, or impressions, of that performance.
Clinical evaluation serves two purpose: formative & summative • Through formative evaluation the teacher monitors student progress toward meeting the clinical objectives and demonstrating competency in clinical practice. Formative evaluation provides information about further learning needs of students and where additional clinical instruction is needed. • Summative evaluation, in contrast, takes place at the learning process to ascertain if the objective have been achieved and competencies developed. summative evaluation privides the basis for determining grades in clinical practice or certifying competency.
CLINICAL ASSIGNMENT METHODS • Media clip. short segement of multimedia for student to critique, answer questions about or respond to in some way provide another means of evaluating clinical learning outcomes. • Role playing Designed for formatif evaluation only, role play enables a learner to party a role and assess his or her performance in that role. • Problem-solving strategies. 1. Short descriptions of clinical situation for students to identify problems and solutions 2. decision making scenarious requiring one or more decisions as par t of the analysis, 3. Critical incidents in which student analyze a critical event and identify action to take • Case study A case study is a hypothetical or real life situation that student analyze and prepare responds to usually in written form. • Written assignment accompanying the clinical learning activities are effective strategis for evaluating students learning in clinical practice.
Journal Journals provide an oppotunity for student to describe their clinical experience and document and document their respons and clinical learning activities. • Portfolio Is a collection of project that’ student complete in clinical practice that document their learning and development of knowledge and skill. • Clinical conference 1. Intelectual 4. Expressive 2. Affective 5. Experiental 3. Social • Clinical examination Clinical examination are structured evaluations of clinical performance conducted in a laboratory setting, thereby providing for greater control over the environment and limiting distractions. • Self-evaluation Skill in self-evaluation develops over time as learners gain clinical knowledge and experience.s