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Outline. Using EC2Preparation Run instance from command line toolsUse web consoleUse botoUsing S3Use boto. Preparation . Sign up for AWSCoupon codesworth $100 per code ?, redeem at ?account"Security credentials Access Key IDSecurity access keyX.509 certificate ?create a certificate"Do
1. Cloud Computinglecture 10 Using AWS
Keke Chen
2. Outline Using EC2
Run instance from command line tools
Use web console
Use boto
Using S3
Use boto
3. Preparation Sign up for AWS
Coupon codes
worth $100 per code ?, redeem at account
Security credentials
Access Key ID
Security access key
X.509 certificate
create a certificate
Download the private key and the certificate (i.e., the public key) and save them to ~/.ec2/
4. preparation Methods for accessing EC2
Command line tools
Web console
boto python library
5. preparation Ec2 command line tools have been installed at /usr/local/ec2 at nimbus17
You have to set up env varialbes
Add $EC2_HOME/bin to PATH
Both pk*.pem and cert*.perm are from the x.509 certificate you downloaded from your account)
6. Ready to start! Check AMIs
ec2-describe-images o self o amazon | grep machine|less
Looking for
IMAGE ami-3c47a355 ec2-public-images/getting-started.manifest.xml amazon available public i386
7. Generate key pair 1. ec2-add-keypair gsg-keypair
2. Paste the following part to the file ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair
3. chmod 600 id_rsa-gsg-keypair
8. Run an instance ec2-run-instances ami-3c47a355 k gsg-keypair
ec2-describe-instances i-395bf151
9. Get connected Authorize accesses to ports
ec2-authorize default p 22
ec2-authorize default p 80
-- enable ssh and web
Or start with some security group
ec2-run-instances ami-xxxxx -g apache
Connect to your instance
ec2-get-console-output i-395bf151
ssh -i ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair root@ec2-67-202-28-87.compute-1.amazonaws.com
10. Clean up Terminate the instance
ec2-terminate-instances i-395bf151
Or in the instance, run shutdown h now
11. Using AWS console
12. Use boto to access EC2 Create connection
>>> from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
>>> conn = EC2Connection('<aws access key>', '<aws secret key>')
Or if you have set the keys in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
>>> import boto
>>> conn = boto.connect_ec2()
13. Images >>> images = conn.get_all_images()
>>> images
>>> for i in range(len(images)):
... print i, images[i].location
14. Run instance >>> image = images[xxx] # some selected image
>>> reservation = image.run() # have various parameter settings, such as key, security group, instance type, etc.
>>> reservation.instances
>>> instance = reservation.instances[0]
>>> instance.state
>>> instance.update()
>>> instance.state
>>> # wait a few seconds to minutes
>>> instance.update()
>>> instance.state
15. Retrieve information of instance >>> instance.dns_name
>>> instance.public_dns_name
>>> instance.private_dns_name
16. Run multiple instances >>> reservation.image.run(2,2,'gsg-keypair')
>>> reservation.instances
[Instance:i-5f618536, Instance:i-5e618537]
>>> for i in reservation.instances:
... print i.status
17. Terminate instances >>> instance.stop()
>>> instance.update()
>>> instance.state
>>> # wait a minute
>>> instance.update()
>>> instance.state
For multiple instances
>>> reservation.stop_all()
>>> instances = conn.get_all_instances()
>>># then check each instance
18. Security Set launch permission for private AMIs
19. Security Security groups
For network accesses to service ports
A collection of access rules
>>> rs = conn.get_all_security_groups()
>>> print rs
[SecurityGroup:appserver, SecurityGroup:default, SecurityGroup:vnc, SecurityGroup:webserver]
20. >>> sg = rs[1]
>>> sg.name u'default'
>>> sg.rules
[IPPermissions:tcp(0-65535), IPPermissions:udp(0-65535), IPPermissions:icmp(-1--1), IPPermissions:tcp(22-22), IPPermissions:tcp(80-80)]
21. Create a security group >>> web = conn.create_security_group('apache', 'Our Apache Group')
>>> web
>>> web.authorize('tcp', 80, 80, '')
>>> web.authorize(ip_protocol='tcp', from_port=22, to_port=22, cidr_ip='')
22. Revoke permission >>> web.rules [IPPermissions:tcp(80-80), IPPermissions:tcp(22-22)]
>>> web.revoke('tcp', 22, 22, cidr_ip='')
>>> web.rules
23. Regions >>> import boto.ec2
>>> regions = boto.ec2.regions()
>>> regions
[RegionInfo:eu-west-1, RegionInfo:us-east-1]
Bind to specific regions
>>> eu = regions[0]
>>> conn_eu = eu.connect()
24. Copy resources to new region Supporting EC2 objects
User created
SecurityGroups, KeyPairs, Addresses, Volumns, Images, and SnapShots
Local to a particular region
Copy to a new region
Example SecurityGroup:
>>eu_group = us_group.copy_to_region(eu)
25. S3 quick review Objects are organized in a two-level directory
container of objects
Global unique name
Like file names
Unique in the same bucket
Indexed by (bucket, key)
26. S3 Programming tools
27. Check out AWS Developer Resource Center, for more programming examples
We will take a look at boto library
It is already installed with python at nimbus17
28. Create a connection >>> from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
>>> conn = S3Connection('<aws access key>', '<aws secret key>')
These two keys can be found in your security credentials
29. If you have set the keys in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
>>> import boto
>>> conn=boto.connect_s3()
30. Creating a bucket >>> bucket = conn.create_bucket(mybucket)
Note that mybucket is globally (in the entire S3 system) uniuqe
31. Storing data >>> from boto.s3.key import Key
>>> k = Key(bucket)
>>> k.key = 'foobar'
>>> k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test of S3')
32. Retrieve data >>> import boto
>>> c = boto.connect_s3()
>>> b = c.create_bucket('mybucket') # substitute your bucket name here
>>> from boto.s3.key import Key
>>> k = Key(b)
>>> k.key = 'foobar'
>>> k.get_contents_as_string()
'This is a test of S3'
33. Work on files >>> k = Key(b)
>>> k.key = 'myfile'
>>> k.get_contents_to_filename('bar.jpg')
34. Check all created buckets >>> rs = conn.get_all_buckets()
Rs is a list of buckets
>>> len(rs)
>>> for b in rs:
print b.name
Listing of all available buckets
35. Set access control Set public readable for entire bucket
>>> b.set_acl('public-read')
For one object
>>> b.set_acl('public-read, foobar)
Or if k is a Key
36. Check ACL >>> acp = b.get_acl()
>>> acp
<boto.acl.Policy instance at 0x2e6940>
>>> acp.acl
<boto.acl.ACL instance at 0x2e69e0>
>>> acp.acl.grants
[<boto.acl.Grant instance at 0x2e6a08>]
>>> for grant in acp.acl.grants:
... print grant.permission, grant.grantee
FULL_CONTROL <boto.user.User instance at 0x2e6a30>
37. Meta data with objects >>> k = Key(b)
>>> k.key = 'has_metadata'
>>> k.set_metadata('meta1', 'This is the first metadata value')
>>> k.set_metadata('meta2', 'This is the second metadata value')
>>> k = b.lookup('has_metadata)
>>> k.get_metadata('meta1')
'This is the first metadata value'