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MORAL VALUE. By Asmuni Gani. Pentingnya pemahaman tentang nilai moral teks . Kemampuan memahami nilai moral suatu teks selalu ditanyakan dalam UN khususnya untuk teks narrative. Mengapa demikian ?
Pentingnyapemahamantentangnilai moral teks. • Kemampuanmemahaminilai moral suatuteksselaluditanyakandalam UN khususnyauntukteks narrative. Mengapademikian? • Sepertidiketahuisalahsatutujuan orang menulisceritaatauberceritadalambahasaInggrisadalahuntukmengajarkannilai-nilai moral tertentukepada orang. • Karenaityubilaandainginbisamenjawabsoalini, pelajaricaramengetahuinya.
Pertanyaan yang biasadipakaiuntuknilai moral ini Misalnya: • What is the moral value of the text? • What can you learn from the text? • The moral value of telling the above text is …. • What does the text teach you? • What moral value can you learn from reading the text? • The text teaches us that … . Note: the answer of this question can be in the form of a proverb
Bagaimanamengetahuinilai moral suatuteks narrative? LANGKAH RETORIKA TEKS NARRATIVE: ORIENTATION: Pengenalanlatar: tokoh, waktudantempat. COMPLICATION: Pengembangankonflik RESOLUTION: Penyelesaiankonflik. RE-ORIENTATION: Perubahan yang terjadipadatokohataupelajaran yang dipetikdaricerita. (optional)
What can you learn from the story? • THE FARMER AND THE STORK Finding that cranes were destroying his newly sown corn, a farmer one evening set a net in his field to catch the destructive birds. When he went to examine the net next morning he found a number of cranes and also a stork. “Release me, I beseech you,” cried the stork, “for I have eaten none of your corn, nor have I done you any harm. I am a poor innocent stork, as you may see - a most dutiful bird, I honor my father and mother. I...” But the farmer cut him short. “All this may be true enough, I dare say, but I have caught you with those were destroying my crops, and you must suffer with the company in which you are found.” • People are judged by the company they keep.
What moral value can you learn from this text? A mosquito landed on a bull’s horn and there it settled down comfortably to make itself at home. Only when it was time to leave did it remember its patient host, and it said to him: “You’ll be happy to know that I won’t be disturbing you anymore, I’m going.” “Me happy!” replied the bull. “I didn’t feel you arrive and I won’t even notice that you’ve gone.” And that’s the way it is. If someone is worth nothing then nobody cares whether he’s there or not.
What moral value does the text teach you? All the animals of the forest gathered in assembly to elect their new king. They chose the monkey because they were amused by his antics. The fox was very disappointed at not being chosen and waited for a chance to get his own back. One day, he found piece of meat on a path. He realized at once it was the bait for a trap. But off he went to the monkey and offered to show him. Where it was, as a sign of his loyalty. The monkey king at once fell into the trap, and the fox burst out laughing. “with so few wits, you cannot even rule yourself, let alone animals.”
What moral value can you learn from this text? • One day, a man who made his living tricking people stopped a good woman on the road. • “Who are you?” asked the woman. “Where do you come from?” • “I fell from the sky?” The man replied craftily. • “Oh really.” The woman’s face lit up. “Then maybe you have met my husband. He died last year.” • “Certainly I know him, but he is not doing very well. He hasn’t found a job yet and he hasn’t got enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear.” • “The poor man!” cried the woman. “If I give you some clothes, can you take them up to him?” • “No, I’m sorry but it’s forbidden to take clothes into paradise,” replied the man. “But I think I can manage to smuggle some money to him. Nobody would find a little money bag hidden in a pocket.” • “Oh, thank you, then please take this. It’s all my savings,” The woman gave the man a little pile of money. She was so grateful to him for doing her such a kind service. • “Well, who would have thought”, she kept repeating, “that in paradise my husband would be lacking even the bare necessities.”