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2. Theories of education. Piagetian view: stresses the internal/'endogenous' control of cognitive development attribute development to naturerole of schoolingSocio-culturally oriented approaches (e.g. Vygotsky):stresses the external/'exogenous' influencesattribute development to process of soc
1. 1 Education:
theories of education
what influences education
why don’t we have improved standards?
the problems
skills we need to be literate
influences on literacy
simple arithmetic
the problems
skills we need to be numerate
influences on numeracy
complex arithmetic
why aren’t children learning these skills?
9: Education, Literacy & Numeracy
2. 2 Theories of education Piagetian view:
stresses the internal/’endogenous’ control of cognitive development
attribute development to nature
role of schooling
Socio-culturally oriented approaches (e.g. Vygotsky):
stresses the external/’exogenous’ influences
attribute development to process of social construction
role of schooling
3. 3 Theories of education Case:
basic processes change over time
culture and society have an impact
modular structure of mind must be taken into account
1960s theory: ignored influence of culture
1990s theory: surrounding affect ability to learn
4. 4 How can we influence the success of education? Peer learning
(Slavin, 1990; Littleton & Hakkinen, 1999; Phelps & Damon, 1989; Piaget and Vygotsky)
School & class size:
small is best?
The role of the teacher:
the role of expectations and the Pygmalion effect (Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1968 vs. Pilling & Pringle, 1978)
classroom management strategies (Brophy, 1986; Rutter et al, 1979; Rutter, 1983).
Supports Bruner and Vygotsky’s ideas
5. 5 Why don’t we have improved standards? Politics and economics
Some effects are beyond our control:
parental influence (Grolnick, Ryan & Deci, 1991)
peers (Kindermann, 1993)
self esteem (Byrne, 1984, Wattenberg & Clifforn, 1964; Hoge, Smith & Hanson, 1990)
cultural differences
Disagreements about the best educational methods:
open classroom (Horwitz, 1979)
magnet schools (Steel & Levine, 1994)
academic tracking
6. 6 Literacy: The problem Only 11% of all 13 year olds in the USA are adept readers - meaning they can understand relatively complex written information (Mullis & Jenkins, 1990)
By age 17, less than half of American students are able to read and understand complex info (US Dept of Education, 1996)
USA: about 18 million adults have reading ages of below 9 years.
Britain: Bullock Report (1975): 2 million people in England and Wales do not reach this level.
These people not made shift to functional literacy - unable to read tabloid newspapers, recipes etc.
7. 7 Literacy: the benefits Once functional levels of literacy are achieved reader is able to read text at much faster rate than normally hears speech. Why?
grammatical structures are more compressed and more varied than those of speech
Level of redundancy is low
NO pauses, hesitations, false starts
Reader may review, anticipate, skip paragraphs etc - go at own pace
greater efficiency and autonomy in reading than in hearing speech
8. 8 Skills we need to be literate Letter recognition:
a A A A A A are same letter
Grapheme-phoneme correspondence rules:
relationship between letter and sound
how to segment words into constituent phonemes
Word Recognition
Semantic knowledge
Comprehension and interpretation
9. 9 Influences on literacy Homelife:
influence of preschool reading (Durkin, 1966 vs Phillips & McNaughton, 1990)
financial consideration (Orr, 1995)
importance of privacy and space (Wilson & Dupuis, 1992)
Parental interest (Snow et al, 1991)
Cultural and language influences:
cultural compatibility hypothesis (Tharp, 1989)
Kamehameha Early Education Program in Hawaii (Tharp et al, 1984)
10. 10 Attitude:
Parental and child attitude important (Wells, 1981; Goodman, 1990)
Phonological awareness:
conscious awareness of the sound structure of language
lack of phonological awareness -> poor reading (Bryant et al, 1990)
ability to monitor and correct speech
ability to play with sounds (nursery rhymes, I spy)
ability to compare words for rhyme and alliteration
ability to split words into phonemes and manipulate phonemes
Influences on literacy
11. 11 What is the best way to teach?
Matching letters to phonemes
Not necessarily the best way on its own Gollasch, 1977; Harste et al, 1984)
look say
memorisation of whole word shapes
whole language approach
introduce children to the PURPOSE of reading
combination? (Bradley & Bryant, 1983; Goswami & Bryant, 1990). Influences on literacy
12. 12 Numeracy Maths isn’t just about facts and procedures, but also about understanding
Need to think about facts and procedures to reveal the underlying principles
So we need to analyse their productions
13. 13 Single digit arithmetic More complex than may appear
Strategies: (Fuson & Kwon, 1992)
Count all
Count up
Infer (decompose)
MRI studies show that several areas of the brain are active during arithmetic problem solving (Rueckert et al., 1996)
Strategy use changes with experience
Speed and accuracy improve with age
ASCM (Siegler & Shipley, 1995)
14. 14 Mathematical disabilities 6% of US children labeled as having “mathematical disabilities” (Gross-Tsur et al., 1996)
Difficulty executing backup strategies and retrieving correct answers (Geary et al., 2000)
Immature counting procedures at age 5
Leads to problems with more complex arithmetic and algebra, which build on basic skills.
Limited exposure to numbers before entering school
WM capacity
Limited conceptual understanding of counting, arithmetic operations and place value (Geary et al, 2000)
15. 15 Concepts in secondary mathematics and science (CSMS) study (Hart, 1981):
examined 10000 11 year old children's ability in 10 mathematical subjects.
Concluded that 'the overwhelming impression obtained is that mathematics is a very difficult subject for most children.
In particular, argued that the introduction of 'modern mathematics' - which attempted to engender greater conceptual understanding in children about the 'foundations' of maths - had not succeeded. The wider problem
16. 16 Skills we need to be numerate Counting and 1 to 1 correspondence
counting on
counting silently
mixture of addition and subtraction
tens and units
retrieval from memory
17. 17 Cardinal knowledge:
cardinal and ordinal number
Derived number understanding
Multiplication and division
Fractions, wholes and parts
Written numbers - base, place and space!
Skills we need to be numerate
18. 18 Piaget Understanding of number based on discovery of number invariance
6/7 years – concrete operations
But can’t solve proportion problems
Understanding proportion
11/12 years – formal operations
BUT, effects of:
Mathematical representation (Nunes, 1993)
Social situation (Lave, 1988)
19. 19 Concepts and context Concepts
Mathematical equality
Application of procedures (Carraher, Carraher & Schliemann, 1985)
Strategy choice (Bjorklund & Rosenblum, 2002)
Conceptual knowledge (McNeil & Alibali, in press)
20. 20 Subtraction errors (Brown & Burton, 1978)
Common in American children, but not in Korean children (Fuson & Kwon, 1992)
1/3 + 1/2 = 2/5
Carpenter et al, 1981
Less common problem in Korean children Complex arithmetic
21. 21 Perhaps school maths is just too hard:
requires understanding of written numerical values and mathematical concepts:
Problems of understanding language
Problems of understanding the written and verbal number system (Fuson, 1992)
requires understanding of logical concepts
children are not capable of these (c.f. Piaget)
probably not true (Nunes & Bryant, 1996; Bruner, 1996) Why aren’t children learning these skills?
22. 22 Perhaps we’re not teaching properly:
Restricted range of maths problems
Lack of use of materials (Fuson, 1992)
Not enough mapping between school and real world (Greer, 1992)
“darts” maths
Brazilian street vendors’ “street maths” (Nunes, Schlieman & Carraher, 1993)
use real world examples that require maths in the real world Why aren’t children learning these skills?
23. 23 Learning Outcomes & Reading Be able to describe the skills that are necessary for literacy and numeracy
Be aware of and be able to evaluate psychological theories and research on education, literacy and numeracy.
Explain why children do not do as well as we could expect in schools.
Essential Reading (on Digital Resources):
Education & Literacy
Bruning, R.H. et al. (2004). Cognitive psychology and instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 11.
Siegler, R. S. & Alibali, M. W. (2005). Children's thinking. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chapter 11.
Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1992). Beyond modularity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 4.
Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (1996). Children doing mathematics. Oxford: Blackwell. Chapter 5.
Siegler, R. S. & Alibali, M. W. (2005). Children's thinking. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chapter 11.
Wood, D. (1998) How children think and learn. Oxford: Blackwell. Ch 8. pp.225-275
Further Reading:
See pdf handout
24. 24 Questions to ask What cognitive factors influence numeracy and literacy?
What do psychological theories and research tell us about how we learn the necessary skills and concepts?
Can this knowledge be used to address the problems that many children have?