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Chapter Seven Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. Identify segmentation variables. Develop profiles of the segments. Evaluate segments’ attractiveness And fit with the firm. Select the target segments. Decide on the market positioning. Develop the integrated marketing mix.
Identify segmentation variables Develop profiles of the segments Evaluate segments’ attractiveness And fit with the firm Select the target segments Decide on the market positioning Develop the integrated marketing mix
7.1 Market Segmentation • 1. Definition: dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products or marketing mixes
2. Benefits of market segmentation • The overall objective of using a market segmentation strategy is to improve a company’s strategy competitive position and better serve the needs of its customers. • Four major benefits: • products---meet the needs or the market place • effective and cost efficient promotional strategies • market competition evaluation • insight on marketing strategies
3. Trends in Market Segmentation • becoming increasingly sophisticated • computer programs and databases assistance • more sophisticated segmentation bases
7.1.1 Bases of market segmentation (four basic variables) • 1. Geographic segmentation • on the basis of population location; rather large and too heterogeneous for effective segmentation without careful consideration of additional factors
2. Demographic segmentation (most common approach) demographic variables: age, gender, income, occupation, education, household size, lifestyle, stage in the family lifecycle, race, religion • Reasons (advantages) • They are easy to identify and measure. • They are associated with the sales of many products and services. • They are typically referred to in describing the audiences of advertising media so that media buyers and others can easily pinpoint the desired target market.
3. Psycho-graphic segmentation • psychological profiles of different consumers developed from the responses of consumers asked to agree or disagree with AIO (activities, interests and opinions) statements • an important tool for understanding the behavior of present and potential target markets
4. Behavioral segmentation • based on buyers’ knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses to a product • behavior variables are the best starting point for building market segments • occasions, product benefits, user status, loyalty status • 1) Occasions: • according to occasions when buyers get the idea to buy, actually make their purchase, or use the purchased item. • help firms build up product usage • 例如,城市公共汽车运输公司可根据上班高峰时期和非高峰时期乘客的需求特点划分不同的细分市场并制定不同的营销策略;生产果珍之类清凉解暑饮料的企业,可以根据消费者在一年四季对果珍饮料口味的不同,将果珍市场消费者划分为不同的子市场。
2) product benefits • according to the different benefits that consumers seek from the product • When differences among competing brands are slight, a firm may introduce a brand with a new benefit that appeals to a certain market segment. • 购买手表有的追求经济实惠、价格低廉,有的追求耐用可靠和使用维修的方便,还有的则偏向于使用显示出社会地位等不一而足。
3) user status • groups of nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users of a product • Market share leaders will focus on attracting potential users, whereas smaller firms will focus on attracting current users away from the market leader.
4) loyalty status • be loyal to brands, stores, and companies • the degree of loyalty: • completely loyal, somewhat loyal, or showing no loyalty to any brand • 通过了解消费者品牌忠诚情况和品牌忠诚者与品牌转换者的各种行为与心理特征,不仅可为企业细分市场提供一个基础,同时也有助于企业了解为什么有些消费者忠诚本企业产品,而另外一些消费者则忠诚于竞争企业的产品,从而为企业选择目标市场提供启示。
Care must be taken to consider segmentation variables that are highly relevant to a given situation but not necessarily contained in the textbook listings! • E.g. detergent products: one product formulated for washing silk and another for heavily soiled cotton(污布). • The type of dirt and nature of fabric vital variables for this given market
Hardly can any enterprise achieves its marketing goal by using only one variable to segment. More than one variables are adapted to divide market which provides more information about segments and enable the marketer to satisfy customers more precisely. More variables create more segments reducing the sales potential in each segments So in general, there is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find the best way to view the market structure.
7.1.2 Market segmentation procedure • 1. Survey stage: exploratory interviews and focus groups to gain insight into consumer motivations, attitudes, and behavior • 2. Analysis stage • 3. Profiling stage • 家航空公司对从未乘过飞机的人很感兴趣(细分标准是顾客的体验)。而从未乘过飞机的人又可以细分为害怕飞机的人,对乘飞机无所谓的人以及对乘飞机持肯定态度的人(细分标准是态度)。在持肯定态度的人中,又包括高收入有能力乘飞机的人(细分标准是态度)。于是这家航空公司就把力量集中在开拓那些对乘飞机持肯定态度,只是还没有乘过飞机的高收入群体。
7.1.3 Criteria for effective segmentation • Measurability: size and characteristic • Accessibility: able to reach • Market potential: total capacity to absorb the products • Responsiveness: the largeness and the degree of sufficient sales and profit potential
7.2 Market Targeting • 1.Definition: the process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter • 2 phases: • Analyzing consumer demand • Targeting the market
7.2.1 Analyzing consumer demand • A marketer must analyze its customers according to their characteristics. • 3 types of demand patterns • 1) Homogeneous demand • 2) Clustered demand • 3) Diffused demand (most costly product differentiation and more difficult to communication)
7.2.2 Targeting the market segments • 1. Three factors to be considered in deciding which and how many segments to serve • 1) Segment size and growth • first collect and analyze data on current segment sales, growth rates, and expected profitability for various segments. • 2) Segment structural attractiveness • examine several major structural factors that affect long-run segment attractiveness
3) Company objectives and resources • decide whether it possesses the skills and resources needed to succeed in that segment (superior to those of the competition)
2. Strategies to target the market segments • 1) Undifferentiated marketing无差异性营销策略 • 2) Differentiated marketing差异性营销策略 • 3) Concentrated marketing集中性营销策略
Company marketing mix Market Undifferentiated marketing Marketing mix 1 Marketing mix 2 Marketing mix 3 Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Differentiated marketing Marketing mix Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Concentrated marketing
一、无差别性市场营销策略 • 无差别市场营销策略,就是企业把整个市场作为自己的目标市场,只考虑市场需求的共性,而不考虑其差异,运用一种产品、一种价格、一种推销方法,吸引可能多的消费者。美国可口可乐公司从1886年问世以来,一直采用无差别市场策略,生产一种口味、一种配方、一种包装的产品满足世界156个国家和地区的需要,称作“世界性的清凉饮料”
二、差别性市场营销策略 • 美国有的服装企业,按生活方式把妇女分成三种类型:时髦型、男子气型、朴素型。时髦型妇女喜欢把自己打扮得华贵艳丽,引人注目;男子气型妇女喜欢打扮的超凡脱俗,卓尔不群;朴素型妇女购买服装讲求经济实惠,价格适中。公司根据不同类妇女的不同偏好,有针对性地设计出不同风格的服装,使产品对各类消费者更具有吸引力。
三、集中性市场营销策略 • 日本尼西奇起初是一个生产雨衣、尿布、游泳帽、卫生带等多种橡胶制品的小厂,由于订货不足,面临破产。总经理多川博在一个偶然的机会,从一份人口普查表中发现,日本每年约出生25O万个婴儿,如果每个婴儿用两条尿布,一年需要 500万条。于是,他们决定放弃尿布以外的产品,实行尿布专业化生产。一炮打响后,又不断研制新材料、开发新品种,不仅垄断了日本尿布市场,还远销世界 70多个国家和地区,成为闻名于世的“尿布大王”。
7.3 Positioning • Positioning is the development of a service and a marketing mix to occupy a specific place in the minds of customers within target markets
麦当劳瞄准细分市场需求 • 麦当劳作为一家国际餐饮巨头,创始于五十年代中期的美国。由于当时创始人及时抓住高速发展的美国经济下的工薪阶层需要方便快捷的饮食的良机,并且瞄准细分市场需求特征,对产品进行准确定位而一举成功。当今麦当劳已经成长为世界上最大的餐饮集团,在109个国家开设了2.5万家连锁店,年营业额超过 34亿美元。
而麦当劳的成功正是在这三项划分要素上做足了功夫。它根据地理、人口和心理要素准确地进行了市场细分,并分别实施了相应的战略,从而达到了企业的营销目标。 • 一、麦当劳根据地理要素细分市场 • 麦当劳有美国国内和国际市场,而不管是在国内还是国外,都有各自不同的饮食习惯和文化背景。麦当劳进行地理细分,主要是分析各区域的差异。如美国东西部的人喝的咖啡口味是不一样的。通过把市场细分为不同的地理单位进行经营活动,从而做到因地制宜。 • 每年,麦当劳都要花费大量的资金进行认真的严格的市场调研,研究各地的人群组合、文化习俗等,再书写详细的细分报告,以使每个国家甚至每个地区都有一种适合当地生活方式的市场策略。 • 例如,麦当劳刚进入中国市场时大量传播美国文化和生活理念,并以美国式产品牛肉汉堡来征服中国人。但中国人爱吃鸡,与其他洋快餐相比,鸡肉产品也更符合中国人的口味,更加容易被中国人所接受。针对这一情况,麦当劳改变了原来的策略,推出了鸡肉产品。在全世界从来只卖牛肉产品的麦当劳也开始卖鸡了。这一改变正是针对地理要素所做的,也加快了麦当劳在中国市场的发展步伐。
二、麦当劳根据人口要素细分市场 • 通常人口细分市场主要根据年龄、性别、家庭人口、生命周期、收入、职业、教育、宗教、种族、国籍等相关变量,把市场分割成若干整体。而麦当劳对人口要素细分主要是从年龄及生命周期阶段对人口市场进行细分,其中,将不到开车年龄的划定为少年市场,将20~40岁之间的年轻人界定为青年市场,还划定了年老市场。 • 人口市场划定以后,要分析不同市场的特征与定位。例如,麦当劳以孩子为中心,把孩子作为主要消费者,十分注重培养他们的消费忠诚度。在餐厅用餐的小朋友,经常会意外获得印有麦当劳标志的气球、折纸等小礼物。在中国,还有麦当劳叔叔俱乐部,参加者为3~12岁的小朋友,定期开展活动,让小朋友更加喜爱麦当劳。这便是相当成功的人口细分,抓住了该市场的特征与定位。
三、麦当劳根据心理要素细分市场 • 根据人们生活方式划分,快餐业通常有两个潜在的细分市场:方便型和休闲型。在这两个方面,麦当劳都做得很好。 • 例如,针对方便型市场,麦当劳提出“59秒快速服务”,即从顾客开始点餐到拿着食品离开柜台标准时间为59秒,不得超过一分钟。 • 针对休闲型市场,麦当劳对餐厅店堂布置非常讲究,尽量做到让顾客觉得舒适自由。麦当劳努力使顾客把麦当劳作为一个具有独特文化的休闲好去处,以吸引休闲型市场的消费者群。
市场细分案例总结 • 通过案例分析,麦当劳对地理、人口、心理要素的市场细分是相当成功的,不仅在这方面积累了丰富的经验,还注入了许多自己的创新,从而继续保持着餐饮霸主的地位。当然,在三要素上如果继续深耕细作,更可以在未来市场上保持住自己的核心竞争力。 • 一、在地理要素的市场细分上,要提高研究出来的市场策略应用到实际中的效率。麦当劳其实每年都有针对具体地理单位所做的市场研究,但应用效率却由于各种各样的原因不尽如人意。如麦当劳在中国市场的表现,竟然输给在全球市场远不如它的肯德基,这本身就是一个大问题。麦当劳其实是输给了本土化的肯德基。这应该在开拓市场之初便研究过的,但是麦当劳一上来还是主推牛肉汉堡,根本就没重视市场研究出来的细分报告。等到后来才被动改变策略,推出鸡肉产品,这是一种消极的对策,严重影响了自身的发展步伐。 • 所以,针对地理细分市场,一定要首先做好市场研究,并根据细分报告开拓市场,注意扬长避短是极其重要的。
二、在人口要素细分市场上,麦当劳应该扩大划分标准。不应仅仅局限于普遍的年龄及生命周期阶段。可以加大对其他相关变量的研究,拓宽消费者群的“多元”构成,配合地理细分市场,进行更有效的经营。 • 例如,麦当劳可以针对家庭人口考虑举行家庭聚会,营造全家一起用餐的欢乐气氛。公司聚会等也是可以考虑的市场。 • 三、对于心理细分市场,有一个突出的问题,便是健康型细分市场浮出水面。这对麦当劳是一个巨大的考验。如果固守已有的原料和配方,继续制作高热和高脂类食物,对于关注健康的消费者来说是不可容忍的。 • 首先应该仍是以方便型和休闲型市场为主,积极服务好这两类型的消费者群。同时,针对健康型消费者,开发新的健康绿色食品。这个一定要快速准确。总之,不放过任何一类型的消费者群。
Case study • The ship • The Ship restaurant is located on the waterside in an area adjacent to the shopping, entertainment and business areas in a thriving city. The restaurant was not well-run and provided cheap ‘fast food’ to day trippers. A group of entrepreneurs have acquired the restaurant and are intending to refurbish it and make it into a profitable business venture.
Segmentation variables • Price (should the ship go ‘upmarket’ or go for a quick turnover, value-for-money (现金交易价格) market?) • Time of day ( this may affect the type of meal and service required). Possibilities might be breakfast, morning coffee and snack, lunch, afternoon snack, pre-theater meal, evening meal, post-theatre meal( if the entrepreneurs thought that pre- and post-theatre meals were an attractive possibility, this starts to suggest possibilities about potential joint promotions with the theatres)
Nature of the menu requirements for potential customers such as: geographic focus (e.g. Greek, Italian, Indian, Chinese, etc.), • nature of food offered (e.g. special focus on fish, vegetarian dishes). • Location of food consumption: in restaurant, takeaway and home delivery.
Nature of occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries and corporate events( implication of this is that it might be desirable in the development of the restaurant to include a separate ‘events’ space). This analysis is in outline and not exhaustive (e.g. age may be considered in order to develop a children’s menu).
Ship restaurant • Only two segments will be briefly considered given space limitations. In real life, much more analysis would be needed. • The Business Lunch: Lower costs demanded, a more restricted menu might be acceptable and speed of service is critical. This business is potentially profitable with the possibility of developing repeat business and corporate events ( relationship-marketing implications).
The Romantic Evening Dinner: Extensive menu, time not so critical, high but unobtrusive level of service required. Ambiance romantic rather than clinical (implication is that need for lighting might change from lunchtime to evening). This segment also gives opportunities for developing repeat business and events( e.g. weddings).
Evaluation of attractiveness and fit with the firm • Segments should be profitable and the restaurant able to offer something special (e.g. competition: no point in opening up the 12th Italian restaurant in the area).
Here, decisions are starting to be made. We will consider that the decision is being formed to provide an upmarket experience. Thus, inexpensive meals for shoppers might be unattractive but business lunches attractive.
Select the target segments • In this situation, the decision might be to go for business lunches, pre-theatre meals and romantic evening meals. Breakfasts might be rejected as not generating enough revenue and for not being a good fit the positioning. Post-theatre dinners might be rejected as table availability might be a problem (long leisurely dinners in the evening) and late-night travel might be a problem for staff. There may be logistics issues as well as marketing issues influencing the selection of given segments
Develop the market positioning • The evaluation that higher margin segments are attractive implies that a premium marketing position with high standards of interior design and service provision are indicated. Evaluation of the competition might indicate that some positioning (e.g. Italian ) are well catered for and thus might no be appropriate. Given the waterside location a specialist seafood/fish focus might be appropriate (if not already populated with competition).
The positioning is giving a reason to the target customers as to why they should come here and not to some other eatery. The positioning decisions will have a profound influence on the development of the marketing mix (e.g. the design theme for the restaurant)