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Exploring Ada Software Assets - An innovative Ada cross referencer - Roland Trauter

Exploring Ada Software Assets - An innovative Ada cross referencer - Roland Trauter. Background. DaimlerChrysler‘s - Research and Technology Division => Information Technology => Software Technology => Architecture - Reuse - Reengineering => Application Fields => ..........

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Exploring Ada Software Assets - An innovative Ada cross referencer - Roland Trauter

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  1. Exploring Ada Software Assets - An innovative Ada cross referencer - Roland Trauter

  2. Background DaimlerChrysler‘s - Research and Technology Division => Information Technology => Software Technology => Architecture - Reuse - Reengineering => Application Fields => .......... => Embedded Software => Mercedes, Chrysler, .... => Aerospace Systems, Defense Systems

  3. Motivation Industrial software development still needs better tool support! Modern software development environments consisting of a set of powerful tools can be used to improve and supplement these environments itself! Paper listings and static are the old kind of cross referencing! Windows-based systems provides the opportunity to build a new innovative form of cross referencing:

  4. Motivation Industrial software development still needs better tool support! Modern software development environments consisting of a set of powerful tools can be used to improve and supplement these environments itself! Paper listings and static are the old kind of cross referencing! Windows-based systems provides the opportunity to build a new innovative form of cross referencing: Our Ada cross referencer !!!

  5. Development History 1996 Reuse Project / Analyzing Ada space infrastructure software (> 2 MLOC) - Use of commercially available tools not satisfying! - Start of development of static Ada83 sourcecode analyzer! 1998 Start of DC-internal pilot usage for Ada83 aerospace / defense software - Quality Assurance, Maintenance, Reengineering, Reuse 2000 Extension for Ada95 / cross referencing completed! 2001 Improved User Interface /Portability with wxwindows! - Ada cross referencer presented at SIGAda 2001!

  6. Overview Ada cross referencer Ada cross referencer - based on static analysis of Ada 83/95 sourcecode - can analyze large assets (compilable, but no need for completeness) - runs on standard PC‘s with Windows NT/9x / Portable to Unix - compiler-independent / supplements any Ada environment Shows complete asset structure Problem identification mechanism - library unit dependencies - module coupling - unit structures - global variables - call relationship - unused types / variables / ... - data access - high fan-out - type usage - ...........

  7. Overview Ada cross referencer Identified application fields - Maintenance of large software assets => Exploration / Understanding / Dependencies - Quality assurance including archictecture assessment => Fast and complete check of formal conditions - Documentation of source code => Up-to-date information on source code entities - Detection of reusable components => Fast identification of components and check of dependencies Approved by DaimlerChrysler aerospace and defense business units - High user acceptance - Fast, powerful, reliable - Improves quality - Efficient quality assurance - Reduces training periods

  8. Basics Principle 1: Connected lists Secondary lists Primary list

  9. Basics Principle 2: Complete list network Unit structure Library unit Import-Export Subprogram Calls Sourcecode Data access Type usage

  10. Basics Principle 3: List tailoring with filter & sorting options

  11. Demonstration - Library unit import / export view - Unit structure view - Subprogram call view - Type usage view - Data access view - Sourcecode view - Navigation within / between views - Filter & sorting dialogs - Problem detection with filter & sorting

  12. Our plans - Move from DC-internal tool to a commercial product for all organizations! - Looking for established partners for marketing, sales and support! => Please contact us if you are interested! - Product release of Ada cross referencer planned for november 2001! - Evaluation licences are then available as well! => Order your copy immediately! Give us your business card or mail to: mbox_ft_ada-tool@daimlerchrysler.com or fax to: +49 731 505 4223

  13. Thank you for your attention!

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