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Where Do We Go When There’s Nowhere To Go ????????????????????. The Red Sea. What Is Your Red Sea Crossing?. Exodus 14, Psalm 106:1-12. The Exodus. One of the great adventures in history—a saga of epic proportions—the crossing of the Red Sea remembered down through the ages.
Where Do We Go When There’s Nowhere To Go????????????????????
What Is YourRed Sea Crossing? Exodus 14, Psalm 106:1-12
The Exodus One of the great adventures in history—a saga of epic proportions—the crossing of theRed Sea remembered down through the ages. Nehemiah 9:9-11
The Outline • Predicament (And Prayer to God) • Prevailing (And the Power of God) • Praise (And the Presence of God)
I. Predicament Israel had nowhere to go. Our predicament may be health problems, financial difficulties, occupational stress, interpersonal conflict. With barriers, bondage and our back to the wall, how do we move ahead?
I. Predicament (cont.) “The opposite of having faith is having self-pity.” --Leslie Parrott “Self-pity is a death that has no resurrection, a sink hole from which no rescuing hand can drag you because you have chosen to sink.” –Elisabeth Elliott
This Is L-I-F-E: Tribulations – John 16:33 Temptations – I Corinthians 10:13 Trials & Tests – James 1:2-3, I Peter 1:6-7
Predicament (cont.) “If sorrow makes us shed tears, faith in the promises of God makes us dry them.” --Augustine “Every experience of trial puts us to this test, do you trust God or don’t you?” --Elisabeth Elliott
Predicament (cont.) “Adversity is God’s university.” --Paul Evans “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” --John Flavel “Crises bring us face to face with our inadequacy and our inadequacy leads us to the inexhaustible sufficiency of God.” --Catherine Marshall
If In A Predicament – Pray Exodus 14:10 Psalm 18:6 Matthew 7:7-11 “You need not cry very loud, He is nearer to us than we think.” --Brother Lawrence
Prayer in Predicaments (cont.) “At the profoundest depths in life, men talk not about God, but with Him.” --Elton Trueblood “As we cry to God, He hears, and dares us to look at things from His perspective.” --Karen Bosch
II. Prevailing There is conflict and tragedy, but with God we can prevail. Jacob - Genesis 38:28 Moses & Israel – Exodus 17:11 Othniel – Judges 3:9-10 David – I Samuel 17:45-50 God’s Word & The Church – Acts 19:20
How To Prevail by Faith Faith needs factsto rest upon. Wishful thinking isn’t enough…God in His Word reveals to us the factswith which faith has to deal.” --Evan Hopkins “Real faith is always increased by opposition, while false confidence is discouraged and damaged by it.” --J.B. Stoney
How To Prevail by Faith Faith is not a force we can exercise or think if we believe hard enough it will happen. Faith must be based upon certainty— upon God’s purpose, God’s will and God’s Word. --Alexander R. Hay
Prevailing (cont.) “It doesn’t matter how great the pressure is. What really matters is where the pressure lies, whether it comes between me and God, or whether it presses me nearer His heart.” --Hudson Taylor
III. Praise Only God could perform such a M-I-R-A-C-L-E. Exodus 15:1-21 Psalm 106:6-12 Psalm 136:10-15
Praise (cont.) “I believe there is nothing that honors God more, or that God more honors, than praising Him in tribulation.” --Brownlow North “Praise releases the chains of discouragement, despair and defeat— and we’re free.” –Bobbe Brooks-Fischle
Cooperation Moses and Israel did what they could… --Observed Passover, Exodus 12:1-28 --Gained favor & profited from the Egyptians, Exodus 12:34-36 --Marched in Order, Exodus 13:17-22 …and God did the rest.
The Red Sea Crossing Teaches Us: --God displays His power on behalf of His children, Acts 7:36 --Perils should result in death to self and alive to God, I Corinthians 10:1-2 --Faith results in crossing the sea on dry land, defeating the enemy and a new life of freedom. Hebrews 11:29
At The Place of The Sea “Have you come to the Red Sea place in your life, where, in spite of all you can do, there is no way out, there is no way back, there is no other way but through? Then wait on the Lord with a trust serene till the night of your fear is gone; He will send the wind, He will heap the floods when He says to your soul, ‘Go on’.” --Annie Johnson Flint
Created by Dr. John and Bobbe Brooks Fischle 2013