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42d Medical Operations Squadron Maxwell AFB, Alabama Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT). KEY PERSONNEL BRIEFING. BRIEFING OBJECTIVE. IAW AFI 44-121: Outline key personnel responsibilities towards the reduction of substance abuse
42d Medical Operations Squadron Maxwell AFB, Alabama Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) KEY PERSONNEL BRIEFING
BRIEFING OBJECTIVE • IAW AFI 44-121: Outline key personnel responsibilities towards the reduction of substance abuse • Provide Commanders, senior enlisted advisor, first sergeants, and senior personnel information regarding substance abuse prevention and intervention education • IAW AFI 44-121: Ensure commanders, supervisors, and health care providers understood the impact of substance abuse and how to identify/refer substance abusers
The ADAPT Program Objectives • Promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance abuse • Minimize the negative impact of Substance Abuse (SA) • Provide education and treatment • Return members to unrestricted status or assist in transition to civilian status
ELIGIBLE BENEFICIARIES • Active Duty Members, Dependents, and Retirees are eligible for counseling and treatment following TRICARE guidelines for access • Eligible beneficiaries receive services as authorized through their specific TRICARE option (e.g.., Prime, Extra, Standard)
ADAPT SERVICES PROVIDED • 1st duty station briefing • Newcomers orientation briefing • Supervisors Briefing • Substance Abuse Assessment • Individual substance abuse education • Treatment and aftercare programs • Transitional Counseling • Air Force Drug Testing Program
When to refer to ADAPT • AFI 44-121 states a commander shall (must) refer all service members for assessment when substance is suspected to be a contributing factor in any incident (e.g.,DUI, spouse/child maltreatment, positive UA, when notified by medical personnel) • Within 7 days of incident • DUI referred within 24 hours • when possible but NLT next • duty day
Making a referral to ADAPT • Phone call to the ADAPT program • Explain situation to ADAPT OIC/NCOIC • An appointment time will be forwarded to CC or First sergeant
COMMANDER’S ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Ensure the assessment process is not delayed by ordinary leave or TDYs • Relay to the member that ADAPT is not punitive • Actively participate as part of the Treatment Team Meeting (TTM) -- TTM’s held in bldg • Provide command authority to implement the treatment plan when the member does not voluntarily comply with the TTM’s decisions
SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT • Non clinical services • Prevention through briefings and outreach activities • Individual Education following initial evaluation • Individuals being processed for separation will be provided appropriate medical care prior to separation.
TREATMENT (Continued) • Clinical services • Patients meeting criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence will be entered into substance abuse treatment • Program requirements will be individually tailored to meet the needs of the patient. Family involvement is strongly encouraged • Individuals receiving a diagnosis will refrain from the use of alcohol during the initial phase of treatment. (Flyers are subject to abstinence for longer periods and indefinitely in some cases.)
TREATMENT (Continued) • Maxwell Treatment Options: • Outpatient Treatment (OP) • Aftercare Program • This will vary from base to base
Program Completion • Patient meets DSM IV criteria for early full remission • TTM determines - based on progress towards agreed upon goals stated in the treatment plan
Program Failure • Drinking itself does not fail a person from the program. • Pattern of failure to meet AF standards • Unwillingness or unable to meet treatment or aftercare goals • Patients will be considered for administrative separation by their commander IAW AFI 36-3207 or AFI 36-3208
PREVENTION IS THE KEY The ADAPT office will be glad to conduct briefings upon request: Commanders calls Supervisors/managers Dorm briefings Any other occasion we can help