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History and Anthology of English Literature. The teaching plan of this course:. Historical background; Introduction of the main writers and their masterpieces; The detailed analysis and appreciation of a specific work or some excerpts; Discussion and presentation by students sometimes;
The teaching planof this course: Historical background; Introduction of the main writers and their masterpieces; The detailed analysis and appreciation of a specific work or some excerpts; Discussion and presentation by students sometimes; Watching videos adapted from certain works sometimes;
Requirements of this course: Attend class on time Finish assignments (reading, presentation or recitation) on time Read as widely as possible, even do some further research.
1. What is Literature? • Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences. • Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by university of intellectual and emotional appeal. • Literature shows us not only what a society is like in a certain age, but also what individual feel about it, what they hope from it, and how they can change it or escape from it. • As a matter of fact, it is very hard to define what is literature for it includes many genres, such as poetry, prose, drama ,fiction and non-fiction.
2. Why we read Literature? • a. reading for pleasure • Howells observed that the study of Literature should begin and end in pleasure. • b. reading for relaxation • Modern life is full of pressure. It is people’s common desire to seek temporary relaxation from the stress in life. • c. reading to acquire knowledge. • Literature gives readers an insight into the tradition, custom, beliefs, attitudes, folklore, values of the age in which it is written.
3. How to study Literature? • a. analytical approach • The elements of fiction include plot, character, setting, point of view, theme, symbol, allegory, style, and tone. • b. thematic approach • What is the story, the poem, the play, or the essay about? • c. historical approachIt aims at illustrating the historical development of literature. All the Literature exists in time and bears the unmistakable imprint of the period and culture in which it is written
d. Other approaches • Marxist/sociological criticism(马克思主义/社会学批评) • psychoanalytical criticism(心理分析批评) • feminist/gender criticism (女性主义/性别批评) • mythic and archetypal criticism(神话-原型批评) • reader-response criticism (读者反应理论) • formalist /new criticism (形式主义/新批评) • Structuralism (结构主义) • post-structuralism (后结构主义) • Deconstructuralism (解构主义) • Our textbook is arranged in chronological order, but we deal with each period analytically with emphasis on theme.
II: the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066) • 1. historical background • Three conquests: Roman conquest in 43 AD; Anglo-Saxon conquest in 449; Norman conquest in 1066 • 43 AD, Roman conquered Britain ,making the latter a province of Roman Empire; the withdrawal of Roman troops ,the Teutonic tribes, esp., the Anglos conquered the island and called it Angle-land, then England, their language is Anglo-Saxon old English.
2. literature • 1): pagan: oral sagas: the Song of Beowulf • 2): Christian: copied by the monk. • The influence of the Christianity upon language and culture. • Two ecclesiastic poets: Caedmon and Cynewulf • 3. the Song of Beowulf----England’s national epic • 1) creation time: written in 10-th century
2).plot and theme: • fight with Grendel • fight with Grendel’s mother • fight with firedrake • death and funeral
3). Characteristics of “Beowulf” • 3). Characteristics of “Beowulf” • a. the mixture of pagan elements with Christian coloring. The most outstanding example is the frequent reference in the epic to “Wyrd” (fate) as the decisive factor in human affairs, while on other occasions “God” or “Lord” is also mentioned as the omniscient and omnipotent being that rules over the whole universe.
Characteristics of “Beowulf”(2) • b. the frequent use of metaphors and understatements. “Ring giver” is used for king, “Swan road”, “whale-path” or “seal bath” for the sea, “wave-traveler” or “sea-wood” for ship, “shield-bearer”, “battle-hero” or “spear-fighter” for soldier. • c. Beowulf is written in alliterative verse. Its rhythm depends upon accent and alliteration. That is, the beginning of two or more words in the same line with the same sound or letter. The lines are made up of two short halves, separated by a pause. No rhyme is used; but a musical effect is produced by giving each half line two strongly accented syllables. Each full line, therefore, has four accents, three of which usually begin with the same sound or letter.
Characteristics of “Beowulf”(3) • Beowulf towers above all other Anglo-Saxon literature, not only because it is a powerful poem about people’s hero written in true epic style, but also because it tells in artistic form the tale in a leisurely way, full of elaborations in legendary details, and the verse rises at places to heights of poetic grandeur.
The significance of Beowulf • 4).The significance of Beowulf: • a. This glorious epic presents us a vivid picture of the life of Anglo-Saxon people and highly praises the brave and courageous spirit of the fighting against the elemental forces. • b. The epic reflects the situations of the epoch of pagan tribalism and of the era of the Christianized feudal society. • c. The epic gives the vivid portrayal of a great national hero, strong and courageous people and his kinfolk.
悼诗译文 • 最可爱最可敬的勇士, • 你对人民总是最仁爱最热心, • 你最渴望的就是人民对你的赞扬。 • 人民悼念你,按你所说, • 用盾和剑为你立起了一座丰碑。 • 把你安放在昔日勇士的中间, • 在墓地上,勇士们点燃熊熊焰火, • 浓烟从瑞典松林里冉冉升起。 • 哭声同火焰资滋声混成一片----- • 弥漫了整个天空。 • 然后朝巍巍山峦飘去, • 直至大海尽头。
在为您修造陵宫的短短十天里,人们用最能表达他们哀思的想法,在为您修造陵宫的短短十天里,人们用最能表达他们哀思的想法, • 把你陵宫修造, • 从储藏室拿过戒指、珠宝和其他一些财物, • 他们为你留下了财富, • 留下了伯爵往日的欢笑, • 大地托着黄土,依然无精打采。 • 坟墓周围,勇士们骑着战马, • 为逝去的国王唱起挽歌, • 高赞你的懿德,分享你的恩泽,哀叹你的陨落, • 人们称你为最可亲最可敬的国王, • 你对人们总是最仁爱最热心, • 你最渴望的就是人们对你的赞扬。
Part II: the Anglo-Norman period (1066—1350) • 1. historical background • Norman Conquest of Anglo-Saxon England, under William, Duke of Normandy after the battle of Hastings in 1066, accelerated the development of feudalism in England. • The Middle Ages: the dark age (449-16th century)
2.literature-----romance: • 1). three chief effects of the Conquest. • a. The bringing of Roman civilization, • b. the growth of nationality • c. the new language and literature, proclaimed by Chaucer. • 2). Four kinds. • a. Geoffrey’s history: a source book of literature • b. the work of the French Writers: Arthurian legends • c. Riming/rhythmic chronicles: history in doggerel verse • d. metrical romances, or tales in verse.
Three major themes • a. the matter of France: about Charlemagne and his peers/knights • b. the matter of Greece and Rome: about Alexander the great and the Trojan War and the fall of Troy • c. the matter of Britain: king Arthur and his Round Table knight
3.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight • a. the plot • 1). Feast in the palace • 2) journey for the green chapel • 3) test in the castle • 4). blow in the chapel
b. characteristics and theme • the bravest of knights • a test of his virtue and truth • one of the best told stories in all the medieval literature of Europe • Motif: the tests of faith, courage and purity----nobility of hero • the human weakness for self-preservation-----humanness • romance: the heroic adventure for adventures’ sake • Beowulf: to help the hero’s kinsfolk out of the distress or to protect them from disaster
1.his life born in a wine merchant family, page to Elizabeth he had broad and intimate acquaintance with persons high and low in all walks of life and knew well the whole social life of his time. Part III: Geoffrey Chaucer (1340—1400)
His literary career • a. French period(1360-1372) in French “ Romance of the rose” • b. Italian period(1372-1385) in Latin “the legend of Good Women” • English period(1386-1400) in English “ The Canterbury Tales”
3. The Canterbury Tales • It is one of the most famous works in all literature. It begins with a general prologue that explains the occasion for the narration of the tales and gives a description of the pilgrims who narrate the tales, and then follow the twenty-four tales that make up the bulk of the book, plus the separate prologues and the “links” that accompany some of the tales.
The translation of the prologue 夏雨给大地带来了喜悦, 送走了土壤干裂的三月, 沐浴着草木的丝丝经络, 顿时百花盛开,生机勃勃。 西风轻吹留下清香缕缕, 田野复苏吐出芳草绿绿; 碧蓝的天空腾起一轮红日, 青春的太阳洒下万道金辉。 小鸟的歌喉多么清脆优美, 迷人的夏夜怎好安然入睡—— 美丽的自然撩拨万物的心弦, 多情的鸟儿歌唱爱情的欣欢。 香客盼望膜拜圣徒的灵台, 僧侣立愿云游陌生的滨海。 信徒来自全国东西南北, 众人结伴奔向坎特伯雷, 去朝谢医病救世的恩主, 以缅怀大恩大德的圣徒。
那是个初夏方临的日子, • 我到泰巴旅店投宿歇息; • 怀着一颗虔诚的赤子心, • 我准备翌日出发去朝圣。 • 黄昏前后华灯初上时分, • 旅店院里涌入很多客人; • 二十九人来自各行各业, • 不期而遇都到旅店过夜。 • 这些香客人人虔心诚意, • 次日要骑马去坎特伯雷。 • 客房与马厩宽敞又洁净, • 店主的招待周到而殷勤。 • 夕阳刚从地平线上消失, • 众人同我已经相互结识; • 大家约好不等鸡鸣就起床, • 迎着熹微晨光赶早把路上。
可是在我叙述故事之前, • 让我占用诸位一点时间, • 依我之见似乎还很必要, • 把每人的情况作些介绍。 • 谈谈他们从事什么行业, • 社会地位属于哪个阶层, • 容貌衣着举止又是如何, • 那么我就先把骑士说说。 • 骑士的人品出众而且高尚, • 自从军以来就驰骋于疆场, • 待人彬彬有礼,大度而豪爽, • 珍惜荣誉节操和骑士风尚。 • 为君主效命创辉煌战绩, • 所到国家之远无人能比, • 转战于基督和异教之邦, • 因功勋卓著屡屡受表彰。 • 他攻打过亚历山大利亚; • 在普鲁士庆功宴上有他, • 这位佼佼者多次坐首席; • 从立陶宛直打到俄罗斯,
同级的骑士都大为逊色; • 攻克阿给西勒有他一个, • 还出征到过柏尔玛利亚; • 夺取烈亚斯和萨塔利亚; • 他还多次游弋于地中海, • 跟随登陆大军将敌战败。 • 十五次比武他大显身手, • 为捍卫信仰而浴血奋斗; • 在战场上三次杀死敌将, • 高贵的武士美名传四方。 • 他还侍奉过柏拉西亚国君, • 讨伐另一支土耳其异教军; • 没有一次不赢得最高荣誉, • 他骁勇善战,聪慧而不痴愚。 • 他温柔顺从像个大姑娘, • 一生无论是在什么地方, • 对谁也没有讲过半个脏字: • 堪称一个完美的真骑士。 • 他有一批俊美的千里马, • 但是他的衣着朴实无华; • 铠甲的底下是结实的布衣, • 上上下下到处是斑斑污迹。 • 他风尘仆仆刚从战场归来, • 片刻未休息就急忙去朝拜。
骑士的儿子跟随他左右, • 乃年纪虽轻却已经历尽风流。 • 外表看去大约二十上下, • 有一头好像烫过的秀发。 • 他的个子适中,不高也不低, • 他的动作敏捷,一身是力气。 • 有时他随骑兵远征法国, • 弗兰德斯等地他都到过。 • 服役时间虽短表现却不赖, • 希望得到贵妇对他的垂爱。 • 丝绣外衣漂亮得像草地, • 鲜花艳丽别有一番风姿。 • 从早到晚哼小曲吹口哨, • 宛如快乐的五月整天笑. • 由上至下衣合体巧打扮, • 恰是善骑的士兵英姿展。 • 能谱曲,会填词,才华横溢, • 善格斗,能舞蹈,书画全会。 • 欲火在他心中彻夜燃烧, • 同夜莺一样很少睡觉。 • 他谦虚有礼,手脚也勤快, • 在餐桌旁替父切肉上菜。
骑士身后跟着一名乡勇, • 他不愿要别的家仆伴从。 • 乡勇头戴绿帽身着绿衣, • 一张强劲的弯弓手中持; • 一袋孔雀翎箭尖利光亮, • 牢牢地系在他的腰带上; • 乡勇修整箭矢颇有功夫, • 翎羽顺直,箭不会落中途。 • 他的面如古铜,短发似圆盖, • 林中狩猎可算是个好人才。 • 一条臂上套着漂亮的护腕, • 身旁带着一面盾牌和宝剑, • 另侧是把锋利别致的短刀, • 圣徒小像挂胸前银光闪耀, • 一把小号吊在绿色肩带上, • 真像个护林人寻猎于林场。
还有个修女是院长嬷嬷, • 满面的笑容诚挚又温和。 • 她效法圣罗伊从不发誓, • 起了个芳名叫玫瑰女士。 • 礼拜式上唱颂歌动听优美, • 浑圆的鼻音平添一分韵味。 • 她的法语讲的高雅而流畅, • 但是带有很浓重的伦敦腔—— • 她是在斯特拉福学的法语, • 地道的巴黎法语不会半句。 • 餐桌规矩她可懂得很不少, • 从她口中一颗饭粒也不掉; • 手指不会伸进菜汤给沾湿, • 如何捏着面包她都很在意, • 不让一星半点渣子落胸前, • 她最讲究斯斯文文的用餐。 • 两片朱唇擦得干干净净, • 在口杯上不留一丝油迹; • 饮料喝完后再去拿食物, • 一举一动都文雅而不俗。
她的性格开朗,乐乐呵呵, • 谈吐又风趣,待人很温和。 • 学习宫廷礼节用心良苦, • 举止端庄稳重颇有风度。 • 她的行为值得大家仰慕, • 一幅善良心肠人人佩服。 • 仁慈宽厚还有恻隐之心, • 即使见到鼠儿落入陷阱, • 也会抽抽泣泣伤心落泪; • 她养了几只小狗亲自喂, • 每天都给面包牛奶烤肉; • 倘若有人用棍猛击小狗, • 或是爱犬死了她也要哭, • 真是个心软肠柔的妇女。 • 头巾叠了几褶大方得体, • 鼻子俊俏,眼珠似灰玻璃, • 樱桃般的小口殷红柔软, • 额头漂亮,一道皱纹不见, • 她的上额足足有一掌宽; • 确实她那并不矮的身段, • 穿上长袍看去十分雅致, • 一串珊瑚念珠套在左臂, • 绿色的大珠子夹在其间, • 一枚金质饰针挂在上面, • 镂刻着一个王冕装饰的A, • 下方镌刻着Amor vincit omnia。
5. Chaucer’s contributions to English Literature and Language • a. a master of realism • b. founder of English literary language • c. Chaucer’s English: London dialect • d. Father of English poetry : heroic couplet (The heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter heaving the lines rhyming in pairs. • e. the first occupant of the Poets’ Corner
Popular Ballads • 1. Definition: anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission. • 2. Classification of Popular Ballads • a. the reflection of the historical events • b. the reflection of myths and legends • c. the adaptation of some literary works. • Another classification: • a. border ballads: age-long struggle between Scots and English • b.the ballads of Robin Hood • c. the humorous ballads
the characteristics of Robin Hood • a. his hatred for the cruel oppressors and his love for the poor and down-trodden • b.strong, brave and clever • c.tender-hearted and affectionate for the poor and down-trodden • d.his pure love for Marian • e.his simple loyalty to the monarchy
4.Varieties of themes: • a. matters of class struggle • b.the border wars between England and Scotland • c.conflict between love and wealth • d.the cruel effect of jealousy and treachery • e.the struggle of young lovers against their feudal families • f.of humors • g.some about supernatural ghost and spirits
.The characteristic features of the popular ballads • a. the extensive use of dialogue • b. the refrain: • c. the ballad meter: It is the common form for the ballads. It contains four-line stanzas. The odd numbered lines have four feet each and the even numbered lines have three feet each. Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines. • d. the repetition of words or phrase The terms: • Epic:(史诗): it is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race. • Heroic couplet: • Alliteration: The repetition of the same consonant sounds or of different vowel sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables.