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The CBSS NGO Forum will actively work for and encourage:. 1. The recognition of NGO Forum as a consultative and cooperative partner to CBSS;. CBSS has been recognized as a consultative partner. The challenge: Formulate demands, cooperation, improvements and initiatives to CBSS.
1.The recognitionof NGO Forum as a consultative and cooperative partner to CBSS; CBSS has been recognized as a consultative partner. The challenge:Formulate demands, cooperation, improvements and initiatives to CBSS.
2. The obligationof the NGO Forum to follow the activitiesof CBSS, constructively and critically, asa Peoples’ Parliament; How to carry out the role as watchdog to CBSS? How to communicate and engage our NGO Network?
3.The cooperationof NGO’s in the Baltic Sea area and the abolition or facilitation of visa regulations for NGO activities; NGO Forum demand of the CBSS and their respective Governments to make it easier for the NGOs to cooperate across the boarder.
4.The concretisation of the contents of the EU Northern Dimension like the cooperation for the Southern Europe – especially for the NGO’s; CBSS NGO Forum must have a Network which follow Northern Dimension and formulate our ideas, demands and corrections. Northern Dimension should have budgetlines for NGO activities with the purpose to strengthen Democracy and the respect for Human Rights.
5.The strengtheningof the possibilities for the Russian Federation and it’s NGO’s, after the enlargement of EU, for participation in the integration process in European cooperation, especially in the Baltic Sea region and in cooperation with the Council of Baltic Sea States; “The Cold War” is over and Russia must be integrated in the European development as a equal partner. It is a challenge for EU - EU countries as well for Russia.
6.The establishment of an annual NGO Forum to be held in the country which has the Presidency of CBSS and the procurement of government financial support to the NGO’s securing a decent framework for the NGO Forum venue; We expect the Polish Government will support next years NGO Forum in Poland.
7.The realisation of the NGO Forum networks for Environment, Human Rights, NGO/ GO cooperation and Social Life for the exchange of experiences and cooperationbetween the annual NGO Forum venues; Each country must appointed a Network responsible representative.
8.The creation or continuation in each CBSS country of a Focal Point for the national NGO’s coordinating and strengthening NGO Forum nationally and at CBSS level; The National Focal Points are part of the democratization of the NGO’s.
9.The cooperation of the NGO Forum with Baltic Development Forum,the Council of CBSS, CBSS Parliamentarian Assembly and the respective national Governments; CBSS NGO Forum will take contact to the CBSS Parliamentarian Assembly for concrete cooperation.
CONCLUSIONS • CBSS NGO Forum will actively contribute tothe Democratization and respect for Human Rights in the CBSS countries. • Strong and outspoken NGOs are essential elements in each democracy. • NGO Forum 04 in Estonia, will guarantee further cooperation amongst the NGO’s and with CBSS, Parliamentarians and the respective Governments.