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Integration of a Teaching File System into a PACS Environment - Experiences from the User’s Perspective
Integration of a Teaching File System into a PACS Environment - Experiences from the User’s Perspective Y. Yang, G. Klos, C. Ahlers, P. Mildenberger Mainz, Germany 2008 ILIAS e-learninghttp://ww.e-learning.uni-mainz.de PACS workstation client computer Public MIRChttp://mirc.gesit.de "Mainz" - TCE Selector Tool Open source software development (University Mainz ) Connection between PACS and MIRC Serves as TCE-Export Selector to most Workstations • view and select images in PACS-Workstation • DICOM (e.g. SR and KO) send to TCE-Selector • GUI for categorization and some other contens • additional Funktionality: pseudo-/ anonymisation • processing DICOM contens • creating „additional teaching file information (ATFI) and TCE manifests • Transmission the DICOM-object together with ATFI and TCE manifests to MIRC IHE TCE Integration Profile IHE: Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise TCE: Teaching file and Clinical Study Export based on different DICOM definitions, esp. Structured Reporting (SR) and Key Objects (KO) Three actors for integration a teaching file: Export Selector: marking and coding images Export Manager: anonymize and process instances Receiver Actor: image archive and display Export Manager and Receiver provided with MIRC (RSNA) Export Selector is missing in most PACS-Solutions E-learning content Intranet Internet URL TCESelector Our TCE-Selector’s special Features Easy to use, streamlined workflow Provides graphical user interface to add additional contents (e.g. history, findings, abstract) for each teaching file Provides user interface to enter the RadLex tree for categorization Standardized terminology for efficient searching and retrieving Possibly in less than 5 min to create a new teaching file during reporting Image content ZIPSubmit Service Department MIRC MIRC Medical Image Resource Center Public teaching and reference database Taget Audiences ILIAS Open source University e-Learning Platform Provides infrastructure for courses and online teaching, e-Exams and Community features Superordinate educational concept ILIAS – MIRC Integration Merging complementary functionality MIRC adds advanced viewing functionality MIRC offers dedicated search and retrieval functions ILIAS povides organizational structure and additional interoperability features (e.g. SCORM) ILIAS adds community and communication features Students Self study Course materials Medical Scientists Reference database Continuing education Image repository for publications Research database Technicians Reference database Continuing education Troubleshooting Essential • Integrate MIRC with PACS using the „Mainz“ - TCE Selector Tool (open source software) • Create your teaching file with additional informations during reporting • Find what you are looking for, using RadLex and MIRC for search • Merge MIRC and ILIAS to bring advanced imaging features to an eLearing platform Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University of Mainz, Germany 2008 mirc@radiologie.klinik.uni-mainz.de