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Trace Minerals

Trace Minerals. Pages 36–39 in textbook. Trace Elements (Minerals). Needed in small amounts Found in plants and animals Content in plant foods depends on soil content (where plant was grown) They are difficult to quantify biochemically

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Trace Minerals

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  1. Trace Minerals Pages 36–39 in textbook

  2. Trace Elements (Minerals) • Needed in small amounts • Found in plants and animals • Content in plant foods depends on soil content (where plant was grown) • They are difficult to quantify biochemically • Bioavailability often influenced by other dietary factors (especially other minerals)

  3. Iron Sources • Plants • Leafy, green materials (especially legumes) • Seed coats • Animal sources • Meat and bone meal, meat meal, blood cells • Milk is a poor source of iron

  4. Iron • Iron exists in two oxidation states • Ferrous iron (+2 state) • Ferric iron (+3 state) • High affinity for oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur

  5. Iron Functions • Hemoglobin and myoglobin • Contain four and two iron molecules, respectively • 50% of iron in body is hemoglobin, 20% is myoglobin • Functions in oxygen transport • Only ferrous (+2) iron can reversibly bind oxygen • Redox processes • Fe2+, Fe3+ • Electron transfer chain • Component of many enzymes • Immune function • Brain function • Iron deficiency/toxicity thought to slow mental development in humans

  6. Iron Absorption • Primary regulator of iron homeostasis • Absorption varies between 1-50% • If body needs more iron, it increases amount of “transferrin” an iron-carrying protein (binds to ferric (+3) form of iron) • Iron can also be stored in another protein called “ferritin”

  7. Iron Absorption • Iron from animal sources (heme iron) much better absorbed than that from plant sources (non-heme iron) • Absorption of non-heme iron (plant sources) increased by: • Vitamin C • Meat in diet (MFP factor) • Citric acid and lactic acid from foods • HCl in the stomach • Sugars • Absorption is decreased by: • Phytates and fibers (grain products) • Polyphenols (tea, coffee) • Oxalates • Calcium and phosphorus in milk • Tannic acid • Other minerals (calcium, zinc)

  8. Iron Deficiency • Most common mineral deficiency worldwide • Anything that creates blood loss creates deficiency • Menstruation in primates • Gastrointestinal parasites or pathogens • Newborn and young animals easily deficient (piglets, veal calves, lambs) • Limited stores at birth (poor placental transfer) • Milk levels are very low, no soil contact (soil is iron source) • Rapid growth

  9. Iron Deficiency • Sow’s milk deficient in iron • Baby pigs injected with iron dextran • Symptoms • Anemia, poor growth • Pale skin, transparent ears • “Thumps” • Labored breathing • Enlarged heart • Diarrhea • Secondary symptom

  10. Iron Deficiency Anemia • Symptoms • Reduced number of red blood cells • Turnover of RBCs takes 60–90 days •  hemoglobin concentration of blood •  red blood cell size • Microcytic, hypochromic anemia • Cognitive problems, poor growth, decreased exercise tolerance • Iron deficiency and pica (geophagia) • Pica: craving for non-food substances (clay, paste, etc.) • Reduced resistance to infection; pale and itching skin; decreased cold tolerance

  11. Iron Toxicity • Iron overload known as hemochromotosis is caused by genetic disorder which increases iron absorption • Hemosiderosis: condition caused by long term over-consumption of iron resulting in large deposits of iron storage protein (hemosiderin) in liver and other tissues

  12. Copper (Cu) – Trace Mineral • Functions • Red blood cell formation • Required for iron absorption from small intestine • Required for transfer of iron from cells to plasma; oxidation of iron from ferrous to ferric state • Integral component of many enzymes (e.g., cytochrome oxidase) • Bone development • Structural integrity of collagen and elastin • Hair and wool pigmentation • Keratin formation in wool and hair • Stored in most tissues, especially liver

  13. Copper - Deficiency • Vitamin C interferes with absorption • Microcytic anemia • Cardiac and vascular disorders • Bone disorders (spontaneous fractures) • Depigmentation of hair or wool • Black sheep are sometimes kept as indicators of marginal Cu deficiency • Loss of wool crimp (“steely” wool) • Central nervous lesions with lack of muscular coordination

  14. Induced Copper Deficiency • Caused by relatively high levels of molybdenum and/or sulfur • Site of interaction is in the rumen • Formation of insoluble copper salts including sulfides and thiomolybdates • Net effect is decreased copper absorption

  15. Induced Copper Toxicity • Occurs with “normal” dietary levels of copper and “low” levels of molybdenum and sulfur • Copper accumulates in liver • Sheep are more susceptible than cattle or pigs

  16. Zinc (Zn) – Trace Mineral • Functions • Component of metalloenzymes • Includes DNA and RNA synthases • Synthesis of skin keratin and collagen

  17. Zinc (Zn) • Deficiency • Impaired reproduction, delayed puberty • Lesions of skin, disorders of hair, feathers, etc. • Parakeratosis • Growth retardation • Low insulin and high ammonia in blood • Low white blood cell count; susceptibility to infections • Anorexia • Night blindness

  18. Zinc (Zn) • Toxicity • Relatively non-toxic in excess • Anemia • Higher LDL and lower HDL levels • High white blood cell count • Renal failure

  19. Manganese (Mn) • Functions • Cofactor for enzyme systems • Synthesis of chondroitin sulfate in bone matrix • Deficiency • Defective bone formation • Perosis – slipped tendon • Poultry • Diet is adequate for most species

  20. Cobalt (Co) – Trace Mineral • Functions • Required only as a component of vitamin B12 • Ruminant animals require for microbes • Vitamin B12 is an essential cofactor for enzymes involved in: • Propionate metabolism • methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA • DNA synthesis • Bacterial synthesis of methionine • Deficiency • Mimics B12 deficiency in ruminants • Anemia • Emaciation

  21. Cobalt • In 1930s, a wasting disease was first associated with cobalt deficiency in plants and soils • Vitamin B12 was found to contain cobalt

  22. Cobalt and Vitamin B12 • Injection of cobalt-deficient sheep and cattle with vitamin B12 was as effective as feeding cobalt in curing the disease • Injection of cobalt has no effect • Microbial synthesis of vitamin B12 was the key!

  23. Cobalt Deficient Areas of the US

  24. Chromium • Involved in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism • Component of “glucose tolerance factor” when chelated with niacin and several amino acids • Increased insulin binding to receptor • Increased numbers of insulin receptors • Alleviates gestational diabetes in some cases • Established as an essential mineral in swine • However, requirement is not known • In the ppb range • Hard to show a deficiency

  25. Dietary Sources of Iodine • Seafoods • Milk/dairy products • Iodized salt

  26. Iodine • Iodine from foods is converted to iodide (ionic form) in the GI tract • Function • Essential component of thyroid hormones • Important for regulation of body temperature, basal metabolic rate, reproduction and growth • Regulation in body • Almost all is absorbed • Excess removed in urine

  27. Iodine Deficiency • The hypothalamus controls the production of thyroid hormones • Monitors thyroid stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary • When iodine deficiency occurs, thyroid hormone production decreases • Body responds to this by secreting more thyroid stimulating hormone • Eventually leads to the enlargement of the thyroid gland - simple goiter

  28. Iodine Deficiency • Decreased growth • Goiter (less severe) • Enlarged thyroid gland due to body’s attempt to increase thyroid hormone production • Cretinism (more severe) • Severe iodine deficiency during pregnancyserious problems in fetal development • Increased incidence of stillbirths & abortions • Stunted growth, deaf, mute, mentally retarded

  29. Iodine Deficiency • Certain foods from the cabbage family contain antithyroid substances, called goitrogens • Over-consumption of these foods also may cause hypothyroidism • Excessive intakes of iodine also may cause the enlargement of the thyroid gland

  30. Functions of Selenium • Component of glutathione peroxidase • Free radical scavenger that catalyzes removal of hydrogen peroxide from cell membranes • Interrelated with vitamin E • Can partially spare vitamin E (makes up for slight deficiencies) • Improves killing ability of neutrophils • Reduces the prevalence and severity of mastitis • Conversion of T4 (thyroxine) to T3 (4x more active) GSH + H2O2 GSSG + H2O GSH = reduced glutathione GSSG = oxidized glutathione

  31. Selenium - Deficiencies • Keshan disease is characterized by heart enlargement replacing the muscle tissue with fibrous tissues • White muscle disease in lambs and calves • Skeletal and cardiac myopathies • Exudative diathesis (hemorrhagic disease) in chicks • Liver necrosis • Concentration in feeds is soil dependent • Toxicity/deficiency related to geographic area

  32. White Muscle Disease • Results from a deficiency of selenium or vitamin E • Characterized by white streaks in striated muscle • Prevented by injection of vitamin E and selenium

  33. Selenium • Toxicity causes blind staggers or alkali disease • Range between minimum requirement and maximum tolerable level is narrow • Supplementation must be done with care • FDA regulations allow only two forms of inorganic selenium (sodium selenite and sodium selenate) to be used • 0.3 mg of supplemental selenium/kg of dietary DM is maximum

  34. Selenium Content of Soils

  35. Molybdenum (Mo) – Trace Mineral • Sources • Legumes, cereals, organ meats • Functions • Component of many metalloenzymes • Component of xanthine oxidase • Nucleic acid (purine) metabolism • Deficiency • Toxicity more common than deficiency • Induces copper deficiency

  36. Sources of Fluoride • Water • Natural • Fluoridated • The practice of fluoridation is questioned now because of risk of fluorosis (mottling) of teeth

  37. Fluoride • 99% of ingested fluoride is found in bones and teeth • Function • To promote mineralization of calcium and phosphate • Inhibits bacterial growth in mouthdecreases cavity formation • More toxin than dietary essential for animals • Not commonly supplemented • Cumulative poison

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