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New market and risk-based approaches for the regulation of the MSW sector in Portugal. António Lorena, PhD Candidate Sustainable Energy Systems MIT Portugal antonio.lorena@ist.utl.pt. Overview. Context Risks Outcomes Middle-out approach to planning Auction of landfill rights
New market and risk-based approaches for the regulation of the MSW sector in Portugal António Lorena, PhD Candidate SustainableEnergySystems MIT Portugal antonio.lorena@ist.utl.pt Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Overview • Context • Risks • Outcomes • Middle-out approach to planning • Auction of landfill rights • Taxing as a complementary tool Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Context • Most of the waste legislation is defined at the EU level. By 2020, • Preparation for reuse and recycling of >50% of MSW (Waste Framework Directive) • Reductionoflandfilldepositionofbiodegradable waste to <35% ofbiodegradable MSW produced in 1995 (LandfillDirective) • Portugal has struggled to meet EU targets and requirements. In the near future, this may limit access to specific funding schemes. Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Context • Financial constraints limit the capacity to improve service provision. In some cases, service provision will or has decreased. • The national regulator of waste services (ERSAR) estimates that the MSW is highly dependent of transfers from local and national government (~200 M€ of 600 M€ total costs of municipalities on waste services ). • Also, according to the SWOT analysisoftherecentlyproposedstrategicplan for MSW (PERSU), • Threats… Theconstraintsandlimitationsofthepublic sector (no publicinvestment, limitsonfinancingandindebtness, mandatoryreductionsonsupplies and services and humanresources) • Thereis a riskofestablishingunachieveble targets. Pastexperience shows thatthese financial constraintshaveblockedtheadoptionorcompliancewithnational targets. In thecurrentenvironment, theserisks are aggravated. source: www.correiodominho.pt source: www.dn.pt source: www.lisboasos.blogspot.pt Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Context • EmpresaGeral do Fomento is a public company that has >51% share in 12 regional companies. These 12 companies represent ~60% of the MSW management. • Privatization of EGF is currently taking place. To guarantee the new company is committed with national planning, concession contracts are being established. • EU target definition is usually for 10-15 years. How to match >20 year concessions with 10-15 planning horizons? • Thereis a riskofnothavingthenecessarytools to enforcenationalplanning to thebottomlineofEGF’snewshareholders. Multimunicipais Intermunicipais Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Context • The economic regulation of waste services is guaranteed by ERSAR. • The previous regulatory framework can be classified as price-cap and sunshine type regulation. However, due to the constitutional principle of autonomy of municipalities, only regional utilities where EGF is a shareholder were subject to regulation. • The new regulatory framework focuses more on efficiency and establishes a revenue cap system. ERSAR still does not regulate regional utilities where EGF is not shareholder, but can verify if these are following the predetermined rules for tariffs. • However, in any case, the regulation is hardly risk-oriented • It does only consider if prices are sufficient for economic sustainability • It does not consider deviations from investment plans Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Risks • R1Portugal has struggled to meet EU targets and requirements. In the near future, this may limit access to funding schemes. • R2 Thereis a riskofestablishingunachieveble targets. Pastexperience shows thatthese financial constraintshaveblockedtheadoptionorcompliancewithnational targets. • R3 Thereis a riskofnothavingthenecessarytools to enforcenationalplanning to thebottomlineofEGF’snewshareholders. • Despitetheseandotherrisks, theexistingregulatoryand management framework does not take intoaccountrisks. Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Outcomes • Non-compliance with national-level policy (ENRRUBDA, PERSU II, etc.) Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Outcomes • Non-compliance with national-level policy (ENRRUBDA, PERSU II, etc.) source: APA, 2012 source: APA, 2010 Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Outcomes • Non-compliance with national-level policy (ENRRUBDA, PERSU II, etc.) • Country at two very different paces (performance and costs) Tariffschargedby regional utilities source: ERSAR, 2013 Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Outcomes • Non-compliance with national-level policy (ENRRUBDA, PERSU II, etc.) • Country at two very different paces (performance and costs) • New approaches / tools are required to reduce these risks! Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Middle-out approach to planning • Middle-out approach: national strategic plans should result from well informed regional level action plans • The role of the national-level institutions are • To define the Vision • To establishing the regulatory framework (economic instruments, emission levels, price, among others) • Advantages of the middle-out approach • Avoids prescriptive measures, i.e. it does not impose technical solutions that may not be feasible or cost-effective. • Takes into account usually the best information available • Reinforces the accountability of regional utilities Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Auctionoflandfillrights • Market-based approaches can guarantee efficient solutions (i.e. at the lowest possible cost) by making use of the best information possible. • A auction system for landfill rights is proposed. • Total amount of allowed landfill deposition is defined at the planning process. • Total amount is divided in parcels, each parcel is auctioned through multiunit sealed-bid system. Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Auctionoflandfillrights • The system is being tested through agent-based modelling. • Each company has its marginal abatement cost function, and knows how much landfill rights have been already sold and how much rights each competitor has. • The bidding price and quantity for each regional utility for each time step is a probability function of urgence, the highest value of the marginal abatement cost and a predetermined lower limit to bid. Highestbidswinuntilthe total amountofthe parcel isattributed Regional Utility #1 bid(p1,q1) … Repeatuntilallparcels are allocated Regional Utility#n bid(pn,qn) Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Auctionoflandfillrights Average global price for landfillrights(Monte Carlos analysis, n=1000) Price (€/ t) Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Auctionoflandfillrights Averageprice for each regional utility(Monte Carlos analysis, n=1000) Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Taxing as a complementary tool • As most EU countries, Portugal has a landfill tax. • By design, the Portuguese Landfill Tax (TGR) aims to • Cover administrative costs to oversee the waste activities (mainly to the national environment agency APA) • Promote the objectives defined in the Waste Framework Directive (e.g waste hierarchy) • By design, it should be transferred to the waste producers (final users) through municipal tariff systems • The TGR should also be used as a collar for the auctioning: establish the upper limit and thus the incentive to keep landfill deposition to the acquired rights. Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting
Scenarios & Forecasting ImpactAssessmentwith IO analysis Benchmarking models (DEA…) THANK YOU!AcknowledgementsTheauthorwouldlike to acknowledge FCT for the financial supportby Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia ( SFRH / BD / 51134 / 2010 ). Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting